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December Daily® 2023 | Story 17

Welcome to Story 17 in my 2023 December Daily® album

Last night Anna had a team + family bonding gathering for her new club volleyball team. There was cookie decorating, a gift exchange, and fun conversations for the players and the parents. To document this story I played with adding custom sticker paper journaling on top of the banner pattern paper. 

Let's get right to the video: 

Story 17 ended up being a two-page spread because I needed/wanted to fill in some of the circle spaces on the back of Story 16. I decided that I didn't want to do another round of small circle photos so instead I dove into my December Daily® and my regular stash to locate some circle embellishments that I could add on top. 

As I looked through my circle embellishments I was looking at both the sentiments and the colors. 

I love eclectic mixes like this! It can be really fun to layer and play around with embellishments that were released at different times as part of other kits. On this page I also used a brush pen to add the story number. 

The "joy" sticker is from the Clear Sticker Sheet and the "let your heart be light" was from the Die Cut Bundle this year. 

The second page is the main story featuring a full page photo collage pairing a photo of Anna and her friend and an up-close image of the candy they were using to decorate cookies. 

On top of the photo seam I cut out and adhered some of the banners from the banner pattern paper. I used Maco Sticker Paper to add my journaling on top and then ran it through my sewing machine with red thread. At the top of the banners I added the "merry" sticker which is from the Clear Sticker Sheet


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2 thoughts

  1. jlutherdesigns says…

    Hello all :) the video isn't here and I don't see it on YouTube either.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      It's up now! I got side-tracked and had to run a kid to the mall! That's how it goes at this time of the year! Thank you!

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