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Photo Freedom Giveaway.

To celebrate Stacy's new book Photo Freedom, I have one here to give away. Leave a comment below + tell me your biggest photo struggle. Comments will be open until Thursday at 8pm Pacific.

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1756 thoughts

  1. Barbara says…

    My biggest photo struggle....finding time to get them off my computer. I like shooting Raw but don't like the time it takes to process them. I need to find a way to streamline that.
    Second biggest problem...finding a album system I like for the hundreds of non-scrapped photos!

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  2. Jean says…

    Gosh, where to start:
    Keeping too many so-so pictures
    Pictures stuck in the computer
    Big ideas, not enough time

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  3. Karen says…

    I get to be the first to comment - my biggest photo struggle - figuring how to "file" and cross reference the pictures I do have printed!
    Have a good evening Ali!

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  4. Danielle C. says…

    Wow! My biggest struggle has to be printing out all the digital photos that I take. I tend to take pics, put them on iphoto, and then leave them there. It is at the point now (with 10,000 plus photos) that the idea of printing them out is frightening!

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  5. fay copeland says…

    My biggest struggle is wanting to scrap all the pictures of the grandkids instead of just selecting a few good ones. I am drowning in pictures. fay

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  6. lovely cee says…

    i take digital photos and when i store them, i end up with tons and tons of CDs. is there any better way of storing your files?

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  7. Jen C says…

    Ooooh, that book looks amazing!!! My biggest struggle....has to be finding good lighting for taking photos here on the west coast. There's a lot of gray days here in the winter! And then there's the struggle of the VOLUME of my gray photos. Over 10,000 photos at last count and that's just since I went digital!

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  8. Terri Paulson-Sasaki says…

    Just trying to organize them all. I have pictures from 28 years ago, still in boxes. There was a point that I felt that I needed to scrap everyone single one of them so I don't feel guilty. Need help with that one.

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  9. Liz Heimlich says…

    My biggest photo struggle is getting out of auto mode, believe it or not. When I try to manually focus, it's a bust. I think everything is clear and then disappointment.:( Maybe I'm too scared to try or maybe I just need new contacts.:P

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  10. Randi says…

    That looks like an amazing book. My struggle: I take them, print them off, store them chronologically, but by the time I get to scrapbooking them (I'm a year behind), I can no longer remember all the details I wanted to remember about the photos.

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  11. Glynis says…

    I have a few..
    Getting clear pictures in the dark and choosing which photos to print from the many I take...

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  12. Karen G says…

    My biggest photo struggle is having my photos available to scrap. I don't want to just print 4 x 6 (which is what I do right now) because I would like to have different sizes of pictures, but I don't have a photo printer at home. So when I am scrapping and I want another size, I have to wait, which doesn't happen much and get them printed and picked up or I have to make do. So right now I do most of my scrapping with 4 x 6.

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  13. Heidi R says…

    Challenge: keeping the storage of actually photos and digital pictures in order..would love a simple system

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  14. Karen K says…

    Keeping up: 1. New: download, categorize, photo edit, print. 2. Old, non-digital: scanning old negatives and slides. How much should I photoshop? Do I scan the entire negatives/slide set? Never enough time to do it all. How to archive to keep all of it in one place (DVDs, external HD)? Acckkk!

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  15. Misty Alderson says…

    I take a ton of pictures and save them to discs and never take the time to organize the discs and reference dates and then when it is time that I do want to scrap something then I have to go print pictures and I only print some pictures and I can't decide what size to print them so most of my pictures go untouched and I only dream of scrapping them. When I read on your blog about this book I knew it was for me--Ok Crazy but I even stalked our local Archiver's to find it and called local stores and everyone was like no what book is it so If I can win a copy GREAT but if not I will be purchasing this book and curling up for a good read and gearing up for lots of hours of photo organization. Thank you for being so INSPIRING and keeping it REAL.

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  16. Jeanette says…

    My biggest photo struggle has to be figuring out all the settings on my Canon Rebel xti. Most of the time I shoot on auto but I have been trying not to( and failing miserably, LOL)

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  17. Jen says…

    My biggest photo issue is that I snap a hundred at a time and after only having my digital for two years I have 7000 photos. I don't even have my own kids yet--just imagine the mess I'll be in when I finally have them. I rock at organizing them on the computer, mostly getting them to disk, even in a photo box if I manage to afford getting them printed, but then I get in this place where I can't decide if I should have a photo album or if I should scrap them and so they just sit in the boxes...I'd really love to get a good system before I have babies!

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  18. Gayle says…

    My biggest struggle is after getting them printed, they just stack up and look at them. Waiting to be scrapped. Getting scrappers block and unmotivated. I really think I need Stacy's new book to motivate me to put her LOM system in place.

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  19. Angela says…

    My biggest struggle is taken photos from different perspectives. I love pages/projects that include small photos of details or large close ups. I need to take more risks and include more detail, crop more photos, enlarge more etc. I am stuck in the middle distance.
    It is only after I've take the shots and am going to scrap them that I think of the other details that would be good to include. By then, the moment has passed.

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  20. Beth says…

    My biggest issue with photography is lighting. I don't know the ins and outs of what type of lighting I should try to use for various settings. I also have another problem - I want a new digital camera with more manual settings. :)

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  21. Michelle Price says…

    I have a hard time keeping background distractions out of candid shots.

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  22. Sarah says…

    Photo problems:
    No problem taking them! I do that everyday!
    Problem 1:
    organizing the boxes of negatives that came with my husbands when we got married.
    Problem 2:
    Tackling the boxes of photos of my pre-digital days.
    Problem 3:
    Actually scrapbooking these photos (including wedding photos)
    I'm doing pretty good with the digital photos but I do think it needs a fine tuning as I've been doing only chronological and think I might also need to divide by subject as well???

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  23. Julie Hutchin says…

    Paralyzed by indecision. I mercilessly delete as I go, so I'm not too overwhelmed with photos (300-400 maybe, not including old ones), but since I don't quite know how I'm going to scrap them, I can't bear to print them. There's some cool layouts with 2x2, oh, there's some really cool layouts with 12x12, oh, no, there's those 6x12 layouts I've been wanting to try....I feel like I have to have all the layouts planned in advance, which of course I don't have time to do, so I just haven't printed any in a long time. Julie

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  24. val says…

    Hi. I'm a new visitor to your site and LOVE it and all your creativity!
    My biggest photo struggle right now is my confidence and the lack of it in my work. I'm an amateur photographer and would love to do a little side photog business someday but I constantly compare my photos to others and that makes me doubt my abilities.

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  25. Beth says…

    My biggest struggle is getting a great picture of my daughter smiling while using my Kodac Easy Share camera. Although my husband keeps encouraging me to use a digital camera, I always just miss the moment. I am learning to accept many so- so pictures because if I wait for the "perfect one", life will pass by and she's just too cute at four years old not to get on film. As a mother of four children ages 17, 14, 11 and 4, I know how quickly life does pass by.

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