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Albums As Homes For Our Stories

For Episode 3 of my  Craft The Story YouTube series I've put together a video that talks about my scrapbook albums and how they act as homes for my stories. 





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Check out past posts about album organization.

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20 thoughts

  1. flowergirl85 says…

    This was really helpful and inspiring. Thanks for sharing this content Ali!

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  2. laura_g_ says…

    Really liked this post! I moved to 11x8.5 for the ease of looking at the album (12x12 seemed too bulky and difficult to look through) and the ease of photo copying pages to add to grandkids albums. Sometimes a layout I make features other grandkids, so i copy it & add it to their albums. I can put a LOT of pics and journaling on that size of a layout!😊

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. cwohlt says…

    Ali loving all the video content you have been providing in 2021 you Go Girl! So very helpful and inspiring.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. elilela says…

    Really loved your flip throughs and realized that I'm way to much overthinking everything... Especially when it comes to the format of page protector! Totally feel inspired now, thank you Ali :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. runner says…

    This was a great video. I loved seeing the beginning of your scrapbooking journey. I also have a 19 year old boy and I started following you and scrapbooking around 2005. I have many pages throughout the years that have been “scraplifted” from something you did. Thank you for the many years of inspiration and the fantastic products you design.

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  6. starrsstripes says…

    Tearing up at you telling your kids that it would be okay to let them go, that they served a beautiful purpose and helped you be a better person. Oh my word, that should be the reason we all memory-keep (and really the goal of all of our endeavors and hobbies). I won't forget it! Beautiful.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Jeannew says…

      So, so true!

  7. Jeannew says…

    Wow! I just loved this. Was so inspired! I just went through my 6x8 story albums since 2018 and adhered pages together and printed pictures to fill in some holes. I loved looking back through all the stories I’ve told, along with weekly project life. My girls are now looking at my yearly 6x8 albums. I think I’ll film some flip-throughs too. Also love seeing the early days Simon album.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. ss20ts says…

    Simon and I share a birthday! Happy birthday Simon! I hope you have a fabulous week.

    It was fun reminiscing through the past albums. I remember some of those papers. I find it interesting that you've always been into large photos. So many of us just worry about the cost of the photos and don't stop to think about the actual photo and its purpose. This is a great reminder to think about the actual photo!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Laurie_Anne says…

    That was deeply touching to me. To see the arc of telling the story over time ... it really tells so much more than the individual stories do. And to see the difference from when Simon was one—without stories—as opposed to the newer story-based albums. It was beautiful to watch, and very inspiring to me. I have not been good about really, deeply telling stories—which is my focus for this year. That was just really great—thank you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. carrieW says…

    I really enjoyed this video. I've been spending lots of time lately thinking about my albums and what it is I want to do going forward. This video has helped so much and pairs amazingly well with Stacy Julian's Photo Freedom class/message. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

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  11. daslebenistbunt says…

    Thanks for answering my question!
    Loved to hear, that you are doing that just for yourself and that it would be ok for your kids to let them go...
    I think I need to re-think about the purpose for myself. In the beginning it was a lot about the photos, but I feel that this is no more serving my needs.
    Thanks so much again!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. carolinerayman says…

    Thank you SO SO much for this video! Being new to this it helped enormously to hear your words of encouragement to not let album organizing become a barrier to telling the story. It was as though you could read my mind, bc I had totally gotten stuck on that very thing!
    It was so moving to hear you speak to your kids and giving them permission to let go of what they need to. My goal initially starting out was to preserve and document for my young son and maybe his future family, and while there is still that motivation I also see the value in doing it simply as a form of self care and awareness.
    Thank you for all that you share and make!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. ktstamps says…

    Thanks Ali! I too am a long time follower with my 19 year old son!! I used to wait for your articles in creating keepsakes!! I have a question about your 12x12 photos from your Epson Printer... are you able to buy 12x12 photo paper?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi! I buy 13x19 photo paper and cut it down:

  14. usingmywords says…

    Been following you since almost the beginning and I am LOVING your new content. I am not normally a YouTube person but I set things up today and been watching as I organize & write out some thoughts on what I want to do this year too. Refreshing new content & inspiration that really aligns with where I'm at with my story keeping. Thank you, I needed to hear all this today!!!! Keep being you Ali, you are an inspiration!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thank you so much! Loved reading this - I'm really enjoying it as well.

  15. Dsgnwrks says…

    I loved this, thank you for recording and posting it. I'm a long time scrapbooker (started around the time you did, though have done it much more sporadically, and not much recently.) Got off track with album organization and trying to chronologically store my layouts though I don't scrap chronologically. I'm taking Stacy Julian's Photo Freedom class this year which is inspiring me to tell more stories and get back into the groove, and sought your video to help me come to peace with doing albums in a mix of ways and sizes. This was so helpful. Thank you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. KarenRamsey says…

    Quick question: What do you use to store your unused page protectors in? I’m looking for a tray system but everything I see I think they will just slide out of. Would love any suggestions you might have. Thank you!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I put them in stackable trays that are similar to these:

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