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December Daily® 2014 | Day Five (And Story Kits™ Now Available For Pre-Order)

Welcome to December Daily® 2014 | Day Five. 

What's on my mind today are little stories. 

The idea came about when I walked Anna in to school this morning. We were holding hands and walking down the hallway and she said something silly and endearing so I squeezed her hand and she squeezed mine back. "Mom, I love when you squeeze my hand." she said. In that moment I knew that today I wanted to document some of the little stories that I've been noticing and thinking about the past few days - just little bits of our life that are happening as we make our way through December. 

When I got back to the car I opened a note file on my phone and started brainstorming some of these little stories and then transferred them to the journal card when I got home. 

Here's a look at the two cards I ended up with today - yep, a no-photo day because you don't have to include a photo every day: 

One "decorated card" + one "journal card."

The two pens I used today (I like the contrast between thick and thin) are the  Staedler Lumocolor (Wilna mentioned this previously on a podcast and I had to try it and I really like it and hope to have it in my shop sometime soon) and the Uniball Vision Elite. The Uniball pen is not a specialty archival pen - it's just my favorite regular old pen. 

Here's a closer look at each of the cards: 

So if you remember  yesterday I shared how I cut that hole where my computer screen was to remove what I was shopping for (I also shared that I backed that photo with this pattern paper). 

To add a little something to this pattern paper I used the rectangle box stamps (from the  kit stamp set) using red, orange and gray ink (repeating the look of the rectangle boxes that are already a part of the pattern). 

I also embossed using  gold glitter zing three of the outline stars and added one of the small chipboard glitter stars to the little window embellishment to cover up the back of the brad. 

On  the journal card I had already embossed the filled-in star using the gold glitter zing as part of getting my foundation pages ready. In addition I added a couple stamps to the top and then wrote out my little stories for the day.  

The tiny numbers on the stamp set worked great as separators for my little stories. 

Everybody has five little stories to tell today. 

Here's a look at both the cards in the album: 

And you might notice in the image above that I've already added something for tomorrow. 

Yesterday I picked up an after-school treat for Anna and ended up keeping this great little Starbucks bag because I love the color and the script and sentiment are awesome and it fits perfectly in the album.

I'm thinking for tomorrow that I will either make something to slip inside (using the bag as a pocket) or will add something to the back for Day 6. 

Hope you have a great weekend!


Click on the images below to link to the products used in this project. 


I'd love to have you share a link to your Day Five pages below. Please link directly to your post vs. a general blog link.


The big news today is that after months (and months) of planning  STORY KITS™ are now available for pre-order

So what is this all about? Story Kits™ are monthly, limited edition story-focused paper crafting kits designed by me. Geared towards memory keepers, these products act as sparks to help document and celebrate the stories of your life. 

Each month subscribers will receive an exclusive collection of memory keeping products ( click here to see a full list of what is included this month + images). The goal of the Story Kits™ is to encourage and empower you to craft the stories of your life regardless of your scrapbooking approach (traditional layouts, pockets, minibooks, etc). With that in mind, subscribers will receive access to a members-only area that includes educational content to go along with each monthly theme (multi-page PDF and videos that include how-to's and ideas for getting your stories told) - this is the same classroom as the Story Stamp™. In addition to the inspiration and education, there is a subscribers-only message board and gallery for support and sharing your stories and projects made with the kits.

BONUS | Subscribe to BOTH the  Story Kit™ and Story Stamp™ and receive the Digital Story Kit™ FREE (see image below). Your free Digital Story Kit™ will be available on or around the 15th of each month in your dashboard under "My Digital Files" for download.

In addition to the  Story Kit™ and Story Stamp™ I will also be offering a Digital Story Kit™ subscription that will become available on December 15th. This will be a monthly subscription (meaning you subscribe and then it will continue to be auto-delivered to you until you let us know you want to cancel) for $19.99 and you will have access to the same education as the other Story subscriptions.

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47 thoughts

  1. Michelle06 says…

    Love a no photo day and short stories ! Subbed to the kit, can't wait - 2015 will go down as The Year of The Story!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. rhondaw says…

    I love, love, love adding in the Starbucks bag!! Oh what fun!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. m_sweetman says…

    Love the idea of no photo and capturing those little stories! Also, love the bag!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. beckany says…

    Recording the story is so important. Love this! Dec 5 must be the day for it too!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. pmmessner says…

    LOVE the page & LOVE the "story kit"... just ordered!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. abragg79 says…

    5 little stories for the 5th awesome! Love the idea of no photos, too. Very nice.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. stacielinn says…

      Didn't even think of that! Getting ready to do Day 5 right now!!! Great idea!

  7. zippy says…

    Ali, I am a Story Stamp subscriber and I just pre-ordered the Story Kit. Love that they share the same theme and that you have made them "life neutral" - they work no matter where you are in your life journey. Will the kits be shipping together?

    Reply 5 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thank you! They will ship together.

    2. geordie281 says…

      Are you saying that postage is $2 for overseas? I had read it as $2 'handling' fee and no information about postage.

    3. AliEdwards says…

      @geordie281 According to the Shipping FAQ, "For all domestic orders, the Story Stamp™ and Story Kit™ will ship for free. A $2 processing fee will be charged for each Story Stamp™ and Story Kit™ subscription order shipping outside of the United States."

    4. geordie281 says…

      Thank you - I had read that but wasn't clear as to whether the $2 was a postage charge or just a 'handling charge' to cover customs declarations etc., and that therefore there might also be a postage charge on top of that.

