Wednesday Sponsor Giveaway: Freehand Scraps, Big Picture Scrapbooking, + Paper & Co. Show

First, I want to pass along a thought for today that I came across on my friend Alex's blog about courage & leaps:

What I realized is that there is not just one big moment of courage in
our lives. There are many. These moments come to us in different ways.
At times we are forced into a leap (unexpected pregnancy, when parents
or partners pass away, when we loose our job). At times we are called
into a leap (when someone invites us for a trip of a lifetime, when our
partner wants to move to a new city, when we are offered a chance, when
we take the "money maker" role to support our family). Then there are
also the daily tiny leaps we take for the sake of adventure (when we
try new types of food, music, when we go out on a date, when we talk to
a stranger, when we transition from blogger friends to real life
friends). No matter how small, silly or hard, tiny, dramatic or
forgotten... All leaps are important because little by little, we live
through change, we figure out how to cope, we move forward, we learn
who we are, and we build our confidence for the bigger leaps, the ones
we seek for ourselves.

Maybe someone else out there needed to hear this today too...


And now, three cool midweek sponsor giveaways are on tap for today:


• One person will receive a February Kit from Freehand Scraps.


• Two people will receive passes to Stacy Julian's fantastic online Library of Memories class at Big Picture Scrapbooking. Focused on getting your scrapbook albums in working order and organizing your photos (in a very "you-centered" way), I highly recommend the class and/or Stacy's book Photo Freedom. Class begins February 12th and runs for 16 weeks. This class is only offered once a year.


• One person will receive 4 classes for the Paper & Co. event in Italy on March 27, 28, and 29 (giveaway does not include travel, accommodations, or food for the event). You can check out a list of the classes here. Italy sure sounds good to me right about now :).

To be included in the drawing today please leave a comment below and share your most recent "leap" or act of courage. Comments will be closed at 8pm Pacific tonight with the winners posted shortly after.


I would also like to take a minute to welcome and thank my newest blog sponsors:

Digital Birdhouse : digital scrapbook products
Scarlet Lime : monthly kit club
The Paper Pixie : paper embellishments
The Digital Scrapbook Teacher : photoshop tutorials and classes for hybrid + digital scrapbooking
Lettergirls : delightful hand-created address stamps

For more information on sponsor opportunities send me an email: ali at aliedwardsdesign dot com

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1452 thoughts

  1. Linda F says…

    I have not taken the actual leap yet, however, I have made plans to go on a week mission trip to Mexico next month with my church teens. I'm not sure which is the actual leap - the mission trip itself or going with about 20 teenagers!! ha! (I can say that being the mother of 3 teenagers and 2 in their 20's). But I am looking forward to the time spent with this great bunch of kids, the hard work I know we will do for the needy orphans down there, and growing closer to my Lord.
    Thank you, Ali, for your awesome website. I don't miss a day.

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  2. Brittany says…

    My most recent leap of courage was when I moved to South Asia. It's crazy!

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  3. Deana says…

    My cat of 9 years passed away last October and while I haven't been actively looking for a new pet, I met Bella at a local shelter. After "visiting" with her for about an hour, I knew I had to take her home with me. She has taken to me and my husband both and we are very happy that we took a chance and accepted her into our hearts.

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  4. Lorraine M. says…

    When my son started playing hockey I quit participating in my winter sport, which was curling. This year, after 21 years away from the curling rink, I've started again. It was definitely a leap for me, but I'm enjoying it so much!

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  5. Danielle says…

    My most recent act of courage was this morning. My little boy started school this week and he is not enjoying it. He has some sensory issues and this is making it hard for him to settle in. This morning was the worst by far - he screamed and cried and begged me not to leave him and after 20 minutes I finally got him into the classroom and the teacher told me that it would be best to just go. So I did, with his pleas for me to take him with me. It's the natural progression of his life and mine but when your little one is calling out 'don't break my heart', it's hard to keep walking.

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  6. Carrie Christiansen says…

    Loved reading that quote today......I may paste it on my "facebook" page for otherS!!!! My most recent leap has been letting go of someone I truly loved....and giving my "relationship life" to God. Trying to realize that ultimately he is in charge anyways - and it is "his plan", not mine, and "his timing", not mine.... this is incredibly hard - but ultimately I know that having faith and letting go will be incredibibly rewarding in the end!

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  7. Megan says…

    My recent leap happened when I signed up for Weight Watchers. I was diagnosed with Diabetes and I need to get my blood sugar levels in check and eat healthy so I will be around for my family in years to come. This was a hard leap since my middle name is Chocolate and I have to have sugar several times a day... Megan

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  8. Alicia Day says…

    My Big Leap?
    After almost 12 years in manufacturing doing accounting work I changed my life and career.
    I am a Dental Assistant and Ward Clerk at a Correctional Facility and LOVE IT.
    Recently we found out that the state of KS is making cuts and our facility it due to close. BUT thank goodness because I now have NEW skills to go on the job hunt with.
    Most arent thankful for this but I am. This leap changed my life, made me a better person, made me appreciate the things I have and how material things don really matter. Just the simple things like family and the dog, good pair of knitting needles and a camera.

