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Day In The Life™ 2020 | Second Documenting Day In My Album

Today I wrapped up my second + final Day In The Life documenting day for 2020. 

This year we did two "official" community documenting days. You can check out the result of my first day here. 

My lens for this documenting day was "thankful for." The story of my day ended up being a lot about how I'm thankful for each of the people here in our home. I loved capturing little bits about each one of these people as they went about their day. 

Next year we plan to mix things up a bit with a 4x6 album for this project. Look for that, along with a new kit, to be available in the beginning of 2021. 

Here's a look at how it all came together in my album via video:  

And here are some additional images of what it looks like in my album: 

This time I decided to go for simple and keep the focus on the words + photos. 

I shared all my words + photos on Instagram on the actual day. I love this set up because it makes it so easy to copy + paste my journaling when I'm ready to put it into my album. For this documenting day I decided to print my journaling on printable inkjet vellum

On top of the vellum journaling cards that had space left below I added the half-circles from the pad within the kit. On top of those half-circles I used the "thankful for" stamp that was also included in the 2020 kit and finished it off with a Tiny Attacher stapler.

I used this washi tape to create the flip up vellum. Underneath you'll find my 3 inch x 3 inch photo that's been adhered to the journaling cards from the kit. 

I ended up needing two more "thankful for" cards to match the number of photos I wanted to include so I used the digital kit to print two more cards. 

On the last page I had one more 3 inch x 4 inch pocket available and I filled it with a quote card from the July Stories By The Month kit

Thank you so much for joining me in this year's Day In The Life™ documenting days. 

Please feel free to share a link in the comments below if you've shared your 2020 Day In The Life™ album online. 


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Day In The Life™ January 2020 Kit
Day In The Life™ January 2020 Kit is Sold Out
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Originally $25.00, on sale for $10.00
Day In The Life™ 2020 Digital Kit

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11 thoughts

  1. Shannon_Primicerio says…

    Love this Ali! Thanks for sharing. The simplicity of this is really beautiful. I love the black and white too.

    How do you get the lines to print on your 3x4 vellum cards so you know where to cut? Do you use a template for that? Thanks!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi - no, I just open a 8.5x11 canvas in Illustrator (you can do this in Photoshop too) and create 3x4 boxes.

  2. AnnaMariePea says…

    I really, really like this. One question: I don't see the card at the end in the Transitions you recall which kit this is from? Thank you.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Sorry! That was actually from the July Stories By The Month kit:

  3. CraftyCat says…

    As usual, BRILLIANT, love how this came together!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. CarolineMcD says…

    Love the idea of flip ups. I always forget this! I'm adding my DITL to PL and I have too many photos (and I want to use them all) so i'm going to use flip ups to incorporate them. So glad I waited to watch the video before completing mine! Thanks as always for the inspiration x

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. junijuli says…

    So much looking forward to 4x6 !!! Thank you

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Me too! It will be a fun switch-up.

  6. sharylgolson says…

    Oh wow! Such a delight to watch you put your ideas together and make something so awesome! Your family must Be Thankful for you because you are capturing their precious lives and with such tender thoughts about each one of them. I always love to read your stories. Thank you for always sharing your talents.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. hnoel says…

    Looks great! I might use this idea for my OLW this month or next.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. wbarkhur says…

    I love this. I am using this idea for my 30 days of thankful album this year, it is just what I was looking for. Thank you for the inspiration.

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