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AE Creative Team | Week in the Life™ Revisited

Happy Friday everyone! 

On Monday next week we'll be previewing the new Week In The Life™ products here on my blog as we get ready for the launch on Wednesday, March 20th at 7am PDT/10am EDT. I'll be documenting my week this year starting on May 6th. 

Today we thought it would be fun to invite our Creative Team to share their reflections on this project. We are delighted to bring you some of their favorite layouts, stories, and memories from past years. 

Amy Gretchen

Week in the Life is all about gratitude. I participate every year as a way to see my life fully. 

It’s super easy for me to get caught up in the day to day that I stop noticing the pieces that bring me joy, and documenting has a way of showing me all the good. Of course, there are struggles along the way, and I’ve had my share of it as I’ve documented WITL, but choosing to capture life through the lens of gratitude always helps me appreciate the ups and down and remember we are in it together.

My favorite things to look for and capture are relationships. I love to see how they evolve over time. I love to document what I hear throughout the week. What my family says ends up being one of my favorite parts of my album. I love to witness the growth from year to year whether it be my girl’s physical growth or our interests or our mental/emotional growth. So much learning happens in 365 days it’s awesome to see our choices in action. Really look forward to another chance to document a week of our life and see what this year brings.

Brandi Kincaid

It’s easier to remember the big things, the milestones that thump you in the forehead, but it’s recording the everyday routines that make the Week in the Life project so important to me.

This will be my fifth year participating with this project and creating an album, and every one that’s come before has told the story of a life so very much the same and different from the one before that I wouldn’t have believed it if not for these pages.

I love using repetition as a lens for my week so that I can enjoy the process of living and telling about my days without getting overwhelmed.

These pages remind me that the days I thought were so tough were also full of light, and that no life is too small, or too simple, or too “boring” to capture, and in turn, realize you love.

Jenny Theriault

This will be my 7thy ear participating in WITL. I completed an album in 2010 and then not again until 2014 though 2018. 

This project is definitely a commitment – a commitment to paying attention, looking for the stories, documenting those stories and photos; lots and lots of photos. 

Life has certainly changed, so much, since 2010 when I first completed this project and it brings me so much joy to look back on that time in my life (married, but no children) and see how we spent our days. I find it really interesting to see the things I chose to pay attention to and the stories I told.

Some of those are ones I keep telling year after year, and some are totally different. I love that.  

One of my favourite parts of week in the life is the opportunity to capture life through photos in a focused way that I don’t normally do. Every year without fail some of my most cherished and treasured photos are the result of this project and if there was no other value in this project that alone would be enough for me.

Laura Wonsik

Week in the Life is one of my favorite projects because it affords me the opportunity to celebrate all of the pieces of my life within a week. The good, the bad, the mundane, the magical.

I am intentional about including both me and my husband and our routines, rather than my usual habit of focusing mostly on our daughter. 

I love seeing how things change over time….

and how they stay the same.

I love allowing myself to capture moments that are not always pretty.

When I am actively engaged in this project, I find that I wake up. I am more aware, more mindful and more grateful as I pay close attention to the details of my life, looking deeply into my routines and seeing every moment as one to be celebrated and documented.

Lisa Varshine

This year will be my third year participating in Week in the Life and I love it. 

With two small children, I feel like my days can go by in a blur. 

They all blend together and, honestly, some days I feel like Iʼm Bill Murray in Groundhogʼs Day. But, going back through my WITL albums shows me how much has changed.

It makes me grateful for the small everyday moments that I tend to overlook. 

It even helps me to smile and appreciate the stages that felt like torture, at the time.

Morgan Beal

Week in the Life is one of my favorite memory keeping projects! This project takes a deep dive into one week of your life, capturing everyday moments, routines, patterns, work life, home life, and everything in between. 

This will be my sixth year participating in the project and I have varied the documentation style with some years integrating it into my project life or creating separate 6x8 or 3x8 albums. I’m looking forward to documenting this year’s Week in the Life adventures with you!

A big thank you to our Creative Team for sharing their Week In The Life™ memories with us! We would also love for you to share some of your reflections either in the comments below or on Instagram using the tag #weekinthelife_revisited!

Hope you all have a great weekend!

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4 thoughts

  1. ktber says…

    These are so beautiful. Not just the visuals, but the content and the lens. Seeing this collection really packs an emotional punch. Great post.

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  2. kelsterjean says…

    Thank you for sharing all of these! It’s so cool seeing everyone’s different perspectives. This is by far my FAV project ever and I can’t wait to participate this year.

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  3. Openapkfile says…
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