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Last week, Simon turned 13. 


For real. 

This kid. 

I've been sharing his stories in this space since he was 2 years old. I've shared stories of challenges and stories of successes because that's what it's all about isn't it? 

Celebrating all of it: lessons learned, things overcome and the wonderful joy of being together. 

Our own little modern family gathered to celebrate him on his actual birthday at the restaurant of his choice (Twin Dragon for MarFar Chicken) because he is so very loved. 

He's not a fan of the signing so much. 

But he does love making a wish and blowing out the candles. 

And yes, Anna can't wait until it's her birthday in a few weeks. 

It was a birthday that featured many new Lego sets because that continues to be one of his main loves (seen above photographing some of his new sets). 

He's also really into mysteries and the classic movie Clue. He's spent a good deal of time transcribing the screenplay recently.

On Sunday he had a friend party here at my house. 

The plan was to watch Clue, eat pizza and Doritos and Skittles and cake. Because that's what he wanted.  

Three boys from his class were able to come - two we've know since kindergarten. They are all in Simon's program at school and it was so, so awesome to have them here and watch them interact and chat and laugh and explain things to each other. 

They ended up playing Super Mario on the Wii (all four together at the same time) for a bit in the beginning before starting the movie. 

I don't think there are enough words available for me to express how these moments of positive social interaction with peers make my heart sing. 

Chris and I stood in the kitchen listening and smiling at each other and commenting in hushed voices about how it was going. 

It went really, really well. 

Chocolate cake. Standard. 

Lego mini-figures were shared. 

It was a really good day. 

Hey Simon - 

You are a really good dude.

No matter what we are always, always on your team and we will love you forever and ever. 

I'm so proud to be your Mom. 

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60 thoughts

  1. shersley says…

    Love the first pic of your two kids together. Love how you write your stories. Love how you share with us. Happy emotions, maybe even a bit choked up over mutual feelings about "being a mom". Your kids are loved and cherished. It's a blessing to them beyond any birthday wish they could make. Happy Birthday Simon!!!!

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  2. larsar09_gmail_com says…

    Has he read The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin? great mystery, and there is a cartoon version he could watch after. As a reading teacher, I can't help suggesting the next book. How about Zach's Lie by Roland Smith, Jack's Run is the 2nd book. My boys are loving the I, Q series by Roland Smith. Very mysterious and high tech stuff with protagonist that is their age, there are several more in that series also. My oldest will be 13 this spring also. Love the pics! Thank you for sharing your stories here, I have been reading your blog for many years since I took your album course at a CKU.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Great suggestions - thank you so much!

  3. rhondaw says…

    Hooray 13! My son Zack will be 13 on Sunday. We will be celebrating this weekend. I hope our celebration is as much fun as yours! Go Simon!

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  4. kruiten says…

    "I don't think there are enough words available for me to express how these moments of positive social interaction with peers make my heart sing." This sentence got me. As a fellow mom with a 14 son on the spectrum, I know exactly how this feels. I felt it today as I drove a group of 8th graders to a fun day at the bowling alley, and they all, including my son Cole, starting singing "Radioactive" together to the song on the radio. Do you by chance watch Parenthood? I'm not sure how Christina, a mom with a 14 year old son with Asperger's, is able to convey the same emotions on screen, but she does, and it brings me to tears every time. (A worthy watch on Netflix, since the series in now over.) Thank you for sharing your life with us, especially this part. It's always comforting to know that there are others on the same journey. God bless you Ali.

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  5. platoj says…

    Yes. My older son turned 18 this week. A fellow classmate, and girl, gave him the most darling photo collage as a gift. Pics of them from junior high included. I spoke with my son (who has ASD) and said, "Bud, I think she likes you." He was aghast. "How did I miss the cues?" he asked. I don't know. What I do know is that feeling when someone "likes" your kid enough to want to spend time with him, especially on his birthday. Big hug from me to you, Ali. Now I need for my nine year old (also with ASD) to forge some good relationships. It never ends.

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  6. ourcrazylife says…

    Ali- I love love love love love this POST!!! Is it not that obvious? LOL.... at the same time, not only did I love it, I'm seriously fighting back bawling my eyes out. I've always enjoyed following your blog about life, kids, and getting creative. My son will be 9 in a couple months, he has ADHD but is such a great kid. He makes me so proud and he's so smart. Thank you so much for sharing your stories with all of us. <3

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