Wednesday Sponsor Giveaway: Freehand Scraps, Big Picture Scrapbooking, + Paper & Co. Show

First, I want to pass along a thought for today that I came across on my friend Alex's blog about courage & leaps:

What I realized is that there is not just one big moment of courage in
our lives. There are many. These moments come to us in different ways.
At times we are forced into a leap (unexpected pregnancy, when parents
or partners pass away, when we loose our job). At times we are called
into a leap (when someone invites us for a trip of a lifetime, when our
partner wants to move to a new city, when we are offered a chance, when
we take the "money maker" role to support our family). Then there are
also the daily tiny leaps we take for the sake of adventure (when we
try new types of food, music, when we go out on a date, when we talk to
a stranger, when we transition from blogger friends to real life
friends). No matter how small, silly or hard, tiny, dramatic or
forgotten... All leaps are important because little by little, we live
through change, we figure out how to cope, we move forward, we learn
who we are, and we build our confidence for the bigger leaps, the ones
we seek for ourselves.

Maybe someone else out there needed to hear this today too...


And now, three cool midweek sponsor giveaways are on tap for today:


• One person will receive a February Kit from Freehand Scraps.


• Two people will receive passes to Stacy Julian's fantastic online Library of Memories class at Big Picture Scrapbooking. Focused on getting your scrapbook albums in working order and organizing your photos (in a very "you-centered" way), I highly recommend the class and/or Stacy's book Photo Freedom. Class begins February 12th and runs for 16 weeks. This class is only offered once a year.


• One person will receive 4 classes for the Paper & Co. event in Italy on March 27, 28, and 29 (giveaway does not include travel, accommodations, or food for the event). You can check out a list of the classes here. Italy sure sounds good to me right about now :).

To be included in the drawing today please leave a comment below and share your most recent "leap" or act of courage. Comments will be closed at 8pm Pacific tonight with the winners posted shortly after.


I would also like to take a minute to welcome and thank my newest blog sponsors:

Digital Birdhouse : digital scrapbook products
Scarlet Lime : monthly kit club
The Paper Pixie : paper embellishments
The Digital Scrapbook Teacher : photoshop tutorials and classes for hybrid + digital scrapbooking
Lettergirls : delightful hand-created address stamps

For more information on sponsor opportunities send me an email: ali at aliedwardsdesign dot com

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1452 thoughts

  1. Pam Villena says…

    Oops...forgot my leap. Keeping my chin up -- my company's closing by mid-March and I'm back on a job search. But that's life, gotta take the bad with the good and be brave (at least that's my philosphy as not eveything is within one's control).

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  2. Jacquelin G says…

    My recent leap was to sign up for a 10K class - a big leap for me since I am a very large woman.

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  3. CINDY WELCH says…

    My biggest leap is to remain loyal to my soulmate. While it is getting harder every day, I realize that this is the one person in my life, that loves me unconditionally no matter what I do, and I should do the same, not matter how the stressful time turns him into a grump!

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  4. Donna W says…

    My leap was on monday, when my baby started full time school. I had to walk away and come home to an empty house and so begins a new chapter in my life. I am sad but excited at the possibilities. And she was thrilled to be a 'big girl' and had a great day!

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  5. lisa says…

    Most recent leap of courage was handing my 16 year old keys to his own car. 16 years fly by and you are giving this baby of yours his freedom. Very scarey!

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  6. debbycruises says…

    Love your giveaways, Ali.
    I haven't made any great leaps of courage lately. The most I have done is gotten out of bed to face another day. Sometimes that takes everything a person has. I guess it is all about perspective ;-))
    Have a great day!

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  7. Mary Beth says…

    My leap was standing up for myself at work when I felt I was unfairly being overlooked. I have been working for a small company for a while and felt I kept getting overlooked for promotion. I sat quietly working away, waiting for "my time" and kept internalizing my sadness as others advanced. I kept getting praise for my performance, but no reward. About 4 months ago, I finally decided to speak to the area manager to see what I needed to do to be promoted (I had gone to my supervisor several times and was told to be patient and to keep proving myself). I found out that my supervisor had been sabotaging me and telling upper management that I wasn't interested in another position and did not want to travel or relocate if needed--SO NOT TRUE. I am now heading my own small office in another city, and my former supervisor was 1st demoted, then left the company. I later found out she was intimidated by me because I picked up the job quickly and excelled, while others in my position had not done so well. She saw my potential and did not want me to possibly exceed her--she was threatened because she did not know her job well. I am flourishing in my new position and feel like I am a true asset to the company.

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  8. MamaMaria says…

    Thank you for the post and lovely work every day.
    Today I returned to the mammography lab, on an urgent callback, because of a suspicious film. I come from a family that keeps medical stuff under tight wraps, like speaking of it will make it contagious. My leap of courage was to ask my galpals for support beforehand, so I could galvanize my positive energy. The radiologist gave me the all clear after the visit today, and my thanks goes out to my friends.

