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Punctuation Quarterly Scrapbook Kit | Special Guest Nolana Lynch

Hi Everyone! This is Nolana and I am thrilled to be with you today to chat about some of my ideas around the Punctuation Scrapbook Kit. 

Idea No. 1 - Quotation Mark Grid Layout

I love this pink and yellow 6x8 paper and I immediately thought it would be cool to make a 2x2 grid-type layout using these shapes as the foundation. A photo in the shape of a quotation mark, some journaling and cute embellishments, with a title overlay, or even an enlarged title over one of the inverted commas.

Idea No. 2 - Flip-Up Photo Book 

I love having a flip-up booklet in the middle of these brackets. The blue felt exclamation mark would be a great placeholder for this on acetate, and then a booklet of photos, either with an accordion fold or fastened in any way you prefer. The journaling would look great in the brackets as well.

Idea No. 3 - Remember When 

Remember when we watched this movie and we laughed till we cried? The strips would be great to capture some memories in the past that stood out to you, with an adjacent question, and journaling below. This can also be mixed and matched with embellishments if the white spaces are separated in to three distinct groups

Idea No. 4 - Bracket Shaped Mini Album

I love the idea of cutting these shapes out to create a mini album to document the in-between spaces of a journey. It could be a road trip, a flight, a fitness or health journey, or anything with an in-between or sticky middle or something that just has extra details that you’d like to document versus just the start and end, before or after moments. I am also thinking about a Surprise Party - the planning phase, friends showing up, then the expression of the person of honour. Anything really would be great! 

Idea No. 5 - Overheard Phrases

When I saw this page, I immediately wanted to document all the new words and phrases that my son is saying. It’s such an exciting journey and I want to document it all. I also thought of various phrases or statements that people have said to me this week that I found particularly humouring for one reason or another. These can also be cut out and mounted. You can use stamps, alpha letters, or clear sticker paper to place journaling or quotes inside. It will make for a fun grid or fun patterned layout. 

Idea No. 6 - Story in the Background

I love the idea of adding the story letter by letter into the white exclamation marks, to add further depth to the layout and have a story within a story per se. The above components can be layered with photos and additional journaling but I like the idea of having a story embedded in the background. 

Thanks so much for joining me for today’s blog post. Feel free to comment below with any questions you have. I can also be found on Instagram here and on YouTube here.  

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2 thoughts

  1. AliEdwards says…

    These are so great Nolana!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Nolana says…

      Awww thanks so much Ali!

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