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Project Life® 2020 | June

Continuing right along with documenting 2020 in my  monthly Project Life album

In looking back through my June photo archives I see a lot of fun outdoor activities and I also see a bunch of Instagram story shares relating to racial justice + empathy. To tell the story of this month I decided to print and include a handful of those shares/words right alongside our daily life photos. In the past I haven't always included current events in my memory keeping and my thoughts on that are evolving. 

You can hear me talk more about my thoughts related to this in the process video below. 

Here's a look at June in my album: 

As a unifying element this month I used the "loving" stamp from the June Stories By The Month kit ( digital version available here). I loved how the small number circle chipboard pieces fit right on top of the "o" in "loving." I used random office-supply style labels as the home for the stamp + chipboard + journaling. 

For my title card this month I used the  "love/peace/empathy/justice/equality" stamp from Azzari Jarrett (and a random tiny star stamp I found on my desk) using the following ink colors: HoneymanWillametteTillamook, and Olympia. Using stamps to create your own patterns is the best!

I also included some longer stories this month (copied + pasted from Instagram posts) by creating flip-ups that function outside of the page protectors. I use washi tape to create these flip-ups and take advantage of the extra space under the top photo for an additional photo. I almost always add an  Avery Index Tab along the edge as well. 

For this one I also need to use a craft knife to cut a slit in the page protector in order for this flip-up to function. 

I love grids! On top of my photo enlargement I arranged my embellishments and then used a Precision Pen to draw the grid directly onto my photo. Loved adding those small circle stickers on top of the wood veneer suns from the June Stories By The Month kit. 

My middle spread is my way of honoring + telling the story of what was on my mind and heart in June. I chose to tell this story by including a collection of words that I had shared via my stories on Instagram back in June. When I share/re-share something in Stories on Instagram those are saved to my camera roll and I'm able to resize and print them to fit into the pockets in Photoshop. 

For the full page enlargement I  used word art from Azzari Jarret paired with a free timeline resource that was shared by Persnickety Prints. The "change is coming" is a sticker from Kelly Purkey's shop

My third spread for June includes a bunch of 3x4 photos from the month with the "loving" stamp and small chipboard number circle embellishment.

Because I had more than 10 photos I also added a couple metal rimmed circle tags + stickers/chipboard on a few of the photos. 

My second flip-up includes some word art and text from an Instagram post I shared in June and the card underneath is designed by  Salomee for Kelly Purkey's shop.


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6 thoughts

  1. jamie59 says…

    Love how you incorporated other products + what was on your heart for June. Also love Aaron's hair! Its getting pretty wild in our house too.

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  2. LEHORD says…

    Love it!!

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  3. tksbaskets says…

    Ali I looked at your June Instagram and could not find the awesome word art you used in your flip up. Could you share it? I feel adding current events that shift our lives and mindsets is vitally important. It is a big part of our story. Thanks for sharing your story with me so I can benefit as well. YOU ROCK.

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  4. vsimone says…

    It's been on my mind how to document my feelings around the Black Lives Matter movement. You've given me lots of inspiration. I never intentionally leave out political/historically significant stories, but I'm usually working a few months behind and end up just using the photos I've taken with a bit of journalling.
    In case it's helpful for anyone, Citrus Twist have a free printable available in their shop for documenting BLM.

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  5. mags says…

    THIS! Might be my favorite monthly spread EVER!

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  6. Karynlynn says…

    I retired in 2016 after 30 years from a community action agency. I have been feeling many of the things that we worked so hard to accomplish was being undone. I truly believe that each of did not share the impact on our personal lives enough. I raised up the accomplishments of clients. I encouraged those impacted to find the voice. I arranged events to provide opportunities. But if each one of us state our convictions, perhaps it will survive - just maybe it will spread & hopefully it won't be "undone"in the future. I'm so glad you decided to document your soul.

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