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Week In The Life™ 2019 | Wednesday Words + Photos

Wednesday found us with the boys having a no-school day (teacher walkouts for education funding) and the girls having school (one is at a charter school and the other goes to a Catholic school). The boys were happy and the girls were mildly bummed out but nothing major. 

Throughout the day today I tried to actively think about the things I'm working on in my life, my business, my family, etc. It's an interesting lens to use as you go about your day and it definitely helped me see some things I might have missed or simply made me more aware of them. 

I took fewer photos today and I'm okay with that. Again, I'm not trying to capture every single detail each day but rather use my camera as a vehicle to identify stories that are happening in our real lives right now. 

Enjoy the process. No stress. Pick up your camera and see what you can see and what you can learn about yourself and your life in the process. 

Here's a look at our Wednesday: 

I'm working on really actively listening to Simon when he’s telling me a story. This morning it was about a scene from the Cat In The Hat movie. He recounts stories with such enthusiasm. Later in the day he read me a number of pages from the Stars Wars book he was reading. It's one of the ways he likes to connect. 

I drove Anna to school/Mass this morning and noticed that I'm working on memorizing the Hamilton soundtrack. 

I am working on gratitude for things big and small. Last year I grew a bunch of sweet peas and this year I just didn’t make it happen in time (according to the lady at my local garden center at least when I asked if they had any starts). This one grew up out of the pot I had a bunch in last year so I am treasuring just having a few blooms. Adore these.

I'm always working on celebrating this guy. 

It's one of the easiest things I do. 

I'm working on letting Katie be the boss of me. Actually I've been working on that for a long time and our working rhythm right is really good. 

She comes over to the office once or twice a week and does the rest of her work from her house. 

We are working on planning a bunch of different projects and products right now. We've always got something we are working on around here. 

After we finished up the meeting I drove Simon over for one of his Driver's Ed practice drives (he's working on getting his license) and then came back and Katie and I worked together for a bit longer. 

She's working on growing a baby that will be coming soon. 

Isaac is working on learning more about computers which happens to be one of Aaron's areas of expertise. 

We are always working on accepting and embracing and encouraging each one of us for who we are right now. 

I'm working on getting myself outside during the day for morning reading or lunch. Today it was lunch (leftovers from last night). 

I'm always working on noticing and paying attention. This shadow caught my eye today. 

I'm working on a video sharing a flip through of a couple of my 6x8 albums and did the filming and editing today. I'll be sharing that in the next few weeks. 

I'm working on learning how to use Procreate with my iPad and Apple Pencil vs. scanning things in like I've done in the past. 

We are all working on our game faces. 

After I picked Anna up from school we went home and picked up Simon and Issac and headed to the movies to see Shazam. 

We all thought it was enjoyable. Popcorn for dinner is usually fun. 

Aaron's working on getting our bike tires pumped up. 

The McKercher kids are with their Mom tonight so Anna, Simon and I went on a bike ride to the park where Anna played on the equipment while Simon and I read our books. 

She's working on building calluses while swinging on the monkey bars. 

We rode back a little after 8pm and then started the process of getting ready for bed. Aaron is doing music tonight (which means he stays up super late and sleeps in the music room) so I'm looking forward to reading a bit more before falling asleep. 

My initial theme for tomorrow is "tough stuff." I'm going to explore that a bit and take a look at some of the challenges happening around here currently (there's always something) and see what I can see. 

Thank you for being a part of this storytelling community and for valuing your story. 

You are invited to share a link to your Wednesday words + photos in the comments below.

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16 thoughts

  1. CarolineMcD says…

    Always loving your daily updates! Sharing my Wednesday here it was a real tough stuff day for me.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. fannyathome says…

    Hello! I loved your Wednesday! Here's mine:

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. cornybeard says…

    Sweet peas! I never get those seeds in the ground and every summer I talk about growing them next year. That's something I need to work on for sure. Here's my Wednesday:

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Juljul13 says…

      Cornybeard, I had to look at your pages because of you name here. What is a "cornybeard" I asked myself? I expected a bearded man eating corn on the cob but instead it's your beautiful face and story.

      Happy birthday to you and looks like the light gig was worth going out for.

  4. jamie59 says…

    I love this theme. I cant remember if I saw it on the blog or on IG, but you had printed off a weekly calendar for your album. Where did you get it from?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      From iCal.

  5. kccrow says…

    After I finished writing up my Wednesday, I read through your post and realized that so much of what I documented could have easily been turned more introspective in terms of "what I'm working on..." I don't have the time to change it all now but I do think that this project is helping me to "see" and think about things in my life a little differently. Thank you!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Awesome :).

  6. helenhigh says…

    I have found that the Hamilton soundtrack fell on my ears and into my heart. I love every single song and found that I had memorized most of it without even trying. . .look around, look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now! So thankful you provided a freebie for that one!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Juljul13 says…

      Helenhigh, "fell on my ears and into my heart" So poetic.

  7. msjoy says…

    Congratulations, Katie!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. macarlisle says…

    Enjoying all of your stories this week! Where did you purchase the colorful box on your desk next to the glass bottle? So loving the colors!!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      That's the Boss Up Box from Lindsay Teague Moreno:

  9. bearcatlady03 says…

    Loved your Wednesday photos, my favorite was of you outside reading in the sunshine! Here is my Wednesday:

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. JNeufeld says…
    Reply 0 Replies
  11. agnes_and_co says…

    coucou cathy ... be care of you and your baby
    my wednesday ... always in France. a day for working on .... as ali

    Reply 0 Replies

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