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Just have to love...


• mini-shopping carts at Trader Joes

Trader Joes: simply awesome grocery shopping - we went today after not going there for awhile and man it seemed like they had even more foods for our family this time around

• catching a ride to the workshops yesterday with Emily and Tricia - had the best time you guys - thanks for the great conversation

No Bare Pages Scrapbook Co. This store, right off I-5 between Medford and Ashland, is a gem. You never know when you go into a store what you will find. This place, was wonderful. Nice lighting, nice crop space, organized shelves, nice merchandising & samples, and up-to-date product selections. Man I love when they carry lots of new stuff! I came home with a bunch of 7gypsies I had not seen in person yet, some lovely Maya Road ribbon, and some very cool Distressed Effects rub-ons from Dee's Designs (My Minds Eye). And I loved the people - I swear the people make the store - friendly, kind, happy, and totally willing to help. Carma, you are my new best friend - thank you so much for inviting me!

• Meeting scrapbookers in my workshops. This time was no exception - it is always so cool to get face to face with people. Laugh with them. Watch them nod when I say something that resonates with them. Chat with them about scrapbooking - this crazy love we share for recording memories, playing with paper, gathering supplies. Thanks you guys, for being so welcoming and generous with your kind comments. Looking forward to seeing some of you again in November!

• Having a glass of wine.

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33 thoughts

  1. Kass says…

    awwww man could Simone be ANY cuter???

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  2. Shai Coggins says…

    Those trolleys are cute! (and your bub too :-))

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Florence says…

    love the small kid size trolleys!

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  4. Yvonne says…

    Hi Ali,
    I always like your blog, everyday I make it a point to drop by to see new inspirations you share with us ^^
    You always capture great photos, not only they are of great colors (there's the depth and crispness in your photos) but there is that feeling of 'memento' when people look at it.
    I also have a question on scrapbooking. I know the time has passed for you to take in scrapbooking questions, but when you provided the links to 7 gypsies, etc, it just somehow reminds me of the question that I always want to find out but never be able to think on my feet. But here goes, you can answer it anytime you like, it doesn't have to be on your next post or something.
    When you scrap, do you always choose paper from the sampe company? Or you mix match your papers?
    Papers from 1 company has its own feel/flow/designs that sometimes make it hard to match with papers from other companies. So when you are about to scrap, you already have the vision/and decided on a way to communicate you just visualize what color you want to portray and look through your stack of papers or...the other way around (choose the papers first?)
    Thanks Ali.
    Take care,

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Kerry says…

    I LOVE those little shopping carts. We have them in our small commisary here and the boys love them. It totally keeps them happy and occupied while we shop. Simon looks like he's in heaven with his own little cart. What a sweetheart!!
    And can I just say (again) how jealous I am that people get to take your classees...and I am SOOOOOO far away. :(

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Celine Navarro says…

    oooooh look at that boy!!!! Your son is too adorable,Ali! :D

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  7. traci says…

    Oooh--so jealous of your proximity to Trader Joe's! Miss that place so much! (stinkin' East Coast...)

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Alissa says…

    I so wish we had Trader Joe's in Bellingham! You are so lucky! It's too much of a drive to go to Seattle for groceries! ;)
    LOVE that photo of Simon! What a doll!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. melanie says…

    just look at that cute little guy! :) glad you had a great weekend.

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  10. Jen says…

    Look at that little guy! They love helping, don't they? I am a total Trader Joe's convert, I do 98% of my shopping there now. The food is better, healthier, and cheaper. I spend way less on groceries now, in part because they don't have so much extra stuff there, so that cuts down on impulse buying.
    I'm not sure what diet you are trying with S, but my boys love the Koala Chocolate bars- they are in the cereal aisle, right under the Apple Walked into a Bars.
    Anyway, thanks for your blog! Love reading your updates!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Rachel says…

    LOVE that picture!! So cute and love how proud he looks of himself :)

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  12. Denise says…

    That Simon is just too cute! So glad you had a great weekend!!!

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  13. Angela says…

    Thanks for the great class Ali! I was in Today you, and when I showed my DH he asked me if it was for pictures of him!! I told him it was if he would let me take some nice ones of him instead of always having some silly face. LOL

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  14. Wendy Inman says…

    Oh i've been meaning to take my camera to the store to capture my son pushing one of those little carts.. they are just darling when they are having so much fun helping aren't they? :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Jen says…

    Awww...that picture just couldn't be sweeter...and yes, a glass of wine is a wonderful thing!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Heather Bowser says…

    The class was a lot of fun Ali. Thank you. It was wel wort the long drive :)
    Heather mommy to 8

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Dena Coe says…

    I heard some great things about your class on Saturday and was totally bummed that I couldnt come down there too. The 5th birthday party this month had to be attended. Anyone from Paulettes contact you yet? I keep bugging them relentlessly. I remember reading that you were doing a class in Albany or Corvallis in October sometime. Maybe then.. But hopefully a class in Roseburg will pan out. Are you coming to the scrapandstamp express convention in August?

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Angie says…

    Yeah! for Trader Joe's! I can get my girls (5 and 2 ) to eat anything if they help be shop there and get to push the "mini mommy cart" as they call it!! We love their salsa it totally rocks!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Candi says…

    Love the mini carts...that store sounds great...and I love wine. Red wine...mmmm.

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. DianneKNelson says…

    Thanks again for the great class! I finished my Perspectives album, and it's my favorite one right now.
    I look forward to cutting paper with you in November!

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  21. jeanette hartvigsen says…

    Have you read the New York Times editorial on autisum yet? It was in sundays paper, might prove interesting.

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  22. Kristin says…

    Trader Joe's is just the best! Do you have the "Three Buck Chuck" wine out there? That's always a best bet for a crop! :)

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  23. Angelique says…

    adorable picture! he is a cutie pie! love the shopping cart!

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  24. Beth says…

    Just have to say...I love that pic...he's too cute for words...looks like he was having a good time too!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Mary says…

    what an adorable picture!!

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