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One Little Word® 2021 | Heart

Since 2006 I've been choosing a single word to focus on over the course the 12 months from January through December. I call it  One Little Word®. It's a personal growth project that uses memory keeping as the vehicle to help us live with intention. 

My past words have included: 

  • Play
  • Peace
  • Vitality
  • Nurture
  • Story
  • Light
  • Up
  • Open
  • Thrive
  • Give
  • Whole
  • Connect
  • Space
  • Habit
  • Less

For 2021 I'm going to focus on the word heart

To be honest I'm not sure exactly why heart is my word this year. Some years I have very specific intentions that I want to focus on and other years it's more loose. Going into 2021 I'm honestly not sure what I want to focus on (doing the January prompt in the classroom always helps me solidify my intentions) but what I know for sure is that I want to go into it with an open heart. "Open" was my word in 2013 and it is one of the ones that was most meaningful to me and I love it as a companion word to heart this year. Another of my most favorite words was "whole" - that one can also play a part in my journey with heart as in "whole-hearted."

I made a new Pinterest board and saved a few quotes that also relate to things I'd like to think about and consider in 2021. I definitely also love that I can continue to walk a little more with my 2020 word "less" too. 

You're invited to join me in choosing word and working to make it visible in your own life in 2021. 


Since 2011 I've been offering a One Little Word® online workshop that's goal is to help you stay connected to your word throughout the year through monthly prompts that invite you to document pieces of your journey with your word. It's not complicated and it doesn't take a lot of time but it's the documentation and community piece that helps many people (including me) stay connected with our words thorough the year. Each month you receive an email reminder to head back to the classroom for some sort of creative prompt/writing reflection. 

For the 10th Anniversary celebration year I've made some changes to the workshop that you can read about here

You can read all the details about this workshop and sign up here. You can also watch a video walkthrough of my past album projects here to get an idea of past prompts. Registration is $5 off until December 31, 2020

I've also created a selection of products to help you document and support your journey with your word. Check those out here


I’d love to read what word you’ve chosen or are considering or have decided on for 2021. In the comments feel free to simply leave your word as your comment or write a bit about why you are choosing this word. Next week I’ll combine all the words into a single post – it's become tradition and super inspiring to see all the words in one place.

If you’re new to the concept of One Little Word®, you can read some of my previous posts here:  20072008200920102011201220132014201520162017 and 2018

Download the word art here to share your word for 2021. 

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One Little Word® 2021 Main Kit
One Little Word® 2021 Main Kit is Sold Out
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One Little Word® 2021 6×8 Polka Dot Album
One Little Word® 2021 6×8 Polka Dot Album is Sold Out
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One Little Word® 2021 Stitched Journal and Pleather Folio Bundle
One Little Word® 2021 Stitched Journal and Pleather Folio Bundle is Sold Out
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One Little Word® 2021 Mini Kit #1
One Little Word® 2021 Mini Kit #1 is Sold Out
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140 thoughts

  1. kjohnston1016 says…


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  2. lizciavarella says…

    i am also choosing heart for my first time doing one little word. i chose it because i liked the duality that it provided for me... being able to look inward (giving the opportunity to focus on myself and where my heart is leading me) but also out at where my heart travels outside of me... with my family and friends. i feel like it opens me up for the internal work i want to do but also leaves me the option to document things outside myself.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Helenshie says…

    This year my word is cultivate, I hope to cultivate new habits, work on existing habits and grow them, cultivate my outlook, education, relationships and so much more.

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  4. mellenamae says…

    Be. I want to explore (my word for 2017) all of the things I can be - be curious, be intentional, be thankful, be kind, be open....just be. It was one I had thought about along with a few others for the past few months and then our Spring line came in the week before Christmas (I’m a manager at JoAnns, and I hate how they rush thru holidays in retail), and so many products have bees on them! That confirmed it for me. In 2021 I will be....

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. themorningdew1 says…


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  6. Hjclemlap says…

    This year my word is celebrate. 2020 was undeniably weird, confusing, uneasy and many times depressing. However, when I look back I see so many opportunities to celebrate the ordinary, the little things or the times when human nature figured out a way around all the crazy. I want to spend this year celebrating those moments, big and small. I want to celebrate the human spirit, innovation and creativity. I want to celebrate family. I want to celebrate nature. I want to celebrate my faith. Looking forward to a year of growth as I acknowledge and celebrate the blessings of my life.

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  7. KimberDill says…

    My word is UNBROKEN.

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  8. aphahn says…

    Last year my word was "celebrate." That didn't work out too well. I ditched the entire OLW project in March. There'll be a better time to "celebrate" soon.

