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Week In The Life 2024 | Ali's Friday

Friday started when I woke up and immediately ran through the list of all the things on my mental list for today. Anyone else do that? 

I also had a bunch of eyes on me. 

Keeping my glasses clean is an ongoing battle. 

Finishing up a bit of reading on the way to bagels.

First up was taking Anna and her friend Libby to their Friday morning bagel gathering. They started doing this at the beginning of the year and it’s been such a fun tradition. And they let me hang out and listen to their conversations about sports and school and the weekend. It makes me so happy to know her friends. 

Next up I got to meet my friend Sarah at a local coffee shop for our co-working Friday. A couple months ago we were with Katie and the three of us decided it might be fun and healthy for us as work-at-home people to meet up on Friday mornings and sit together and do our own work. We’ve done it a couple times now and it’s such a great way to get me out of the house. Today Katie had a sick kid so it was just me and Sarah. 

We chat for a bit and then we get down to work. 

I worked on my newest Substack writing. I like having a designated time for working on that kind of writing (or working on the Just Write prompts). It’s nice to have a specific time set up where I’m not distracted by all the good stuff in my office. I also did some word art/drawing for our Story Play collection next year. I listened to the new Taylor Swift. 

After Sarah and I finished up working I ran a couple errands including picking up some crab for our weekend and getting the shorter post placed in my nose piercing. 

I also stopped at the grocery store for a few things to go with our crab: sourdough bread (this is a low gluten one that works for me), potato chips, butter lettuce, grapes and a salad dressing. 

Working on a new canvas that includes all the circles I cut out of painted pages from earlier this year on top of an older Rifle Paper calendar. I'm really loving that something I worked on months ago can become part of something I create today. 

Continued working on Story Play kit designs and listened to Led Zeppelin. 

Friday is a kid transition day around here so everyone is headed to their other homes after school. Aaron and I look forward to these Friday’s and we usually start our hang out adventures around 4pm. Earlier this week we talked about heading out somewhere in our camper van but decided to just stick close to home (lots of rain in the forecast and lots of good TV we are excited about). It’s also the first weekend in a while where there isn’t a volleyball tournament for either of the girls. I'm ready for some hang around the house time. 

I'm going to wrap up my work day early today to hang out with Aaron (my photos will be added into my project). I'll be back tomorrow morning with images from my Saturday. 

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12 thoughts

  1. Britta922 says…

    Oh I need to write down the music I listen to, that’s such a good idea. I find that sometimes a specific album or song can really trigger my memory for how I felt in a specific season.
    My Friday was a bit rough due to severe lack of sleep for both me and the kids. 😅🙈 Here’sy blog post all about it:

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Love seeing your week evolve!

  2. dawnmi says…

    What a fun way to start a Friday! Love the art work!! I am having such fun getting pictures and different things this time around. Can’t wait to put it all together. Happy weekend Ali!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Happy weekend to you too!

  3. kbledsoe says…

    When you work on your ipad, what app are you using for designing? Thank you for all the glimpses into your life this week, so good!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi! I use Procreate and then bring the designs into Illustrator on my computer.

  4. peggy1958sue says…

    Hey...I remember that place where you were having your work meeting. I was at Story Camp and went there for most all of my meals!! LOVE THAT PLACE!!! Have a nice week-end!!!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      YES! It's Provisions - still a favorite around here for sure. I love that I can work and then walk around in there and see what's new!

  5. Kmo23 says…

    Always love your blog posts! Love your whole outfit! Where do you find your clothes? Thanks!!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi! Thank you! Generally I like JCrew, Nordstrom, Anthro, etc. But I also like smaller stores - the sweater I have on here I got when Aaron and I took a trip to LA a few years ago and my tshirt is from a store in Nashville called Imogene + Willie.

  6. Mpasquini12 says…

    How’d you like the new Taylor Swift album?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I like it - I'm not overly critical + simply enjoy it for what it is!

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