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One Little Word® Ten | Workshop Updates + Guest Instructors

The  One Little Word® workshop is celebrating 10 years in 2021. 

In 2006 I began a tradition of choosing one word for myself each January – a word that I can focus on, meditate on, and reflect upon as I go about my daily life. My words have included play, peace, vitality, nurture, story, light, up, open, thrive, give, whole, connect, space, habit, and less. These words have each become a part of my life in one way or another and all are threads that help weave together the story of my life. They’ve been imbedded into who I am, and into who I’m becoming. They’ve been what I’ve needed and what I didn’t know I needed. They’ve helped me to breathe deeper, to see clearer, and to grow.

In 2011 I offered my first year-long One Little Word® workshop in an attempt to help me stay in touch with my word and make it more visible in my daily life. It worked. I've been more connected to my words these past few years because of the specific actions and reflections I've put together for the workshop. For the last 120 consecutive months I've presented a monthly prompt that invites our One Little Word® community to reconnect with their chosen word of the year in an online classroom environment.

In one of  Brené Brown's recent podcast episodes she mentioned something that really resonated with me, especially as I thought through including Guest Instructors this year: I want to be a learner rather than the knower. Not only do I want to be that, I need to be that because that's how I grow. That's how we all grow. 

To celebrate 10 years we are making some changes to the 12-month workshop, including welcoming eight women as guest instructors. These are all women I admire for one reason or another and are all women who believe in the power of words to make a difference in our lives. Each one of them brings something unique to the community through their creative pursuits and through their lived experiences and I am so excited to learn from them this year. 

These women will lead the presentation of many of the prompts, with the exception of January, June, August + December (I will lead those). In addition to the monthly prompt there will also be a live chat each month featuring a conversation between the Guest Instructor and myself talking about the prompt and our experiences with our word. I'm super excited about bringing this to the monthly content - we can learn so much from each other through the process of unscripted conversation. 

I will be here, working right alongside you as always, as we make our way through the year with our words. I'll also share my own take on the prompts each month. 

I don't know if I can adequately express how excited I am to be bringing in these other voices. I feel so much gratitude to those of you who have kept showing up to this project year after year. I know change can be a challenge and I appreciate you trusting that this will be a change for the good. 

Things to expect in 2021:

  • Guest instructors who will bring their own unique voices to the monthly prompts. Some prompts will be similar to year's past and others will be new. I picked instructors specifically based on their own areas of passion/interest and I'm empowering all of them to share their own experiences + create their own prompts if that makes sense for them. 
  • A live monthly conversation where the Guest Instructor and I will talk about the prompt, how it's going with their word, and take questions from the community. All chats will be recorded + shared in the classroom. The day/time for these conversations will be determined later. 
  • A private Facebook group for community + conversation + connection.
  • A weekly thought-filled Monday email message from either Ali or the Guest Instructors. 
  • Monthly PDF handout + process videos that outline the prompt each month and dive deeper into a way that specific way to connect with your word. 
  • One Little Word® Digital Main Kit (available upon registration in the classroom). Value $14.49. 
  • A wonderful, wholehearted passionate community of people living with their own word right alongside you.

For less than $4 per month you can join us in this 10th anniversary documenting adventure. The early bird workshop price will be $45 and after January 1, 2021 it will be $50 for 12 months of content related to making your word visible in your life. 

Maybe you've participated one or more times in the last ten years. Maybe this is your first year. Either way, consider yourself invited to dive in to choosing + living with + documenting life with One Little Word® Ten in 2021. Registration opens on Wednesday, December 16th at 9am Pacific. 

The One Little Word® workshop also makes a really nice "experience" gift. You can select that option on the shop page. 

Remember: You are powerful, beautiful, brilliant, and brave. 


I am so excited to introduce you to this year's guest instructors. 


Azzari Jarrett is a photographer and designer who is inspired by simple, everyday moments. You can usually find her chasing natural light with one too many (film) cameras. She enjoys a good morning run, a daily cup of coffee, and evenings on the beach. She lives with her husband and three daughters on the North Carolina Coast.

Connect with Azzari: 


Pam Garrison is an artist and instructor known for her passion for creativity. She teaches in private studios and art retreats around the world, as well as online platforms like Creativebug. She’s been an avid art journaler for over 20 years, paints daily, and is always making or crafting something. Inspiring, instructing and making creative expression accessible to others is one of her favorite things to do. Pam lives in Southern California and shares her creative pursuits on Instagram @pamgarrison.

Connect with Pam: 


Victoria Calvin is the owner and creative director at Victoria Marie Designs, where she creates and teaches onlines scrapbooking classes, hosts annual scrapbook retreats, and creates video content on YouTube. Victoria also hosts several online scrapbooking groups on Facebook, posts daily content on Instagram, and creates exclusive videos and mini classes for her Patreon membership community.  Victoria has served on a number of design teams to include American Crafts, Felicity Jane, Hip Kit Club, Tonic Studios USA, and Catherine Pooler Designs, in addition to guest designing for Freckled Fawn, Gina K Designs, Close to My Heart, and Citrus Twist. Additionally, she has been a featured guest on the Craft the Life You Live Podcast with Amy Tangerine and the Simple Scrapper Podcast. Victoria believes that scrapbooking is both an art form and a vessel through which our stories are given life through words and photos! 

