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Hanging out.

Here for another day in Madison, WI after a very cool adventure to the Two Peas crop & sale. Staying with Kristina and Jeff (owners of Two Peas). Kristina and I rested on the couch today, watched a movie, and took a nap. Right now, Jeff is making dinner. Looking forward to seeing some of Kristina's favorite little shops in Madison tomorrow.

Can you imagine that I forgot my camera? Totally forgot it.

The good thing is that I was there with a bunch of friends who all had their cameras up and going. Cool photos to come in the next few days I am sure.

Loved the chance to meet up with many of my friends from Two Peas. Chatting in person is always more fun than online. Brings a whole new dimension to my world. Hearing voices. Laughing. Also loved meeting with the people attending the crop. Enjoyed looking at their pages. Being inspired by their product choices and the stories they were telling. Always makes my job that much more real to me on a larger level.

Looking forward to getting home. Getting back to my family. Relieving Chris. Getting to work on my next big project. Coming home with lots of goodies to inspire me.

Love being here in Kristina's studio. Like looking through all her goodies and supplies - the things that make her creative juices go wild. She has a great little book in here called The Art of Moment. The first chapter opens with the following: On this earth, you get a prize for just showing up. Joy is your birthright. Now and then, all through your life, you can expect to feel lighthearted, often when you least expect it... It looks like lots more gems like that come in the following chapters. Maybe I will read some of it before falling asleep.

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23 thoughts

  1. candi says…

    So glad you had a great time. So wish I could have been there. Can't wait to see all teh pics and hear all the fun stories. :) Saft travels home tomorrow!

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  2. Leslie says…

    Ah, Ali . . . It was fabulous hanging out with you and the other Garden Girls yesterday!! I think we should do it EVERY weekend!! :) You are just as awesome as I had anticipated, and I will have a warm-fuzzy feeling for weeks thinking about how super friendly you and the other GGs were!! Thank you!!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Jen says…

    Sounds like a lovely weekend but, no camera? Thank goodness for frieinds! The book you mentioned sounds interesting, thanks for sharing.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Angi B says…

    sounds so cool just hangin' with your buds, Ali. (i would love to hang out with Kristina - she totally inspires me!)... totally cool book you came across, btw. thanks again for sharing...

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Amanda Mankin says…

    Sounds like a great book. Enjoy the quiet before heading home.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. tara pollard pakosta says…

    i just typed a whole post and don't know where it went! it was soooo nice to meet you!
    can't believe you forgot your camera! but there are at least 3-5 photos of you on my blog. you can get to it through scrapability and my name is right by tara name is tara also...
    thanks! t

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Care says…

    I didn't know you were staying an extra day! Tell Kristina hi for me and have fun. :) I'm sad that I missed out on the weekend. :(

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. May says…

    Sounds like a great time! =) Hope you have a good trip home.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Christine says…

    i'm glad you're having an awesome time. can't wait to see your latest creations! :-)

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  10. Renee says…

    sounds like you are having fun!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. christina says…

    It certainly sounds like fun :) Glad you are enjoying yourself...

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Linda A (elendae) says…

    Sounds like you all are having such a great time! Give Kristina a big squeeeeeeze from all of us Pubsters who were unable to make it out to WI! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Denise says…

    So glad you had a great time! I so wish I could've been there! Can't wait to see some pics!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Peg Graham says…

    Don't you just love hanging out with friends? It's the best!!!Relax and enjoy your time with K&J. Absorb all the fun you can!
    Hey...if Kristina takes any photos of you giuys, could you ask her to upload and share 'em?
    Peace Out!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Jane Swanson says…

    For sure, the highlight of the weekend was getting to meet you, have you sign my copy of your book and just chatting. You are a wonderful person and I wish the continued best for you and your family. Thanks for being an inspiration.
    ~jane swanson from janesville, wisconsin

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Steph says…

    Had a great time at the crop, Ali!!!! So much fun to meet you and the other GGs and Kristina and Jeffrey! Please pass on a big thanks to Geek and Pea for a job well done!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Amanda says…

    Another book to add to my ever growing list of books to read. From the pics I've seen, it looks like the crop was a blast.

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  18. Terri H says…

    Glad you had fun in Madison. I was born there and it is a great city! Wish I could have joined all of you, it sounds like a wonderful time.

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. karen lee says…

    so cool to meet you at the crop ali edwards!!! you were so nice to walk around and chat. look forward to seeing you at CKU chicago next spring!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. tia says…

    sounds like the perfect afternoon... =)
    thanks for sharing that passage. beautiful words, much to ponder!
    happy homecoming!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Janet O says…

    It was SO much fun hanging out with you guys on Saturday - the crop was incredible! I actually feel like I "know" some of you now, in a Hollywood-fan-turned-stalkerish kind of way...LOL!
    Have a great trip home!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Cindy Mandernach says…

    It was incredible to meet you, I love how down to earth you are(sorry about the blond joke, I know it was gross) but you were a good sport. I only wish I had your book for you to sign for me. I had a great time. You and Tara rock the block. Hopefully, my pics will turn out, i'll email you.
    Thanks again, Cindy "the dork"

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. nancy says…

    So I'm cracking up because when I saw the circle on the shirt I thought it was because the word EAT is in the word CREATE!DOH!LOL!!!

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