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Simon Says.

This morning a little body climbed into our bed and announced: "ice cream sandwich on my face."

Yep: he got up before us, headed over to the fridge, proceeded to open up the freezer, grab a ice cream sandwich and eat it (opening the wrapper all by himself apparently) without making a sound.


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52 thoughts

  1. shelley e says…

    don't you just love mornings like that? Mine woke up early today and got into the potato chips! Crumbs all over the floor!!

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  2. Kristan says…

    Be glad it wasn't a Sharpie on his little sibling's face. (Baby shampoo removes everything!!)

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  3. Mary Lib says…

    I would have rolled out of the bed laughing!! That is too cute. Hope your weekend brings lots more laughter like that!!! Have a Happy One !!!

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  4. LeeAnn says…

    Wow, sounds like some of my mornings. One morning, my 3 year old got the kitchen chair and moved it over to the cabinets to get something!!!!! Wow!!!!!

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  5. Kelly says…

    My oldest when she was 4 decided one morning before I woke up she wanted "small hair". I walked into the kitchen and saw her curls all over the floor! Wouldn't have been so bad had it not been Dec 23, the day before her debut as an angel in the Christmas program at church! The title for the layout reads "don't cry mom, it'll grow back".

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Jennifer says…

    very cute. i hope it gave you a laugh. that just made me smile.

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  7. Kris with a K says…

    Simon's a boy after my own heart!
    After dropping my boys off at school one morning, about 8am, the then-3yo Grace walked into the house, paused, turned around to look at me with that great "I just had a FABulous idea" look on her face, and said "Chocolate, Mommy!"
    Of course, we did. Life is too short.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Kim says…

    Very very nice!

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  9. Laura Reaux says…

    LOL I'm allowed to laugh, because things like this happen a lot here. Yesterday I found my 2-year-old daughter in her bed naked. Shirt, diaper, and poop all over the floor. Not too convenient when feeding the baby either!

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  10. Suzie Reitz says…

    I agree, life's too short not to enjoy an occasional ice cream sandwich for breakfast. I hope you got a yummy kiss out of the deal!! lol

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  11. Ann(i)e says…

    OK, that is awesome!!! Totally my kind of breakfast!!!
    Things like that make me so GLAD to be alive!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Nicole says…

    You have to love kids. My son gets all sorts of things out of the fridge by himself. One morning, I found a dozen broken eggs on the kitchen floor. He was so proud as he pointed to the eggs and said "Play ball!" At least he didn't try to eat the eggs.

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  13. corinne delis says…

    hehe yes he is getting big Ali!

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  14. Kaylea says…

    Did you take a picture?
    Did you laugh?
    I hope so. This made my morning.
    I woke up to a cat licking my face (I'm house/kid sitting)...
    My funny of the day...
    A boy at the soccer game was talking about why someone's dog might want to smell his feet....
    He said "Well, they might smell like trash, I don't always wear socks."
    I thought the mom was going to die on the spot.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. cheryl says…

    These are the times that make a mother wonder
    if he hadn't told you, would you have ever known??? The eternal question as they get older and stop telling on themselves!

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  16. Tatia D says…

    PLEASE give Simon the biggest hug ever for bringing such a happy moment to the world!

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  17. Deborah says…

    gotta love that! and at least he admitted it, I doubt my kids would've fessed up to that!

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  18. islandjen says…

    heheheh...sneaky little buggers aren't they?!

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  19. Therese Bradley says…

    Yummo! Breakfast of Champions. Happy weekend. Therese

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  20. Dale Anne says…

    That deserved a LOVELY big HUG and kiss for sure!!!

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  21. Rebecca F. says…

    Yay! Goooooo Simon.
    Hooray for little (and big) accomplishments.

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Leah says…

    That gave me a chuckle. :) Opens up all kinds of possibilities, huh? Have a fun weekend.

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  23. Nicole says…

    Ha! Lucky it wasn't all over his hands (which my nephew has done, then proceeded to touch everything in sight!) :) Really cute :) I hope it was tasty!

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  24. Wendy WVG says…

    Good For Him!! I think more people would be in a better mood if they started they day out with an ice cream sandwich! There's a great recipe at if you like ice cream sandwiches, they hava a CAKE!! Now what could be better!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Stephanie Homburg says…

    Look at Simon living by my motto, life's short eat dessert first :)

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