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Love that this is part of what I see when I walk out the door.

I planted this clematis last year with the hope it will take over our front porch. Right now it is beginning to bloom with abandon. Can't wait to see how far it goes this year.


Love that Simon and I can find delight in similar things.


Love that my Mom was always so great about presenting food. I see it as one of the ways she was creative in her daily life as she was caring for me + my siblings + my Dad. It was, and is, one of the many ways she lives a very thoughtful life.

Presentation is something I have been working on implementing around here (been collecting great little white dishes at Goodwill) as we continue to encourage Simon to try new foods and I continue to focus on all the facets of vitality.

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30 thoughts

  1. leslie says…

    love the whole presentation thing. i, too, am working on this. it is hard not to while living japan. land of amazing presentation.

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  2. Erin says…

    Such beautiful, meaning pictures. Thanks for always sharing your world and your work.
    Erin :)

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  3. Houston says…

    I had never really thought of presentation in a creative sense, but you are so right about that. It is always so nice to have something beautiful set in front of you! A little piece of edible art.

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  4. Emily Hoadley says…

    Love the food picture. I'm trying to be better about presentation of food even though the hubby and twin two year olds don't really care. I've started collecting place mats at goodwill and my two year olds are really into having a place mat even at snack time. They still make a huge mess:)

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  5. Ellie says…

    Don't you find that food just tastes better when it looks pretty on the dishes?
    Or is that just me...

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. gertje says…

    I love clematis, and many other climbing plants, I have at least 7 different types in my small garden. Some of them do indeed take over the whole place! Yours is sure blooming early, it's beautiful.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. kaylea says…

    Thank you for your creative outlook on everyday life.
    I appreciate you more than words can express.
    I love your latest pictures.
    You definitely find joy in the simple things - something I'm striving for.
    Simplify if my word for right now.
    I think Breathe will be my next word - I need to remember that life is not a sprint, but a marathon, among other things.
    Thanks for these daily reminders.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Robin says…

    Presentation is a big part of wanting to eat. My boys get a eat more when there is a nice presentation and when they help to wash and prepare the food. I also am a collector of white dishes....The are just clean. My boys also get a huge kick out of colorful plastic trays (the kind that look like you should be getting a school lunch).

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. jpritch says…

    i normally am just a lurker on your lovely blog...but after your photo of "organized food" (as i like to refer to it--who can resist organization?!), i thought i'd make sure you knew about "bentos"--the japanese version of supreme food organization & presentation. there are TONS of websites about bento boxes (you can buy them on ebay)...
    check out the flickr group: bento boxes & also is a great site for ideas :)
    {i have no affiliation with either of these sites...they are just personal favorites!!!}
    happy wednesday!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. kristine says…

    as we sit here in the southern tier of ny completely wrapped in about 1/4 - 1/2" of ice this morning, which is beautiful in its own way, it's lovely to dream of blooming clematis! Thanks for sharing

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. alexandra says…

    Love these photos - great subjects - great light. Wondering which lens you're using lately.
    Looks like you are following beautifully in your Mom's thoughtful footsteps!
    Love the soul behind all the little details.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. sue Treiber says…

    I can't believe you have blooming clematis already! We just got 8 more inches of snow last night. I don't think we'll have anything blooming for quite awhile!

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  13. Stephanie says…

    This blog made me think of a way that I get my kids to eat things that I dont normally think they will eat or just to make it more fun for them. I buy decorative toothpicks (they come out for all the holidays) and they also carry them in plastic in the paper plate section. Cost Plus has a great selection also. I present things like pineapple chunks, grapes, soy beans, chicken chunks anything small that can be poked with a stick. I usually put a samll amount in a little ramekin dish and poke the stick in...Check out the Easter Bunny ones...we get donut holes for that! It makes it fun for them.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. O says…

    Hi Ali--I like what you wrote about your mom and how she lives a "thoughtful life", in the ways she is creative in her daily life. I like that. This really sparked something for me. I never thought about it that way. The presentation of a plate of food is a great example of creativity in an everyday sense. Gives you something to look forward to, in a way. Love your photos!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Nicky Anderson says…

    Hope you have great success with your clematis!! They are the prettiest and hopefully they will look great later this year.
    Love the letters - glad you can share. Our Brody loves his letters also, so neat to enjoy that together.

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  16. misti says…

    I am excited for spring too! I love your clematis. I've wanted to try some that are fit for my zone but haven't had the guts. Just wishing for some passionvine to bloom.

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  17. Jessica says…

    love the presentation of the grapes, crackers and apples.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. cindy b says…

    Oh man. That mom whips up a mean snack!!

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  19. susan says…

    ali, i love your blog and your thoughtful insights. i looked you up from being one of your CK fans- I've spent last ten minutes trying to get your handwriting font from ck but all that appears is some computer jargon, looks like lots of characters and Japanese or something.....and all I want is your lovely handwriting. if you perchance know what is wrong will you pls email me? the website doesn't answer my request. thanks so much for sharing your gifts with all of us.

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. forcryeye says…

    Isn't it wonderful to relate to your children in a creative way. Yesterday you said he loves pencils...wonder where he gets that from? All four of my children appreciate my art and the strange things I am passionate about...bits of vintage ribbon, old labels, letterpress letters, etc. Thanks for emailing me that link as well!

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  21. terribradford says…

    Beautiful photos... Love the simple inspiration I get from your blog. Thanks, Ali!

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  22. melissa deakin says…

    the clematis shot makes me hopeful for spring, but not much happening here other than ice and snow.
    love the set of letterpress letters.
    i have been trying to get my hands on some for a long time now, this has inspired me again.
    love the photograph of the food.

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Barb A. Stewart says…

    love the food presentation photo...that brings back a flood gate of memories for me! That exact combination was a typical everyday snack in our household and is what I make for my daughter most days.
    Thank's for that little reminder that my Mom loved me and took such wonderful care of me!
    Glad to hear you all are feeling healthy again!

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Susan says…

    Oh I love the evergreen clematis! and it will take doubt!!! Mine stretched all the way across the front of the house over the garage. I planted one on each side. The smell was heavenly. But the mess after they're done blooming, not so much;)
    For fun lunch presentations I love the bento box group on flickr. They make food look so fun. I love the whole concept of bento and use it as a way to pack my lunches now.Saves on plastic baggies too. My little way of going green

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Cate says…

    What a cool thought that the presentation of food is a way to be creative in our daily life. I've never thought of that before, but it's totally true. And super cool that you remember that about your mom. I bet that's something that will definitely make her smile (and isn't it nice to make someone smile?). Hugs!!

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