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Week In The Life™ 2023 | Ali's Saturday

Welcome to Saturday in Week In The Life 2023. 

The story of today is that I was in Portland (a couple hours away from my house) with Anna and Audrey for a regional volleyball tournament. We don't travel for volleyball every weekend but it's very much a part of this season of life. As you might imagine, most of my photos from today were taken during the tournament and surrounding activities. 

Let's dive in to my photos and words: 

The story of today includes waking up at 6:15am in a hotel room in north Portland that is near the Civic Center in order to get Anna over there for the morning matches. Audrey's team was part of the afternoon wave so she got to sleep in and then connected with her teammates before coming over in the afternoon. 

The story of today is that Anna's first match of three was rough. It was simply one of those matches when everyone was off. 

The story of today is also that their second match was probably one of the best games I've seen her team play this season. I likely won't have any voice left tomorrow. 

The story of today includes being so proud of how Anna has developed as a player. Her serves were awesome today. 

The story of today is a lot about friendship and working together as a team. I loved being there to cheer them on loudly. 

The story of today includes high highs + some low lows in a very, very loud venue. Ah, competition. 

The story of today includes a lot of sitting and a lot of standing as we watched and waited and watched and waited some more. 

The story of today includes opportunities to catch up with old friends and meet new people too. I laughed a lot today and I try to not take that for granted.

The story of today includes getting to watch one of Audrey's matches. I also loved getting to spend time with her Mom and Grandparents while we watched her first match.

I'm so glad that she decided to play this year. She's built skills and put herself out there to do something new. 

The story of today includes me heading back to meet up with Anna and her crew after watching Audrey play.

The story of today included this super cute little scene across the way from one of the team hotels. 

The story of today includes dinner outside in the early evening sunshine surrounded by volleyball players and their families. 

The story of today includes a swim in a hotel pool which is still a very fun part of any travel.

The story of today includes this. It was a very full, very fun day. So thankful for these experiences with these people. 






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1 thought

  1. lcp6272 says…

    Go Volleyball! We just did regionals too (here in WI). We have two more tournaments and then on to nationals in Orlando in June. Seems like all of my photos since January are of volleyball - I need to get some of the in-between shots, too - not just the on-court action! Thanks for the reminder!

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