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Quarterly Scrapbook Kit Show + Share | Special Guest Denine Zielinski

This week we're wrapping up our Go Scrapbook Kit Show + Share. Today we have a fantastic post from Denine. This post was meant to be shared during our planning week. We absolutely love her ideas and hope you get as much as we have from her post. As always, thank you for your understanding! 

Hi friends! I’m excited to be back here once again on the Ali Edwards blog to share some ideas for the Go Quarterly Scrapbook Kit. I came up with 8 different sketches to tell my stories and to help you tell your stories, as well. All of my sketches are done to fit into my 6x8 album, and several of the sketches can be easily adapted to accommodate different scrapbooking sizes.  Also, don’t forget that the digital kit comes along with the physical kit to give you even more options. So, let’s get started looking at some of my ideas.


My first idea is for the 7x8.25 Geotag Here There paper. My initial thought when I saw this paper was to cut it in half and separate each half with photos. I would then add the journaling above/below the geotags. Another thought is to replace a few of the spots reserved for photos with my journaling. That would leave the Geotag paper as is and give the viewers eyes a place to rest. I could also leave the photos spots as they are and add a 3x8.25 insert with my journaling. I’m not quite sure what story I will tell with this sketch, but here are some ideas that would work:

Before and after of a trip Past home/neighborhood and present home/neighborhood A day trip puttering around here and there


For this page idea, I want to have a full-page photo alongside the 7x8.25 Arrow Pattern paper. The three plastic arrows fit pretty nicely on the paper stacked on top of one another. There is a tiny bit of overhang that can be trimmed off. I’m thinking about typing my journaling and then cutting it out in the shape of the arrows. The arrows could then be placed on top of the journaling. They can be added with washi tape as a hinge or with brads to swing them aside (or even just lifted up). I am also imaging that I could go through my stash to find some embellishments to put on top of the arrows. This sketch is pretty generic and can be used for just about anything. Perhaps I will tell a story about myself!  Other ideas could include:

Your favorite photos from one trip or one favorite from several trips Three things you love about someone or something Three things you are doing right now


LOVE this 7x8.25 The Details Arrow paper. At first, I wasn’t going to do a sketch for it because even though I love it…I drew a blank. As I was working on other ideas, it just hit me that I could fill the page with journaling. My thoughts are for six small squares of journaling; each one telling a short story about the six photos on the first page. Another idea is to add six small square photos to the paper and have the first page be filled with word art and journaling (or even a full-page photo with the journaling on the photo. This paper would work for many different stories such as:

  • Photos from your garden 
  • A photo collage and “currently” stories 
  • A list of gratitudes A top six list 


The star of this spread is going to be the Arrow Circles 12x12 patterned paper. My plan is to cut the 12x12 paper down to 7x8.25 and then cut that in half to fill the bottom of the first page and the top of the second page. With the left-over paper, I will use a circle punch to punch out some of the arrow circles and add them with foam squares on top of the paper on my spread. I am also considering using either the 12x12 Mountain Symbol patterned paper or the 12x12 Topo Map patterned paper to fill the other halves of my pages. This would be if I decided to use six small cut out photos/journaling blocks instead of a photo/journaling collage. Here’s some ideas for things to document:

  • Favorite music (some of the arrow circles remind me of a play button) 
  • Different ways that you play 
  • Places you love to go


For this spread, I am going to use the kraft tags to document six favorite states that my boyfriend and I have traveled to together. I am thinking that I will create two clear pockets on top of one of the pattern papers. I like the way the kraft tags look on top of the 12x12 Topo Map patterned paper. Perhaps a photo on one side of each tag and my journaling on the other side. The first page may be a full-page photo or some word art. I haven’t quite decided that part yet. You could also do a photo collage on the first page. The other idea that popped into my head as I type this is to cut a piece of the 12x12 U.S. Map patterned paper for the base of the first page! That would be cool! If you don’t want to use these tags for a travel page, you could always cover the sides with the travel themed words with a photo and journal on the other side. As I was creating sketches for this kit, I was always on the lookout for ways to use the components other than for travel. This sketch could also be great for: 

  • A page about family members or friends 
  • Things you love about your significant other 
  • Stories from a day, week, or month 
  • You + your child(ren) through the years


Here come the Circle Chipboard Frames! They are so colorful and fun, and I just need to put them on one page together. In my sketch, you can see that I fit six of them on the 7x8.25 Street Map patterned paper. The top and bottom ones will hang off, but I like that look. Here’s a tip if you like how the first page looks but don’t want to use the Circle Chipboard Frames in a travel theme - you can position the frames so that the parts that hang off (and will get cut off) have the travel related phrases on them! Instead of the Go patterned paper for your second page, use a full-page photo. I’m not sure yet what my story will be here, but I do know that I love the one Circle Chipboard Frame on the “O” in Go. Some story ideas I’m tossing around:

  • A story of a morning bike ride 
  • A story of your town 
  • Favorite places 
  • Sports stories 
  • “Go” with the Flow stories 
  • “Go” for your dreams stories


This sketch can be as easy as filling in the shapes on the 7x8.25 Here’s A Story paper with your words and adding a full-page photo. I love how these “fillable” pages have been a part of recent AED kits. It makes our storytelling so easy. However, if you are like me, odds are that you will want to cut this paper up and do more with it.  I may just cut the shapes out and add them back on with foam squares, or I may get a little more creative and do something interactive! Think hidden elements or flip up pieces…maybe even magnets! Again, this is yet another kit component that is super versatile when it comes to the story you tell. Some ideas are:

  • Three fun/crazy memories of your bestie 
  • Three wishes 
  • Three things that made you smile today


Not only did I fall in love with the arrow circles on this 12x12 paper, but the colors are the best! Of course, I want (need) to cut them out. I’m thinking overlapping arrow circles across 2 pages. I’m thinking photos on top of some and journaling on others. I’d also like to explore adding the insides of the Circle Chipboard Frames as embellishments…perhaps with stamping on them. The arrow circles first reminded me of the cycle of life, and I was thinking that photos of someone (me, my son, my dad, etc.) through the years might work. Other ideas might be:

  • A fun adventure
  • A currently page 
  • Current observations 
  • Things that you want to remember

If you’ve stuck around this long, thank you so much for joining me. I had a blast creating sketches/ideas for the Go Quarterly Scrapbook Kit, and I can’t wait to start turning them into reality. If you’d like to follow along, you can find me on Instagram @denine2 and YouTube @Denine2. You can also download a PDF of all of my sketches below. I hope that I was able to give you some ideas and inspiration to tell your own stories. Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions or even to share some great ideas of your own! Happy storytelling, my friends!

Find her PDF download here.undefined

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2 thoughts

  1. adawson816 says…

    So many great ideas Denine!

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  2. inouyeflo says…

    Love all the ideas! Might have to get an additional kit subscription!

    Reply 0 Replies
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