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Week In The Life™ 2018 | Tuesday Words + Photos

Today, as I was going about my day, I thought a lot about slowing and savoring. On my @ae_wellness account over on Instagram I did a video/story chat talking about how I'm looking for opportunities to take things slow in a variety of aspects of my life. 

So to tell the story of my day I'll be using the prompt "savoring." Savoring doesn't mean everything is perfect and awesome - it really just means I'm intentionally looking for the good within the moments of everyday life. 

In our house there are a lot of moving pieces - kids going here and there with activities and friends and lots of chatter. I am continually working on embracing the flow of our days - some days that feels easy and other days I'm resisting the flow and running old tapes in my head. Today included a combination of both. 

Savoring the time it takes to get kids to and from school. I know it won't last forever. I take Simon + Anna and Aaron takes Isaac, Elliot and Audrey. Right now they are at four different schools - next year they will each be at a different school. One of the things I love about the morning and afternoon drive right now is that Simon is into a couple local radio stations and he loves to look at me as each new song comes on to see if I know it or not. It's a little game we've been playing for awhile that I love. 

Savoring moments like this when I get to eat breakfast outside on the porch before diving into my work. Today our morning weather was amazing. I ate my breakfast and read our local paper. 

Photo note: I took one shot and decided to just go with the blurred background image. 

Savoring the way the white lilacs reach all the way up to the sky. I recorded an around-the-yard video that I'll share here next week. 

Savoring my morning walk in the sunshine and then the transition to work. Listened to The Daily + a podcast called Westworld: The Recapables (because Westworld is RAD). 

Not sure that I actually savor anything about this one - ha. This cat searches out water everywhere. No water is safe here. I do enjoy him very much (which is one of the definitions of savor). 

Savoring my list of work stuff including shooting images and videos for the new Story Kit™ theme that will come out on the 13th. 

Savoring the nap I took in the middle of the day when I felt bone-tired. 

Savoring a few minutes of sitting in the car in silence with a new book while I wait to pick up Anna. This is a super quick read called Destination Simple: Everyday Rituals For A Slower Life. Super practical tips for slowing down and making more intentional choices throughout the day.  

Savoring the rain drops on the car windshield. Sun + rain = happy plants. 

Savoring this cheerful young lady. I enjoy her company so much. 

Savoring the fact that these two like to go to bookstores too. Today it was Simon's idea because he had a gift card and wanted to get a Star Wars cook book that he had seen previously. Anna picked up a couple books and I grabbed one (yeah, I remember what I said yesterday but I justified it because it's from the kid section and one of them might read it eventually). 

Savoring how into the art journaling both girls are right now. Audrey got up and did it this morning before school and they both did more this evening. 

Savoring the chopping. Tonight I made Against All Grain's Instant Pot Mexican Chicken Soup (following my menu plan here). Simon, who has never been much of a soup fan, felt like it was too spicy. Audrey protested some about the spice and the "unknown" ingredients. Everyone else loved it. 

Savoring photos like this when you just get lucky. Lucky that we can see Simon's smile. Lucky that both Aaron and Isaac are actually off the ground as they did a warm up for an exercise routine. 

Savoring this relationship between these two. 

And savoring the relationship between these two as well. They rode bikes to the pool for a couple hours. 

Savoring the flow of the evening. I ate with the girls on the first shift and then Aaron ate with the boys during the second shift after they came back from the pool. They were also playing the game Punderdome while sitting at the table (I am terrible at that game). 

Savoring showers for all the kids tonight. Ha. Savoring how they play. 

Savoring the quiet at the end of the day. Super ready for bed today. 

Wrapping things up a little earlier tonight so I can tuck people in and get into my bed and do some reading. 

You are invited to share a link to your Tuesday words + photos in the comments below.

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31 thoughts

  1. Kbueheron says…

    Hi Ali, thank you again for helping us document our lives, especially with week in the life.

    Your comment about your sweet cat made me remember one of mine doing that. My cat was at the early stages of kidney failure. I hope yours is healthy and just prefers fresh water! (My vet helped me diagnose the problem and helped me keep him healthy with treatment.)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I will definitely check in with the vet about that at his next appointment.

