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Last week, Simon turned 13. 


For real. 

This kid. 

I've been sharing his stories in this space since he was 2 years old. I've shared stories of challenges and stories of successes because that's what it's all about isn't it? 

Celebrating all of it: lessons learned, things overcome and the wonderful joy of being together. 

Our own little modern family gathered to celebrate him on his actual birthday at the restaurant of his choice (Twin Dragon for MarFar Chicken) because he is so very loved. 

He's not a fan of the signing so much. 

But he does love making a wish and blowing out the candles. 

And yes, Anna can't wait until it's her birthday in a few weeks. 

It was a birthday that featured many new Lego sets because that continues to be one of his main loves (seen above photographing some of his new sets). 

He's also really into mysteries and the classic movie Clue. He's spent a good deal of time transcribing the screenplay recently.

On Sunday he had a friend party here at my house. 

The plan was to watch Clue, eat pizza and Doritos and Skittles and cake. Because that's what he wanted.  

Three boys from his class were able to come - two we've know since kindergarten. They are all in Simon's program at school and it was so, so awesome to have them here and watch them interact and chat and laugh and explain things to each other. 

They ended up playing Super Mario on the Wii (all four together at the same time) for a bit in the beginning before starting the movie. 

I don't think there are enough words available for me to express how these moments of positive social interaction with peers make my heart sing. 

Chris and I stood in the kitchen listening and smiling at each other and commenting in hushed voices about how it was going. 

It went really, really well. 

Chocolate cake. Standard. 

Lego mini-figures were shared. 

It was a really good day. 

Hey Simon - 

You are a really good dude.

No matter what we are always, always on your team and we will love you forever and ever. 

I'm so proud to be your Mom. 

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60 thoughts

  1. Cookingmylife says…

    Happy Birthday Simon! and thank you Mom for sharing his story with us for all these years. You've opened my eyes and filled my heart with love for your precious children. <3

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Queen_Mary says…

    How exciting Ali! And now for the challenges of adolescence! With such a strong foundation, I see smooth sailing ahead -- and if there are any bumps, you have our emails -- Charlie is 29 and 3/4 and he had bumps (not Mt. Everest, more like K2) and now he's a PhD, so I can tell you the roller coaster does end, and remind you to hang on! I love your "modern" family -- all families are different in their own ways and have their own paths, yours has the best values -- your kids -- nothing could be a better focus. DH got legos for Christmas so it's a good thing legos has kept up with their customers! :) Have you seen the OYO Sports sets? You can get a whole baseball team! My nephew got his dad's Destroyer and that nephew is now at the Naval Academy! Anyway, Congrats to you and to Simon and to Simon's dad for being there and to Anna for being good when it wasn't her turn! :) Love you big girl!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. barefootscrapbooker says…

    Happy Birthday, Simon!
    What a lovely, supportive, loving post. It brightened my day to see that huge smile of his! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. soonermama says…

    Hooray! Go Simon! Love this post.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. libbimoore says…

    from one mother to another mother who has an autistic child (mine is 9), those social interactions are the icing on the cake and put the biggest smile on face.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. bmcgarry says…

    "I don't think there are enough words available for me to express how these moments of positive social interaction with peers make my heart sing." This was my favorite part, I know exactly where you are coming from and it makes me happy for Simon and you. Hoping for my little guy that same joy when he is older, because I know how those positive social moments can make all the difference in the world. Much love to you and yours. Happy Birthday SImon!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. bcbc says…

      Yes, the same sentence brought tears. Happy Birthday Simon!

  7. jeannine says…

    Loved this post!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. amytschubert says…

    Clue is a GREAT movie :) Simon has excellent taste.

    And man those long skinny teenage boy legs kill me! haha! Your family is adorable.

    Happy Birthday, Simon!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Stheiner says…

    Happy Birthday Simon!! Looks like an awesome birthday.
    I love the pic of the cake from that angle.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Bookworm says…

    Happy 13th Birthday, Simon! I'm glad you got some new Lego sets and that you had a fun party with your friends. My daughter Gabi, who is ten, loves Legos, too. She likes to build them and then tell stories with them. ~ Laura

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. kre8tivekate says…

    Birthdays look good on you, Simon! Happy 13th. My youngest son is the same age as Cathy's Aidan, and we both called our 13 year olds one-three. My one-three now is one-nine, towers over me by many inches, and is a freshman at Temple University School of Engineering. I think it's because he loved Legos. Have a happy, blessed 14th year!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. RhondaN says…

    Happy 13th Birthday Simon!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. geordie281 says…

    This post has made my day.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. desilei says…

    This is beautiful. Happy Birthday, Simon! You have many "fans" and people cheering you on! You are all so blessed to have each other. --Desiree

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. hudsonsailor27 says…

    Simon is so loved and it shows with every day he grows to be his best self. Happy Birthday.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. lizbeth8 says…

    The pic with Simon and his friends is absolutely priceless. I've followed you on this journey Ali, with my now 10-year-old autistic son. I found your blog all those years ago (2006/Creating Keepsakes, I believe?), and the coincidence of a fellow scrapbooker having this in common with me was more supportive than you'll ever know. SO incredibly excited for Simon's journey opening up new doors for him. We live it every day over here as well, and it's a universal "shout out" when milestones of this nature are made. You are to be commended for your dedication, consistency, persistence and advocacy. These key characteristics are just part of the job, but my friend, you do it with flare~~ ;) {@}

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. crazystampwoman says…

    We have similar things going on here with my ASD son (almost 13). Just in the past year, he has been making stronger friendships and has had friends over to our house... and been invited to their houses, too! He was even asked for a study date two weekends ago; those are major milestones for us.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. pmmessner says…

    i believe i've watched him here since two... amazing young man! #gosimonGO
    happy 13th!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. JoEades says…

    Happy Birthday Simon!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. pierek14 says…

    Thanks for sharing this special moment with us. Happy Birthday Simon. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. justplainbeth says…

    I can hardly believe it.. has it been that long already? Happy birthday Simon. You are growing into a fine young man, and we are all so very proud of you. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. jeicat says…

    Happy, Happy birthday Simon! You are growing up to be a young handsome boy. May all your wishes come true. Enjoy!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. FL_Cindy says…

    oh my............a teenager!! HAPPY 13th BIRTHDAY SIMON!! I just love the story and photos of his special day, just warms you heart!! Lucky.

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. maiaohe says…

    Beautiful photos Ali. Happy 13th birthday to you Simon!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. ginaegg says…

    A teen?! Wow. Happy birthday, Simon! I'm glad it was a great one!

    And, can I just say (well, I'm sayin')...I really like that you and Chris have been able to push through the "ick" and parent your kids so well. I cannot imagine how HARD it was to get to that point (at least, I would imagine it would be hard on at least some level).

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thank you -

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