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One Little Word® | A Conversation with The Team

Last week Ali and our #onelittleword team came together for a conversation about how they go about choosing a word for the year and how that impacts their choice for 2023. It's a wholehearted dialog that we hope will encourage you + help you as you consider a word that is your own to live with in 2023. We are sharing this video here and in both the 2022 + 2023 classrooms. 

A big thank you to our team @lucrecer, @lizelayne, @felicitasmayer, @krystal_idunate, @victoriamariescraps, and @azzarijarrett for sharing of themselves.

Our year-long One Little Word® workshop is open for registration now. Sign up before 12/31 and receive $5 off. Learn more here

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5 thoughts

  1. jambajuice57 says…

    I have been participating in OLW for a decade. This conversation is truly a treasure and worth your time, even if you’ve already chosen your word and even if you’ve done the project for many years. The wholehearted sharing by each of these very unique women was such a gift. Their personalities are so different and yet they interact with one another in such a loving, supportive and engaging manner that you can feel the relationship they’ve developed while working as a team to present OLW these past few years. I want to offer a specific shout out to Azzari. Her process for choosing a word immediately resonated with me and within a few hours of listening to the presentation I had resolved my mind block and am so excited about my word (and some anchor words, thanks to Lu!). Thanks for letting us be present for your conversation, and I am looking forward to the mid-year check-in!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. azzari says…

      Thank you so much for those kind words! I love the bond we are forming as a OLW team and I am so glad that is evident in this video. And this is why I continue to share - you never know who you might inspire! Can’t wait for OLW 2023 and so glad you are joining us.

  2. ScrappinMyHeartOut says…

    I haven't listened to this conversation yet, but I have no doubt it will be another jewel!! I echo what jambajuice57 commented - this class has been really meaningful for me and it's one of the most enjoyable connected communities I've been part of! Thank you all, looking forward to 2023 - I've chosen the word breathe!

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  3. lindsayvictoriajohnson says…

    I loved this conversation so much!! My 2022 word is reclaim and I have been thinking about how I don’t feel done with it…..or maybe more accurately I have the feeling that it’s not done with me. Reclaim is my 15th word, some are long forgotten and some I continue to carry with me, but this one I’m so hesitant to let go that I considered keeping it for another year. Listening to this conversation made me realize I don’t need to keep it, I need to build upon it. Adding reclaim to my 2023 options helps me to think about it in a whole new light.

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  4. Rebeccaseaman says…

    One of my favourites! Thank you

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