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The Lens Of Story

In this week's  Craft The Story video series (Episode 07) I'm talking all about something that I feel has really made a difference in my life and in my documenting: the lens of story

The lens of story is my primary life lens. It impacts how I pay attention to my life and it impacts that stories I choose to tell in my memory keeping adventures. It helps me understand my role as a narrator who is living through chapters with a wide variety of other characters who come in and out of my story. 

Let's dive right in: 



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8 thoughts

  1. swimfin says…

    A couple of the Creative team members in their KISS presentations this week mentioned story lens and I thought the video today was a perfect accompaniment to the whole Keep It Simple Week. I am really enjoying these new changes!

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  2. jkbroyles says…

    Thank you. Simply put, you speak to me. Thank you.

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  3. starrsstripes says…

    Loved this video, Ali! Made me think about my mom and our relationship, and how her voice (things she has said to me through the years) has become part of my inner voice. I was searching recently in my email for a recipe from her, and found the recipe in an email she sent in 2008 that included so many other cool details (new baby just born to my cousin, my mom and dad planning a motorcycle weekend trip, etc). I want to print it and turn that into a story too. <3

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  4. Mel_12 says…

    Been scrapbooking and following you for a looong time but this is always a welcome reminder. Loving this Craft the Story weekly content. Thanks.

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  5. Roycyn70 says…

    I have to say that I am loving the weekly Craft the Story segments and more recently the KISS presentations. I love how it is making me focus more on the story of our lives and what is important. I have always believed that an image told a story but now I'm reflecting more on my thoughts and feelings that go with that image or not even including an image with my stories. And, I'm loving it. I find it very satisfying. With the KISS ideas, I love the inspiration on how to get my stories told in a simple yet creative way. Thank you Ali Edwards and your entire team for all the inspiration!

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  6. dpowersfabian says…

    I'm sure, Ali, you don't share all of your documented stories publicly, or do you? We all have stories of grief and loss...and what I know about these hard journeys as that expression is part of healing. Do you document these things and if so, how do you?

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  7. daslebenistbunt says…

    Love this weeks Video! Thanks so much!

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  8. elizabethj says…

    Awesome , Ali.

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