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Stuff Of Our Days | Ali & Katie


Katie and I spend a lot of time together working and playing.

We eat lunch together every week day here at my house and are both trying hard to eat healthy most of the time. Most days we go downstairs, make lunch together and sit at the dining table.

Some days we chat but usually I read the paper and she checks out Pinterest while we eat. We're good with quiet and we're good with really big laughter.

We often make "plate" lunches - a combination of stuff like slices of cheese, meat, crackers, fruit, etc. Some days we have soup. Another favorite is steamed broccoli with chicken and either a peanut (goma shabu) or soy (shabu soy) dipping sauce that I often have for making shabu shabu (a favorite Japanese dish).

When the weather warms up we've got plans to eat more lunches outside.

Here's some of the fun things we are loving lately:


Pretzel Crisps & Sabra Classic Hummus | We get both of these at Costco - a big bag of the pretzel crisps & the individual cups of hummus (nice for portion control/not nice for the environment). Katie started on this snack after picking up a little combo pack of Hummus & Pretzels at a local grocery store. It's addicting.


Frosty Light from Rabbit Food For My Bunny Teeth | So I bought a Vitamix. Aaron and I were at Costco a couple weekends ago and it jumped in my cart. I pinned this concoction and we've had it multiple times recently and find it delicious - we even add the chia seeds and I'm a total convert.

Spotify | While working in the office we listen to music. This is a change from when I was working on my own - it was all talk radio all the time. Katie's definitely brought music back into my life (Aaron's helped with that too). I made the leap and am now subscribing to Spotify and I love that I can listen to the playlists in the car. Here's a couple of playlists we are listening to Twin Forks (just their album), Girls Night, Hits Right Now (makes us feel super current - ha) and one Katie made called Feel Good. Find me and the things I've been listening to by searching Ali McDougall Edwards.

Jimmy Johns | Yep. Sandwiches. For some reason Katie and I love this place. I always get the #6 (veggie) + salt & vinegar chipas and Katie almost always gets the #1 (Pepe) + BBQ chips. Sometimes we eat there and sometimes we bring it back and eat at my dining room table.

Project Life Wednesdays | I'm working on a post to share how our block scheduling has been going but I can't post about the things we're into and like doing together without mentioning Project Life. We've designated Wednesdays as Project Life days and after taking care of admin stuff in the morning we dive in and have the best time working on our individual albums together. We usually turn the music up loud and get down to business. This includes finishing up spreads, photographing them and then working on the posts for the following week. We totally look forward to Wednesdays.

Viral You Tube Videos | We like to laugh. We like to be inspired. Some of our current favorites include: Kid President's Letter To A Person On Their First Day Here, pretty much anything from Jimmy Fallon but especially the lip sync battles (Paul Rudd and this one with Joseph Gordon Levitt & Stephen Merchant) and when he sang Let It Go with Idina Menzel & The Roots (that one gets played over and over).

What's something you are really into and loving right now?

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59 thoughts

  1. Pink Ronnie says…

    I can relate to the difficulties of eating healthily every day - I definitely struggle with this! Loved this little peek into your working week...
    Ronnie xo
    p.s. Shabu shabu is the best. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Krystyn says…

    That all sounds fabulous and I am totally jealous. I wish I could work for you...let me know when you need another employee. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Joan says…

    I agree with Krystyn! This sounds like the dream work environment. I am an entrepreneur at heart, hoping to start my own business - SOON! Although I won't be working on my Project Life as part of work :(, I do look forward to the freedom to incorporate elements that inspire me as a home office and being your own boss allows you to do! Thanks for the continued inspiration! Cheers

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Katie Johnson says…

    Thanks for sharing Ali. It's funny how people who love Jimmy Johns have a favorite and tend to get the same sandwich EVERY time. I am a fan of the Beach Club (#12) on wheat with BBQ chips.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. kelly says…

    do not get me started on those pretzel crisps! seriously love those with hummus. and nutella. ;)

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. {vicki} says…

    I love hummus---haven't tried it with pretzels though!

    Would love to hear how you are liking your Vitamix. I've had one for over a year now and I'm not all that pleased with it.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. laura kate says…

    Another post highlighting my want for a Vitamix. They're ridiculously pricey in the UK. :( And I do miss the taste of Jimmy John's. But I gave that place up (when I'm in the US anymore, at least) as Jimmy John himself grosses me out with his leopard and elephant hunting.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Christin Dukes says…

      I love my Ninja Pro. It has 2 HP motor and makes the most awesome smoothies. It also has a dough hook and a bowl to make cookies. The best thing is it was only $169. Use it every day to make fruit and veggie smoothies for breakfast.