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  9. Barb says…

    Not a big leap, but I've eaten spinach recently and it didn't kill me! I really don't like green things, but I guess it never hurts to try new things.

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  10. Heather says…

    What a great thought for the day.
    My most recent "leap" was to take a long-term substitute position at a middle school. I've been trying to get back into teaching and have had a hard time finding a job in my chosen county. I hadn't planned to teach middle school, but my name was given to the teacher by another teacher. It's been very trying and very rewarding. And I'm probably learning more than I'm teaching. :)

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  11. erink says…

    I have made several mini leaps in the last few days...given up caffiene, joined a new group of ladies for support in these crazy economic times and I am on my third day of a no buy challenge. Why must the good sales always happen when I can't spend any money???

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  12. Andrea Jones says…

    Wow, I can't believe the wonderful give aways you have for us! Italy sounds amazing - I wish I could afford the travel! (I do love that kit though - I may have to go get one for myself!)
    Our family is currently taking two big leaps:
    The first, and smaller of the two is that my sweet little girl (almost 3) is starting preschool next week! She is so excited and I am so happy we have the opportunity to start off her education at such a wonderful school. Though I do think it is a bigger leap for me than it is her - she is raring to go, but I am finding that there is a part of me that just wants to keep my baby at home so that I can enjoy her longer!
    The second leap of courage officially starts 11 days from now. My husband, bless his heart, has made the selfless decision to enlist in the Air Force. Our family was hit pretty hard by the recession and we figured that it was the best chance we would have at a great quality of life for our family.
    He leaves for Basic Training on the morning of the 17th, but we have to say our goodbyes the night of the 16th as they require a hotel stay the night before. I have to say that I am so proud of my husband, but (selfishly) I don't want to spend 6 months away from him for training and then likely even more time away if/when he gets deployed.
    I keep reminding myself that we each have to make hard decisions in life, but more often than not those hard decisions lead to blessings that we would not have expected.

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  13. freddi says…

    my most recent leap that has been life changing not only for me but my whole family is to reverse roles with my mother. She now refers to me as her mother as I need to be caring for her more since she is becoming older (84) and needing help in handling her life. thank goodness I have great support from my husband and kids.

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  14. Jill Sibbald says…

    you mean I'm not suppose to have bags and boxes and drawers full of photos with empty albums laying around the house ? Man, the Library Class sounds good :)
    As for courage. . . hmmm. . . it would definately be signing up for a journaling class at artfest this year. you know how good. . i mean bad, i am at journaling. something about putting all your feelings on paper to see. afraid of being vulnerable. afraid that if people really knew me, they may not be my friend. and courage to actually post all of that for over 1000 people to potentially read. thanks for asking ali :) love you. j.

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  15. Kirsten says…

    I moved my store in a horrific economy, during Christmas...hoping that it would improve well, everything. My fingers are still crossed.

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  16. Jane Greene says…

    My Leap? I enrolled in a Pilates class and found that I am loving it and doing something good for my body at the same time. Thanks for the chance to win!

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  17. Jennifer Fisher says…

    My biggest leap is my husband and I will be moving to Alabama in March 2009. We both feel that we need a big "leap" or "change" in our lives. We lost our son just over a year ago and need to get a fresh start on life.

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  18. jany says…

    My big leap? Speaking up about personal oppression... oppression and depression caused by my mom.

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  19. Amy Ballard says…

    Deciding to homeschool my three children is my biggest act of courage. And it is SO worth it!

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  20. jany says…

    My big leap? Speaking up about personal oppression... oppression caused by my mom.

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  21. lucy says…

    Taking a leap is something I do all the time!
    I'm always up for something new. I guess that doesn't make it a big "leap" now does it? I will go anywhere and try anything new!
    Italy sounds like a great leap! Let's go!

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  22. Kim Marcus says…

    A big leap for me recently was returning to school, gaining my associates degree and working on my bachlors. This is such a great giveaway.

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  23. Jaime says…

    Wow, what great giveaways. I'm not too much of a "leaper" . . . I like to stay in my comfort zone! LOL I have started getting up at 6 am to workout during the last month. That's quite early and quite cold, so I would say that's my leap! :)

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  24. Stacee says…

    The last 2 1/2 years have been a leap of my family and myself. My husband's job moved us to an area where we did not want to go but we did it. We also have a son who has a learning disability and with that move, he was able to get the help with his reading that he need. It was a blessing in disguise and I am so grateful that we took that leap even when we didn't want to go.

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  25. Erin B says…

    My most recent leap was to start talking about getting pregnant. I've always wanted to be a mom, but until recently wasn't sure my husband and I were ready. I'm so ready now and I've started telling just about everyone that I want to have a baby in the near future!
    These are amazing giveaways and you and your sponsors are always so generous.

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