    This year, 2021, I'm going with "kindle." I'm SO READY to light a fire across all aspects of life starting right now!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. AnneDS says…

    My Word for 2021 is Harmony

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  10. Maxpuppy says…

    My word for 2021 is a little shy right now ... :) I've read all your comments and feel inspired by them and am hopeful that my word will come to me.

    Last year my word was 'pause' ... and then the world stood still.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. jorgybones says…

    Stretch. Stretch the muscles (yoga!), stretch the mind (learn new things), stretch the emotions (learn to be joyful and calm in my head), stretch my legs (get outside and walk), stretch my resources (use what I have, do more with less new things), etc.

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  12. jclayman18 says…

    My word is Watch. Watch for beauty in the world, watch others without judgement. Watch my kids grow into the next version of themselves. Watch my inner world. Pay attention, see, observe, notice.

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  13. User39378 says…

    This is my second year, and my word is TRUST. I need to trust more. Trust myself, my knowing, my abilities, my gutt, my heart, trust the intentions of others, trust my instinct as well as my worth. Looking forward to joining the group!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. sweetboymama says…

      love this!

  14. cbrook007 says…

    Will you be restocking the Main kit? I totally forgot to go back and order after payday. :(.

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  15. charleighmims says…

    My word for 2021 is courage - I was particularly inspired by Brene Brown and her work about daring greatly and wholehearted living. I have so many ideas & dreams but often feel paralysed by perfectionism & fear of not getting things right. It is time to choose courage over comfort & follow my heart

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  16. Mpasquini12 says…

    My word for 2021 is peace.

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  17. sweetboymama says…

    Ali, it will be my first year doing this project and I was struggling with my word... I thought of balance, focus, and grow. I wanted more of these things in terms of Self-care and relationships. and Then I saw your word "nurture" and that's it: myself (self care, me time, my crafts/hobbies), my relationship with my husband!, and mainly with my son (we are very close but to be more patient with my 4 year old and nurture him more in his big feelings! Thank you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. User39378 says…

    Please help:-) I don't know how to "change" my username on this side? Think "User39378" is a little unpersonal...:-D

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  19. Lisalisa says…

    i will go with 'improve'

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  20. AnnetteH says…

    "Onward" jumped out at me so I think that is my "main word"; however, I'm really loving "Open" as I need to be / want to be open to a new path for us...just thinking that word fills me with a calmness and fills my heart with hope. I'm also needing to "Choose" a new path instead of hiding in my comfort zone. We literally need to figure out our next right place this year so there's some big decisions coming that I have been putting off. Lots of unknown and uncertainty right now and onward is already helping me to get past the wallowing stage and get moving again. I'm actually thinking of making all three part of my journey for the year. I know, ironic that choose is part of the mix and I can't seem to choose a word. In the past I've spread word duos / trios into one year for each one, but last year I had two words so I'm wondering if three words needs to be part of my life this year too. I love onward because it invites shaking off failure and trying again and again...which includes being open to things, choosing, and moving forward. I'm thinking I may spend the first four months diving deep into open, the next four months with choose, and then onward for the last four months of the year. Or I may do the January prompt for all three right now and then see where it least filling out the definitions / quotes for each. Then include all three in the Year Ahead and Intentions page. I started making a 4x6 tag mini book out of the prompt cards and I've got it next to my desk to make it super visible and easy to add things to throughout the year. Anyhoo, I love this project, I love your word Ali. I love being able to follow along with your journey with your words...somehow they always end up being a part of my journey as well. So thank you for sharing your words, your life and journey with us. All the heart eyes for you and this project. xoxo

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  21. tmarieartist says…

    my word) are Bloom & Ascend - can't wait to see what I learn

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  22. Eminepala1 says…

    BE.... and FEEL.....
    (maybe one of the 2 most feared words to put in practice when who you are doesn't fit the NORM of the society and when you are going through the dark night of the Soul, BUT WE ALL DO IT, BRUISED BUT BRAVE RIGHT?! ❤)
    Living in the now, Choosing to be happy Right Now. Needing nothing else outside ourselves.
    Feel your Feelings, I just turned 38 yo and when you are waiting for a test result to come back. It requires more grounding and allowing yourself to feel your feelings.
    I am here and hopefull. Being Present and Grateful for each day.

    Wishing everyone a 2021 full of many blessings, Joy, Good Fortune and Health <3

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  23. jdj247 says…


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  24. codydollartist says…

    I had heart as a companion word for LOVE in 2018. Also, my word for last year was deep. I learned a lot last year too. I'm still processing it all. This year I think my word is step. I feel I have so many steps I need to take but at the same time, I want to take it one step at a time.

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