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Thankful Thought | No.1

I love that when my parents come to visit my kids only want Grandma to put them to bed.

"Grandma do it." says Anna.

"Grandma!" calls Simon as he rounds the corner to go upstairs to his bedroom.

I'm so thankful for that relationship.

I'm starting a new occasional series called Thankful Thoughts and you're invited to join me.

Each time I post a Thankful Thought (a photo + a few words) I'll include a free numbered overlay download for you to add to your own photo. I'm also included a rounded-corner photo mask in this first download for those of you who'd like to have rounded-corners on your photo.

Download Thankful Thought | 001 here.

Also for this first download I put together a video tutorial on how to use the overlay and the rounded-corner photo mask.

Ali Edwards | Thankful Thoughts Overlay + Photo Mask Tutorial from Ali Edwards on Vimeo.


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154 thoughts

  1. Mari says…

    Thanks so much for this Ali!
    I'm totally printing out some blanks, just the mask and the overlay (unnumbered) so that I can have a few stacks around the house to jot down some things as they happen.
    Today I was SO THANKFUL that I was able to get through a whole 7 year old daughter hairbrushing without a single tear that I don't even need a photo!!!!! : )

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Nicole says…

    Thank you for sharing Ali! I'd love to play along. :)

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  3. Crystal says…

    Thanks Ali. I played along on my blog and wrote up some instructions for GIMP. If you don't have Photoshop but would like to use the overlay and mask, you can download GIMP for free.
    Here's the link:

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      Thanks Crystal!

    2. Krystal says…

      omg, thank you thank you thank you!! i just wrote a comment asking for help and then came back just to double check and saw your comment! you rock!

  4. kelsey says…

    Thanks for the freebie!

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  5. gudrun says…

    Love this idea of thankful thoughts, Ali. Thanks for sharing, and thanks for the free mask and overlay :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Sharon Osborn says…

    Thanks for sharing Ali, what a grand idea :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Jana says…

    Sweet! Thanks for the downloads and the video tutorial - great to see this again, it helps cement it into my brain, so maybe someday it'll be intuitive!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. glee says…

    quiet day around here in hawaii as we all braced for a tsunami and many of us didn't have to go to work. thankfully, no major tsunami damage. japan however is devastated.
    appreciate your easy to understand videos.
    love your pix of your beautiful family.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Lara says…

    Thank you so much Ali! I love all your overlays and use them all the time for my photos I print out for family - they add so much to the photo.
    And I just love the rounded corner mask. I am going to borrow Maureen's idea and keep it on my desktop, as I can tell that is going to get A LOT of use!
    Thanks again for sharing your talent with us and have a great weekend!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Heather says…

    Thank you for the great overlay! Perfect timing for the reflective mood I was in today. I had to post it on my blog:

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Carrie says…

    Absolutely lovely. Thanks Ali!

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  12. Donna B says…

    You. Are. The. Best. Thank you so much, Ali!

    You are an inspiration on so many different levels!

    Very much appreciate the download, the tutorial, and the thankful thought. Have a great weekend!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. suzanne says…

    great idea! this is another great idea to help in my mindfulness journey.

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  14. terry says…

    Thanks Ali!

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  15. Cindy says…

    As a grandparent I LOVE spending time with my grandsons. Thank you for sharing the overlay, plus the fact that you finally got me to use my PSE5 program, which I have avoided for years!

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  16. kate titcombe says…

    thanks so much ali - this is great.

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  17. Lauri says…

    Thank-you so much for the tutorial! I am slowly learning Photoshop, and just used your tutorial to finally use a mask. I had to keep going back and forth between your instructions and my work, but I did it!

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  18. Alida says…

    Thank you Ali for the great template. Ons of the things I love about life documenting is that it makes me look at the moments in my life , big and ordinary, and be thankful.

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  19. Ellie A. says…

    Oh thank you so much for this! I can totally relate as my kids have such an amazing relationship w/my mother & my inlaws once they come in the picture I could be invisible and they would even notice I was gone! For me its something I truly treasure seeing especially how they melt for one another.So this weekend when I head over to my MIL I will be looking for just that picture that will go into my overlay! Thank you so much again.

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  20. Krystal says…

    does anyone know how to use these in gimp? i am in love with them but can't seem to figure it out... thank you!

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  21. Barbara says…

    Thank you for the inspiration.

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  22. Michelle says…

    Hi Ali,

    Thanks so much for these tools and your awesome videos - they have inspired me to start scrapping digitally.You videos are so easy to follow and use!

    I did have one question though - does this mask also work for other photo sizes - I generally like to do my photos 5 x 7?

    Also do you have a video on how to re-shade an element - I'd like to add a particular element to a layout I'm trying and unfortunately it's very similar in shade to my back ground paper and so is getting lost?


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  23. Philarney in Australia says…

    Thank you so much for sharing Ali! I was inspired straight away, as I often am by your thoughts and ideas. Grateful was my OLW last year and it still resonates with me.

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  24. brandy says…

    I wanted to say thanks for the great tutorials on using digital stuff. I just got PSE9, and have never used a PSE program before, so this is my first attempt at digital scrapbooking (I have always been a paper scrapper!). I used the tutorial on using a layered template (It was the Remember This layout) and with it I completed my first digital layout and got a feel for how layered templates work! I love the step by step instruction, and just wanted to say THANKS!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. 48/365: Thankful Thought 001 says…

    [...] Thought overlay is a freebie from Ali Edwards available here) March 12, 2011 By Michelle / Leave a Comment Filed Under: Digital Scrapbooking, Projects, [...]

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