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My Plans For Project Life® 2019

It's time for me to switch things up with Project Life®

For 2019 I'll be using a 9x12 album (now available in the shop). Rather than focusing on weekly documentation I'm going to do it once a month. After eight years of doing 12x12 I've been feeling the need to change something up with this project and am feeling super excited to mix things up. 

This year I want to reflect on each month as a whole at the end of the month and pull out the stories that feel the most meaningful to me. Sometimes that might be a "big" story and other months it might be a collection of smaller stories. My initial idea is to mix page protectors but have something that is the same each month - this might be a 6x12 or a full page 9x12 or something along those lines. 

Do I know how this will all turn out? Nope, but I'm ready for a change. 

My plan is share how I tackle my 2019 project here on my blog each month. 

For those of you who are Story Kit™ subscribers I will still be sharing 12x12 Project Life® spreads in the classroom each month as I continue to work through 2018 and any earlier weeks I haven't completed. 

Here's a short video message from me regarding this change: 

Thank you so much for being a part of this storytelling community! I'm excited for this change and looking forward to sharing my process with you over the course of the next year. 

The kit shown in the main image above is the January Stories By The Month™ for 2019. Subscriptions are now available. 

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Black 9×12 Pleather Album
Black 9×12 Pleather Album is Sold Out
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9×12" Page Protector Multipack
9×12" Page Protector Multipack is Sold Out
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9×12" Page Protectors - 4B
9×12" Page Protectors - 4B is Sold Out
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9×12" Page Protectors - 1B
9×12" Page Protectors - 1B is Sold Out
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9×12" Page Protectors - 2B
9×12" Page Protectors - 2B is Sold Out
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40 thoughts

  1. kjjennings says…

    I have been doing PL 12x12 weekly layouts since Becky Higgins started selling them. I have been scrapbooking/memory keeping for 35 years (since grade school!), and have used every size album in that time, but 12x12 had always been my favorite. I think because I love big pictures and lots of room to write my stories, but your idea of doing PL monthly with a more wholistic look at the big stories in the month is intriguing and I am going to try that in 2019. Thanks for all your great suggestions, ideas, and products. They have been instrumental in getting my stories told!

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  2. patowle says…

    I'm keeping the 12x12 size, but I switched to monthly this year because I just couldn't keep up in any way, shape, or form with weekly! Each month has the left side of Design A, and entire Design G in the middle, and the right side of Design A. It has worked out very well! I have a lot of 12x12 page protectors and a few albums, so for me it made sense to stick with that size so as to not be wasteful! Can't want to see how it turns out for you next year!

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  3. broniors says…

    I am also thinking about shaking up my PL and moving to a monthly approach. I am thinking also of moving to 6x8 as I love that format.

    I think that this is more achievable and will help me tell more stories.

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  4. instinctual says…

    9x12 monthly has been my format for 2018, so i'm excited to see you explore it in 2019. always love your work!

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  5. mrmama74 says…

    I have been struggling with completing weekly spreads for my Project Life album. I just don't seem to have stories to tell that are not repetitive. I have been thinking about changing to a monthly version and now Ali has made it easier for me to make this change. So happy! Looking forward to this new adventure for 2019.

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  6. Danab says…

    I've been doing monthly but on pl app. I haven't finished. I've been craving to do pocket pages. I just don't feel vested using app. Im going to try 9x12! Im thinking of subscribing to one of your kits. Im not quite sure which one. I'm afraid the story kit will be too big but I'm afraid the monthly kit is too small.....

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  7. therichters1301 says…

    I purchased a 12x12 album last year with the intention to do this for 2018. It lasted 2 weeks and that was it. I have kept up so far throughout January, but realize that I have a ton of sheets that only go one of two ways. I dont want to buy a ton more sleeves, but also feel like I somehow need to change up how I do the weekly spreads. The sheets are either 4 4x6 horizontals on top and bottom with 3 4x4 in the middle or 6 vertical 4x6 pockets. Any advice/help?? Or do I need to chalk this up to buying some more sleeves?

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