Connect with Victoria:


Lucrecer Braxton is building the kind of world she wants to live in. An award-winning photographer and digital marketing and content strategist, she has been honoured by many distinguished organizations in Cincinnati, OH, where she currently resides. Lucrecer was named one of AdWeek’s Brand Stars of Cincinnati in 2019, in 2018, TEDxCincinnatiWomen heralded her as one of their “Extraordinary Honorees,” and she is the current City Champion for Together Digital Cincinnati. Led by the belief that her work extends far beyond herself, Lucrecer is consistently recognized as a champion for community-building, the advancement of Black women in digital media, and a steadfast commitment to growth.

Fueled by her passion for houseplants and helping people, Lucrecer has brought together a community of nearly 20K plant lovers, of all skill levels, at her SoulSista Plants Instagram account. Offering plant consulting and styling, in addition to hosting a weekly live show, HELLA PLANTS, her followers have come to not only trust her impressive knowledge and experience, but have fostered friendships amongst each other and with her—a testament to her personal ethos, “I know that community starts with me. When I think of the kind of world I want to leave behind for my kids, I ask myself ‘how can I start building that world right now, right here?’ and I let that guide me.”

Connect with Lucrecer: 


Robyn Conley Downs is a mama, speaker, podcaster, and author of  The Feel Good Effect: Reclaim Your Wellness By Creating Small Shifts That Create Big Change. Holding a Master’s degree in education with an emphasis in behavior change, and 4 years of public policy & health change at the doctoral level, her work taps into cutting edge science around psychology, neuroscience, mindfulness, and habits. Recently named one of the Most Influential Women in Wellness, she believes that small shifts in thinking and action create big change in life. She lives in Portland, Oregon, with her husband, Andrew, and their daughter Elle.

Connect with Robin: 


Felicitas is a German graphic designer, former stamp shop owner and memory keeper for over ten years. While she documents her own life’s story in photos and paper, she also strongly believes in educating and therefore empowering people to tell their own stories. She shares papercrafting tutorials, tips and techniques, modern ways to document everyday life and her adventures in mixed media & watercoloring.

Connect with Felicitas: 


Liz Lamoreux teaches creative and mindful practices to help navigate The And Space - the place where we hold beauty and grit and honor everything in between. She uses poetry, photography, and art journaling to tell her stories, and if you spend a little time with her, you’ll probably end up writing a poem. Most days you can find her creating in her journals, making jewelry and other reminders to help us keep showing up, or singing along to Hamilton with her kid. 

Connect with Liz: 


Krystal is 32 lives in Michigan with my husband, two kids, and two cats. Her absolute favorite type of scrapbooking is the hybrid approach… but really, she dabbles in all the styles. While her memory keeping style is ever evolving… what remains the same is her love and passion for storytelling and documenting our lives. She truly believes there is a power in telling our stories and leaving behind our love and memories as our legacy. She hopes to connect and share stories together.

Connect with Krystal: 


In 2018 I recored a video walkthrough of my One Little Word® albums spanning 2011 through 2017 and I wanted to share it again today in case you are new to this project and are wondering what a One Little Word® album might look like. Keep in mind that a wide variety of people participate in this workshop, many of whom would never consider themselves scrapbookers but who resonate with the idea of making their word visible through documentation and participating in a workshop that encourages + supports that experience. 

Some people just listen to the prompts each month and others work in a notebook and others use products from their stash and others print out the digital version of the kit and others follow along as close as possible to what I do in my album. All those approaches are welcome here. My hope in sharing this video is to simply give you an idea of what my own personal albums look like year after year and invite you to join our community. 

As always, thank you for being a part of this community. 

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32 thoughts

  1. deedee58 says…

    Sounds exciting and I can’t wait. I think ‘learn’ is going to be my word for 2021.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. PeggyL96 says…

      I was just thinking the same thing as I read this.

  2. ScrappinMyHeartOut says…

    I'm so excited to join the wonderful OLW group again!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. ximena says…

    Hi, Ali! I have a question: even though you wouldn't "lead" 8 of the 12 months, would you still share your own monthly work in a video? I've always been inspired by the way you incorporate the prompts into your own process.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I will definitely be sharing - either through video or as an add on. I'm not sure if this will happen at the beginning of the month or sometime later in the month. Still working out some of those details.

  4. meegs says…

    One Little Word is my favorite project each year- I am excited to experience it again this year with new voices!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. hnoel says…

    Wow! Very excited for this change and the new perspectives. Congrats on the 10 year milestone.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Maddi2412 says…

    Hello Ali!
    I am already looking forward to your workshop and the guest instructors! I wish everyone a wonderful holiday season, have fun documenting and stay healthy!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. MelindaH says…

    This is going to be such a great year. So excited to connect with my word and all the guest instructors. So excited to see some of my favorite people in that grid of fantastic women. Yay for adding new voices and embracing the learning and growing. Thank you, Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. vietmom3 says…

    When does the main kit go on sale?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Tomorrow (Wednesday) December 16th at 9am Pacific.

