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A Weekend in the Life (weekend creative follow-up)

AE_weekend  [ CLICK TO VIEW LARGER : template available through Designer Digitals ]

I love this project.

The simple act of remembering to have your camera on hand results in some of the best, most unexpected photos. 

I took a ton of shots (more on Saturday compared to Sunday).

For my project this time I decided to do a large digital gathering of 3 inch x 3 inch cropped photos to showcase the weekend. I like seeing all the individual parts of our weekend brought together to create the whole. I will be uploading this today for printing along with most of the photos ( I have a bunch of specific stories in mind to tell once I get them back from the developer.  

Here's a few of my favorite individual shots:







If you played along this weekend feel free to leave a link to your blog or project in the comments. I hope you enjoyed the process.

I would love to see how you chose to document the weekend.

Happy Monday!

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91 thoughts

  1. cathy says…

    Dang woman... you look amazing for having just kicked out that youngin'!

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  2. Kristin R says…

    lovely photos Ali. Just got a new camera so thinking i might try it out one weekend soon.

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  3. Lani says…

    Simply stunning. As always.

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  4. Johnnal says…

    so sad that I didn't get to play along this weekend, but making plans to do it this coming weekend. Thanks for the inspiration!

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  5. SchoolMommy says…

    What a sweet family! Thanks for letting us peek into your lives. Great photos, great template, and inspiring as always.

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  6. Brian Kasstle says…

    Love all these, but my fave is the one of Simon with the bubble maker! Cool & classic!

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  7. Lydia says…

    this challenge came when i had lots going on-i decided to document on my blog, but will put the photos in an album at some point. it also gave me a chance to highlight my special boys.

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  8. Kathleen D says…

    That last pic that Simon took of all of you in the mirror is great! I love the shots from his perspective.

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  9. Brent says…

    This is wonderful, Ali. This is the kind of thing I'd love to have today as an adult. Simon and Anna will love having all of these stories and photos when they're all grown up!

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  10. Chel says…

    Ali- I love it.
    Do you (or any forum readers) have any advice for people like me who are ALWAYS the photographer? It's always really hard for me to do what needs to be done with my daughter and the family and the house and everything AND document it at the same time. I always intend to do these projects, but then when it comes time to start taking photos, I have to constantly put down the camera to actually ENGAGE in the routine so it gets done!
    I've asked my husband to take some photos, but he gets lost in the shuffle, too. I guess things might be too hectic, in a way.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Gabi says…

    Very inspiring as always, Ali! Thank you for giving us a peek into your weekend. I plan to do this project this week.
    Happy Monday to all of you too!

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  12. Aileen says…

    Beautiful and fun pictures! You always do such wonderful things!! On another note...I am in the middle of remodeling/redecorating. Something I love to do, but am in a little over my head. I am struggling with window treatments, so when I saw those curtains in the background, I was curious. I love them!! Can I ask where you got them??

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Melanie says…

    Love it as usual!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Ali Edwards says…

    Hi - it's actually a shower curtain from Anthropology :). It has the same print on the other side in green.

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  15. Michelle says…

    That last picture is awesome! I have to do that one! =)

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  16. Katrina Kennedy says…

    Great photos and thanks for the fun inspiration (again)!

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  17. Liz Arsenault says…

    Thanks............Had a good time doing this. Told my husband about it and then said........"just think, only 47.5 hours left of me taking pictures of our weekend. He was a good sport.

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  18. Jill says…

    Oh my gosh! That last picture made me giddy! So adorable of Simon taking the family photo!

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  19. Aimee says…

    i love your shower curtain? or curtain? Where did you find that?

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  20. Amy says…

    I love that family photo with Simon taking the picture! Just an awesome job done by your young photographer!! :)

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  21. Debbie McIntyre says…

    Great weekend photos! I loved running around all weekend with my camera glued to my hip for this project.

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  22. Jennifer A says…

    I played along and did get some great shots - I don;t have a blog but do plan on making a mini book a bit like the december daily album. My fav shot of the weekend - at the check out in the grocery store - I told DH to smile - he picked up a box displayed it like a game show host and smiled... the box... tampax! Bless him!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Jennifer A says…

    I played along and did get some great shots - I don;t have a blog but do plan on making a mini book a bit like the december daily album. My fav shot of the weekend - at the check out in the grocery store - I told DH to smile - he picked up a box displayed it like a game show host and smiled... the box... tampax! Bless him!

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  24. Katie says…

    Gorgeous photos. I love the one of you and Anna reading. And the one Simon's taking is precious.

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Katie says…

    It was my husbands birthday this weekend, so I didn't have to try to play along! I naturally took a bunch of pictures. They are uploaded to my blog in individual posts. I am sure I will do a bunch of layouts, and maybe a mini.

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