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  9. Mary Beth says…

    My leap was standing up for myself at work when I felt I was unfairly being overlooked. I have been working for a small company for a while and felt I kept getting overlooked for promotion. I sat quietly working away, waiting for "my time" and kept internalizing my sadness as others advanced. I kept getting praise for my performance, but no reward. About 4 months ago, I finally decided to speak to the area manager to see what I needed to do to be promoted (I had gone to my supervisor several times and was told to be patient and to keep proving myself). I found out that my supervisor had been sabotaging me and telling upper management that I wasn't interested in another position and did not want to travel or relocate if needed--SO NOT TRUE. I am now heading my own small office in another city, and my former supervisor was 1st demoted, then left the company. I later found out she was intimidated by me because I picked up the job quickly and excelled, while others in my position had not done so well. She saw my potential and did not want me to possibly exceed her--she was threatened because she did not know her job well. I am flourishing in my new position and feel like I am a true asset to the company.

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  10. Mary Beth says…

    My leap was standing up for myself at work when I felt I was unfairly being overlooked. I have been working for a small company for a while and felt I kept getting overlooked for promotion. I sat quietly working away, waiting for "my time" and kept internalizing my sadness as others advanced. I kept getting praise for my performance, but no reward. About 4 months ago, I finally decided to speak to the area manager to see what I needed to do to be promoted (I had gone to my supervisor several times and was told to be patient and to keep proving myself). I found out that my supervisor had been sabotaging me and telling upper management that I wasn't interested in another position and did not want to travel or relocate if needed--SO NOT TRUE. I am now heading my own small office in another city, and my former supervisor was 1st demoted, then left the company. I later found out she was intimidated by me because I picked up the job quickly and excelled, while others in my position had not done so well. She saw my potential and did not want me to possibly exceed her--she was threatened because she did not know her job well. I am flourishing in my new position and feel like I am a true asset to the company.

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  11. Susanne says…

    My biggest leap recently has been reconnecting with some people I haven't spoken to in decades.

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  12. Heather K says…

    Thank you for the opportunity to win such great prizes. My most recent leap has been to renew trust in myself.

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  13. nikki says…

    my almost leap - is the possiblity of moving from ohio to north carolina...

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  14. Terry says…

    The feb kit looks awesome. I am not a big "leaper", I guess I need to get outside my box more.

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  15. Beth says…

    Starting a new business with my husband.

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  16. Miki Thompson says…

    My biggest leap of faith was simply letting go. I had to start to believe in others and let my compulsiveness to always be in control go. It was absolutely killing me. Now, I am happier and my family has ownership for what they do which makes them feel more confident.

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  17. Lisa I. says…

    I think my most recent leap was putting myself out there to make friends in our new area. I tend to be shy/ intimidated when it comes to that kind of stuff, but it has really paid off recently.

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  18. Ande says…

    I have spent years constructing this dream when I graduated college: I would move to Chicago, get the perfect public relations job and quickly become the envied big city girl among my group of friends. After months of painful job searching upon graduating, fate finally stepped in, and I was presented with a great opportunity. I jumped at the chance to make my big city dream a reality, and before I knew it, my childhood room was being loaded into the back of a U-Haul, and I was on my way to The Windy City. I left behind my family, my hometown, and my friends and entered a city alone.
    I was recently laid off after only a year of living my dream. I instantly panicked and spent many weeks riding a rollercoaster of emotions, often tempted to give up and return to the comfort of my family. I had to reach deep down and find the faith and courage in myself to follow my dreams. I realized I had reached a wall, but there’s always a way over the wall if you really want what’s on the other side bad enough.
    Today, I still live in Chicago, in the apartment that I love. I was able to take a job with one of my best friends in an industry I love: scrapbooking. I discovered a lot about who I am and what I am capable of during that obstacle.

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  19. Elizabeth Delman says…

    Going back to University after having my third child recently.
    Thanks Ali for the constant inspiration and cool giveaways!

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  20. Katie says…

    My leaps lately have been to purchase my son a powerwheels for his 3rd birthday (we live on a busy road and I'm so terrified that he's going to drive out there into traffic) and also to give up trying to have another baby after a year and a half of trying.

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  21. Olivia says…

    My leap.....I recently posted a layout to a company's contest. It's hard to put your stuff out there and then feel the rejection if you aren't successful. I have tried hard to remind myself that regardless of how successful I am putting my stuff out there, the bottom line is that I have preserved a memory for my boys. That is the most important thing.

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  22. tracy g says…

    I have been trying (no fear) scrapbooking, writing and creating in general, I am proud to say that I am still here and a whole person.

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  23. Allie says…

    I had a crab cake sandwich while in Louisiana last week and I am NOT a seafood person. I figured, 'when in Rome.' It was pretty tasty!

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  24. Laurie Takens says…

    My most recent act of courage: start a brand new job at age 46 - an elementary school secretary! Never in my life did I imagine having such a wonderful job - I love it!!

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  25. NicoleM says…

    Ali, I really needed to read your post today. My little leap of courage came Monday when I spoke at my father in laws memorial service to honor his life and the impact it had on me. Lately, I've been emotionally exhausted from my career, my kids, my life thanks for reminding me to reflect on how important each moment of change is. I've lost a little bit of this insight in the last 3 months. Supporting someone you love with advanced cancer is tough, really tough. But I'm picking my spirits back up and being courageous!

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