  9. Nicolekarenschuster says…

    I am LOVING this line up!!! So very very very excited to learn from all of these amazing women!!! Kind of fan-girling a little bit!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Jeannew says…

    Wow! What a wonderful group to learn and grow with!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Seamiller says…

    This so exciting, I love the line up of instructors and can’t wait to learn what they bring forth. I do have a technical question and just let me know if I should address it elsewhere. We are moving temporarily on 12/31, is it likely the Main Kit will be delivered in US before that date, I know international orders take precedent(👏). If not I’ll edit my address before I place my order. Thanks again Ail💕

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi! That would be a question for my Customer Service team!

  12. JeanneMurawski says…

    What great instructors! I’m looking forward to learning and trying some new things this year. That video was such a trip down memory lane...this will be my 10th year participating, and I’m grateful for this class and all I’ve experienced in that time.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Laurie_Anne says…

    Ali, is there any chance you will sell the index pages (month) separately from the binder?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I think no, but am checking with the team.

  14. Lee_Currie says…

    What a tremendous group - and a great way to grow in a new exciting direction! I'm looking forward to being a part of this community again. Happy December. See you in 2021 for my BRAVE new year :) xoL

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. clwil says…

    Thanks for the update Ali, I can sense how excited you are about the change and I'm trying to stay open minded! I loved the simplicity of the way its been run in previous years and loved the fact that it was pretty much the same year on year but I'll give this a go and see what happens!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thank you! I'm really looking forward to changing things up this year. We will still strive for simplicity in the prompts!

  16. deigalynn says…

    Are you offering the acrylic word this year?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi! We are not offering them this year. We recommend Colleen Attara: (there's more information about this on this post:

  17. ElanaAW says…

    Looks so, so, so good! Can't wait! Woohoo go year 10! (It's only my 4th, but I'm here for it!) This post reminded me to buy Robyn's book -- I really liked the class y'all did together. I've also gone in to follow all the guest teachers on Insta, at least those I wasn't already following. I had already made my yearly order from Soul Mantras!! Now I'm more impatient to receive it, as Liz's creations are a part of my OLW journey each year, and now Liz will be teaching a month!! I "hang" with Krystal regularly via her YouTube lives and Scrappy Sisters events. If the rest of the guest teachers are as amazing as the ones I already know, this is going to be one FREAKING AMAZING YEAR!!! LOVE. IT.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Michelle06 says…

    My word CLEAR in 2020 was perfect!
    Cleared out toxic people, declutteted my entire home and office, lost a bunch of weight, got fitter, CLEAR has been so good... cannot wait for this version of OLW in 2021. Clear is going to be a hard act to follow!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Oh, so much good stuff there.

  19. Juliannph says…

    I was thinking of taking a year off but what an amazing group of makers - this looks like so much fun!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. kated68 says…

    This looks like an amazing experience! Will the prompts be similar to the ones from the past couple of years, or are they changing with the new format?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi! It will be a mix - some of the prompts will be the same (Jan, June, + December for sure - those are the core ones) and others may be similar to past ones with the Guest Instructors bringing in their own life experience to the prompt mix.

  21. ScrappinMyHeartOut says…

    Can't wait to choose a new word (still deciding) and be part of this awesome community again! Thank you Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. emma_cwn says…

    Congratulation Ali for ten years of this amazing workshop! I have been with you for 8 of them and have chosen a word for 9. And congratulations to all of your collaborators! I can not wait to see what you all have in store for us this year.

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Suzfllip says…

    Just want to say that I have tried to shut out the noise of the last few days to give myself the chance to absorb the possibilities of this new adventure. In a world of informational overload, sometimes “more” on top of the familiar can be unsettling (especially when simplify, minimalist, less seem to be the buzzwords these days).

    I have always been a knowledge junkie and could easily have spent my life being a professional student. I always said my desert island book would be a dictionary because I could spend decades having nothing else but that to read and learn. I love research and Google was like the greatest tool ever invented. However, lately, with literally everyone able to publish their opinions, I spend more time fact-checking than learning. I became very protective of the few sources I could implicitly trust.

    Which brings me to December Daily and OLW. The plethora of creative sites accessible to me became overwhelming, and I narrowed myself to just a few artists whose work inspired me and who created things I wanted to emulate. I was mindful to stay realistic and not force myself into a cult of personality corner with those artists. That isn’t fair to them and certain to disappoint followers if the object of their adoration chose to step out of the idolatry circle they didn’t even draw.

    I admire Ali Edwards, the artist, and enjoy being inspired by her style and designs. I like following her stories and they make me want to tell my own. Personally, I appreciate that someone whose work and approach I admire has decided to take the time to share with me her curated list of people who inspire her. No one person can (or should) be all things to all people. I am choosing to be open to hearing from the other artists in the line-up, some of whom I am excited to be introduced to because I see they share my worldview and others I never heard of but am curious to find out what about their work caught Ali’s interest.

    I would never discount those who are startled by the changes because fears and anxiety are real struggles for me as well. I just share my thoughts to throw into the mix for another way to think about the new approach.

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