    5. AliEdwards says…

      Pretty sure that's it!

  8. ashley_amak says…

    On the third, we used my husband's Starbucks birthday rewards and as soon as I saw that treat bag I snagged it up for my December daily documentation. I love the sentiment!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. AnnetteH says…

    so fun! Love those bags too! Mine says "share the merry" which is fun too. And I love that squeezing the hand story. Our story is that three little squeezes means "i love you" (and yes, I've done a page about it) :)

    And hello awesome Story Kit! You nailed it. Just awesome.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Oh I love that Annette -

  10. MaggieR says…

    Oh how I love the idea of the digital Story Kit subscription. Thank you so much for doing this!!! Any way to know the price on that? I'd love to add it to my Christmas list!!! <3

    Thank you for all that you do!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi! It will be $19.99.

    2. MaggieR says…

      Perfect! Thank you so much, Ali! :)

  11. jocelyn55 says…

    OMG…Ali, your 404 (Page Not Found) page on your website is AMAZING!!! You are so clever! …and Simon is ADORABLE!
    Loving December Daily this year! So, so happy to be playing along with you and everyone else! :)
    Thanks for being awesome!

    Happy Holidays!


    Reply 3 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      We had a lot of fun with that one :). Let me know if you came across it a specific way and I can see if I can get the link fixed :).

    2. MaggieR says…

      I've been meaning to mention that. It makes me laugh every time! I seem to get to that page often when trying to access my cart from my mobile, but honestly, it makes me so happy to see it that I TRY to recreate the problem. It's awesome!


    3. jocelyn55 says…

      It was in this paragraph under the link for the UNIBALL VISION ELITE.... :)

      One "decorated card" + one "journal card."

      The two pens I used today (I like the contrast between thick and thin) are the Staedler Lumocolor (Wilna mentioned this previously on a podcast and I had to try it and I really like it and hope to have it in my shop sometime soon) and the Uniball Vision Elite. The Uniball pen is not a specialty archival pen - it's just my favorite regular old pen.

  12. llaurenb says…

    the "little" stories are my favorite, they're the ones that'd get lost if you weren't specifically looking out for them! what an awesome page! ♥

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. charmainelachapelle says…

    Quick question, will all kits going forward contain 3x4 and 4x6 cards?

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Yes. That's the formula that we are sticking to right now.

    2. charmainelachapelle says…

      Fab!!!! That is the answer I was looking for.

    3. scrapfin1 says…

      Looks great. Im so glad you are going 3x4 and 4x6 Id like more diversity than just one themed PL kit.

  14. mtercha says…

    Awesome day 5. Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. SewingBella says…

    I'm excited about the Story kits! The page says the first kit will ship free + $2 international handling. Do you know what the ongoing shipping cost will be for internationals? I already sub to story stamps and I'm just trying to budget for them both plus shipping!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      That's going to be ongoing - so you'll pay $4 per month for shipping if you subscribe to both the Story Stamp and Story Kit.

    2. SewingBella says…

      Great, thanks for confirming!

  16. Peppermint says…

    My love affair with Staedtler pens goes way back at this point, I have a drawer full of them in dozens of colors. Is it weird that I subscribed to the Story Kit mostly for the educational part? You had me at "square corners" with the products, but products aren't exactly in short supply around here. The tipping point is the education for me - I'm always so inspired by your educational material that I figure a year of education is an investment in my soul as a memory keeper. ♥

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      You are the best.

    2. Ekaterine says…

      Same here, Peppermint! I just LOVE Ali's ideas and videos. I'd subscribe to anything if there's Ali doing a video on it))

  17. me1312 says…

    Thanks so much for sharing your amazing talent. Love the page!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Raylene says…

    Funny! My day 5 didn't have photos either! I was happy with that!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. stacielinn says…

    Soooo, how many people now feel the need to zip on over to Starbucks and grab something in a bag?!? :). Love the simplicity of your style, Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Smylee87 says…

    I saved that same Starbucks bag for my DD album!! Love it! How funny- I love how you punched holes and added it that way.

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Sandra_Lomas says…

    i just love that you added the starbucks bag. i saved one a few days ago to put in mine. i wasn't sure whether i would add the bag or make a xerox of it. i like seeing the bag in your album.

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. LisaMacfarlane says…

    Thanks for making the story kit available digitally. I am a traditional scrapper at heart but been playing with digital from yesterday and today so this is great for us who live on the other side of the world where shipping and the exchange rate make things really expensive for us. I just love learning from you and how you present and teach your classes. I will be asking Santa so fingers crossed! Thanks again.

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. justapixel says…

    Literally 1/3 of the links today are not to albums.

    Am I the only one that bugs?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi - I responded to your comment on yesterday's post. Links to words and photos as documentation of December Daily are welcome here. Thanks for understanding :).

  24. JoEades says…

    Yay, been hanging out for the Story Kit. Cancelled my SC subscription and signed up for Story Kit today. Can't wait.

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. laew says…

    Would like to know more about the Story Kits and maybe I'm just missing where the information is....Do each month's Story Stamp and Story Kit go together? It looks like the first Story Kit is about the 1st of the year? Will the Story Stamp also be the same theme? I've been a Story Stamp subscriber from the beginning will I still be eligible for the digital kit if I order the Story Kit now?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi - yes, they share the same theme. If you are a subscriber to both then you will get the digital for free (even if you are signing up for one after you had signed up for the other).

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