  2. scrappysuenz says…
    Reply 0 Replies
  3. CarolineMcD says…

    I love the savouring theme! Sharing my photos and words for Tuesday,

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. jenjohnson2 says…
    Reply 0 Replies
  5. bearcatlady03 says…

    Love the photo of the girls art journaling outside! I have a blended family as well, and it's so refreshing to see the relationship grow between the kids.

    Here is my Tuesday:

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. cornybeard says…

    Great photos again, Ali. If you fancy reading a nice, British blog that's all about slow living and creativity, have a search for Geoffrey and Grace.

    This is my Tuesday:

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Nickyadamson says…

    Hi Ali. I love your blog and documenting of daily life. I was just wondering what lenses you have for your 6D camera.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi! I just have one - a 24-70: It's expensive but it's been totally worth it for me. All the images included in this post were actually shot with a small Canon G7X:

  8. agnes_and_co says…

    thanks for sharing your life ... very sweet photos oh your children
    my day 2, mardi en France

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. laceyweeks says…

    I like that word savoring. I'm struggling with seeing and being the positive and enjoying much of life right now. It's a negative time surrounding my/our life. It's not relaxing or fun. I do need to try to look over all of that and see what's good . Thanks for reminder.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. clspillane says…

    Hi Ali,
    A fun art journal prompt for the girls (& you!) might be a bio-poem! Here's a link to one format option.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thank you!

  11. argirl says…

    I love the photos and stories of Tuesday. Here is mine.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. RhondaN says…

    Ali I am enjoying the pictures and stories you are sharing. Love the Barnes and Noble picture you have inspired me to read more books and I love spending my money supporting them I want them to stay in business.
    Simon is so tall and I am saying a prayer for him to find the perfect girlfriend.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thank you Rhonda :).

  13. fannyathome says…

    I got Destination Simple for Christmas last year and I loved it!! I think I finished it before New Year's eve! I enjoyed it very much as I've been following her podcast too. Here's my Tuesday :

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Storyboard_c says…

    Love all the savoring! Such a great insight going forward. And totally dig how you chose the blurry shot:) a reminder that life can be blury as well:)

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. peggy1958sue says…

    Hi Ali! Loved all your photos again today, but especially LOVED the one with the girls playing on their bedroom floor. I have the little Fisher Price house...saved it from when my kids were little ones, now the grandchildren play with it but not so much anymore...just getting a little to big for it. Was it yours when you were a little girl? I just wonder what to do with ours now that it is TOTALLY done being played with. Do I save it for the GREAT grandchildren one day? :)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      It wasn't mine but it came from friends. We love Fisher Price - I have shared a bunch with Katie too.

  16. annewhitney says…

    Loving this project so far! It has me really focusing on the types of photos I take. Here is my Monday

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. nirupama01 says…

    I did not actually get a chance to do one little word this year, but as I entered into the spring season here, one word that kept coming back to me was savor. After a very difficult winter, I needed the spring. There was so much beauty around me and I wanted to find ways to soak it all in.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Kristin409 says…

    Hooray for another round of WITL! It's my 10th year joining in and although there's been more than one year where I've struggled to decide whether or not to participate because life is so full I continue to participate because I LOVE the end result. The albums that come out of this project are priceless. When I go back through them I am able to truly travel back in time through all those words+photos. Thank you for continuing to lead us on this project, Ali. And I just have to say how much I love the picture of your darling cat (Sam?). I caught my cat, Lenny, doing the same thing on accident a few years ago during WITL. I was standing on a chair to get a different perspective on the room and as I double-checked the picture, caught that scoundrel with his face in my water glass! So cute and so gross! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. emeraldcity says…

    Simon has gotten so tall. It's fun watching them grow up. Thank you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. rosiechristine says…

    I love doing this project this time of year largely because of all the beautiful outdoor photos everyone captures! It's so cool to see how people in different parts of the country and world are spending their time outside! That photo of the guys jumping at the same time is the best!! Here are my (unedited) Photos + Words for Tuesday!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. heyecho says…
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  22. emilylyc says…

    Here's a look at my Tuesday

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  23. soonermama says…

    Tuesday I broke out the big camera and took 128 photos :) They are still always better than my phone if more intrusive:

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. alaynac says…

    I had to look up the game you mentioned as I hadn't heard of it before! Sounds like a fun party game - but one I probably wouldn't be very good at either ;)

    I shared my Tuesday words and photos on my blog

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  25. JNeufeld says…
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