  8. Lida says…

    Oh my gosh, my girls love to go to Jimmie Johns for lunch and dinner!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Janet says…

    #13. Double guacamole and no mayo. Slippery, but yummy. Good digestion comes from a peaceful eating environment and you have that down.So giving in is allowed.

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  10. Juli says…

    Love love love pretzel crisps + Sabra hummus. My favorite is the pinenut!

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  11. Julie Finch says…

    If you love the pretzel crisps & hummus from Costco, you MUST try the edamame hummus!! its to die for. totally addicted. They have been out my past few trips and I need to find another place they sell it. SO DELICIOUS!!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Mary M. says…

      Julie - if you have a Trader Joes where you live they have their own version of edamame hummus. It's pretty delicious. =)

  12. Sheila Palm says…

    I just love my vitamix! Pricey but sooo worth it. Green smoothies start off my day!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Wendy WendtVanGuilder says…

    The youtube video with the little kid trying to bargain with his mother and he calls her "Linda honey" it makes me laugh so hard it will bring tears to your eyes if you have ever tried to negotiate with a five year old.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Tammie says…

      Omigoodness YES I love that YouTube video! "Lynda, Lynda"

      My kids are now saying this to me - It's Hilarious!
      (I think I'll go watch it now)

  14. Tammie says…

    Nice post...The Blendtec blender is on my wishlist. Ali you have such a lovely space to work in.
    Right now, I'm really into learning about applying my makeup flawlessly. I watch YouTube videos for tips.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Amy Mason says…

    Have you seen diary of a sad cat on youtube? Super funny. there is a dog one as well, but it isn't quite as good.

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  16. Cortney says…

    Two things for you two:
    1) if you're using almond milk, and haven't tried Califia, I highly recommend. It doesn't have any of the preservatives or separation issues that cartoned almond milk has. Find it in the refrigerated section.
    2) for further office laughter, go here & read the comments:

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. kayla says…

    fun stuff! i can only imagine that you and katie have a blast. what a cool friendship you guys have. currently loving: making paninis on our george foreman grill, parks & rec on netflix in bed, opi cajun shrimp nail polish, awaiting my first stitchfix box and i just read "the light between oceans." good book but kind of bleak. happy wednesday!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Andrea says…

    One of our favorites is homemade spinach dip or homemade tuna salad and pita chips. You can get the pita chips in a big bag or individual servings at Sam's/Costco, with Garlic Parmesan the flavor of choice. Since we've been trying to limit our processed carb intake, we'll often substitute thick slices of cucumber or romaine leaves for the chips as a healthy alternative that still provides the crunch of the chip. The cucumber slices are also tasty with the Sabra Roasted Red Pepper hummus. Okay, now I need to go get some lunch because this made me hungry!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      Need to remember the cucumber slices! Thank you.

    2. Jana says…

      I second the cucumber slices with hummus - yum! Especially the thin english cucumbers - which you can find at Costco of course!

  19. Eileen says…

    Ali, you totally made my day. Can't imagine how you get anything done. I could get addicted to the videos.

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  20. Kim says…

    oh how i would love to be Katie or a 3rd party to this amazing relationship & routine *dreamy sigh*

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  21. Felicia Young says…

    Hey Ali have you tried the Nutribullet? It does the same thing as the vitamin, but cheaper.

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  22. Amanda S. says…

    I know those hummus/pretzel cups you speak of.... they ALWAYS jump in my cart in the grocery store and Target! :) And I'm with you.... my Jimmy subscription on YouTube is the best and those two segments on his show are my favorite! Well, actually, most anything and particularly the episodes where Justin Timberlake is a guest! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Cindy Wick says…

    I'm into art right now. I'm a fairly decent artist but due to health problems and life, I've done very little drawing and painting the past few years. So I'm working on my studio space and getting ready for a burst of creativeness. I've also renewed my commitment myself to post on my blog and keep up with Project life. I'm developing a schedule for myself so that my creativity isn't lost in all of the everyday stuff of my very full life. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Brandy says…

    I have a Vitamix and love it. Smoothies in the morning and Healthy Vitamix soup for lunch is my favorite week day meals. I have a Thai Pumpkin(or butter squash) which is so awesome!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Beatrice says…

    what a lovely furniture Ali! i'd love to know where it is from!

    all the best,

    a reader in Sweden

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