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Q & A : Albums + An Organizing Update


One of my goals this past weekend was to finish up that big album organization project I started a few months back. In addition to putting all those layouts into 12x12 albums I also wanted to get them labeled so we could actually tell what was inside.

As I was putting the layouts into the page protectors I found that I needed to trim some of the 8.5x11 pages to fit just right into the page protectors (ended up ordering all American Crafts).


In 2006 I had a TON of 8.5x11 pages (way more than 12x12). For some of layouts I decided to back them with 12x12 cardstock. This is a great option if you wanted to have all 12x12 pages in your album but still wanted the flexibility of creating on 8.5x11 surfaces. Basically you are just matting them on a neutral background. The easiest thing was to just have a stack of cream colored cardstock + my trimmer out on the table to easily cut +adhere.


I created the circle tag labels. Stacy + Cathy both use something along these lines. I set up a file in Adobe InDesign and used the Fiskars hand punch (1 inch) to cut them out.

Finishing this project felt so darn good. Being able to open them up and see them in a certain context (date and/or theme) makes me really, really happy.


The following questions were asked in response to my Anatomy of an Album post. I am including some of the photos again to put the Q & A in context. 


What company makes the albums and where to buy? :)
Posted by: Karen aka lindse

American Crafts (you can find them online here, here, and here : I choose the D-ring vs. the postbound for flexibility)


Where do you find all these different sizes of page protectors?
Posted by: Linda

I have picked them up at various stores I have visited around the country. I posted a list of online sources here. The American Crafts page protectors can be found here: 8.5x11 and 12x12.


I was wondering where you found the page protector that has two 6 x 12 compartments?
Posted by: Joan

I found that one at a scrapbook store - it is made by Crop In Style and is marketed for a storage binder (comes in a package with other divided page protectors). Ask for them at your local store or click the link here. American Crafts now makes individual 6x12 page protectors as well.



I'm searching everywhere for the pages you used as your "opening page". I've found tons of other great divided page protectors, but not that one! Can you help me out and point me directly to it?!?!?
Posted by: robyn charles

It is also in the storage package from Crop In Style.


How many page protectors are in Simon's album? Are they all AC brand besides the divided ones? How many layouts do you think are in that album, do these albums hold, depending on layout thickness, use of embellishments?
Posted by: bonnierose

The American Crafts album comes with 10 and I have been averaging about 20-25 page protectors per album (they are all AC brand). When I order them I order a second pack of 10 for each album I am ordering.


It looks like you have about 26 pages (52 layouts) in your album...which is awesome...but, I just purchased a WeR 12x12 D ring album (the linen ones, which I just LOVE) and I can only fit about half that many pages in my album....totally bummed about that one, do you find that your albums are stressed at all? I feel like if I add more pages that they won't stay in the rings...? My pages are not all that bulky, a couple of them may be, but mostly just paper. I work at our LSS, and I have been comparing the AC albums that you use, and the WeR album that I purchase for a while now (before purchasing my albums) and I decided to go with WeR, mostly for the color and texture of the album, I truly felt as though they would hold the same about of pages, that is the only thing I'm disappointed with. I only have 12x12 pages in my album right now, and I have plans to add some other sizes, do you think that is what gives you so much more room? The different sized pages?
Posted by: Hannah

I don't think it is the different sized pages that allow 20 protectors into the album. Most of the albums hold just the 12x12 page protectors (it was only in the last couple years that I started playing with different sizes).
Right now the albums are holding up just fine. They aren't perfect, but they are definitely providing a home for the layouts.


I do have a question for you, on the pages that are oddly sized I can see that you have them in page protectors that are close to their dimensions but I wondered if you adhere them in some way to keep them from shifting around.
Posted by: Houston

I size the inside pieces to the page protector so that they fit just right (at least I try to do that). I don't adhere them to anything.


When you decided to take out and organize all of your layouts, are you putting them all into brand new albums (3 ring) or are you reusing some of your older albums? Did you have to buy all new page protectors for the 3 ring albums or are you using all of the old protectors from the post bound albums?
Posted by: Betsy Gourley

I went with all new page protectors (except the ones that were from American Crafts) and mostly new albums (I had a few of the same ones before). Some of my older albums were passed along to my Mom and others were donated. In the past my album organization has been completely haphazard - once I knew what I wanted to do with all those layouts (how I wanted them organized) I was ready to have them all be consistent.


Even after your column in CK and post I am still confused about the page protectors. I'm having a mental block and don't feel like I know enough to ask an intelligent question. Can you tell us more about them ... how you've altered the sizes? Made pockets or bought them with pockets? Where are you finding them? Will any page protectors fit into the American Crafts albums?
Posted by: Annette

Most of the page protectors I am using (when I am using the divided page protectors) are ones that were created for product storage (see links above).

When I am ready to create a page I pull out the page protector, measure the pocket sizes, and then put things together to fit right into the pockets.

There are a few instances where I ended up cutting + stitching a page protector to fit a layout. In these cases I place the layout into the larger page protector, lay it on my trimmer, cut leaving about a half-inch to an inch, and then stitch along the edge to close the page protector.

All the page protectors I have tried so far have fit into the AC album.


My question for you...does it bother you (obviously not) that your page protectors are of different weight or texture? Do you put everything into a page protector? Does it limit your embellishment process? I like depth.
Posted by: Shelly Kettell

It doesn't bother me much at all. In a perfect world the page protectors would be all the same weight etc, but I am more happy with the variety and flexibility. All of the pages in these albums go into page protectors (most of my minibooks are not in page protectors). I don't use a ton of dimensional embellishments these days but in the past I had pages with a bunch of metal on them and they fit fine within the page protectors.



I noticed that you do not put backing or another page behind all your pages, why not? It would bother me if I left them like that, what was your thinking?
Posted by: jen

Most of the ones that do not have pages on the back of them are the divided page protectors that I plan to add stuff too. I will just add new content (photos + words + embellishments) right into the pockets. It's on my list of things to do and a part of my overall process.



I bought a few 8 1/2 x11 page protectors (by AC), but the holes don't work well with the 12x12 D ring binder. How do you fit non 12x12 page protectors in a D ring album? I also noticed you sewed a few of your page protectors to accommodate your 12x6 you have any tips for people who don't have a sewing machine?
Posted by: lizee

I have been using 12x12 and 8.5x11 American Crafts page protectors. They are working together great (are you using the American Crafts album too?). So far all the divided page protectors I have used have fit right into the album.

As for the recommendation if you don't own a sewing machine, you could always hand-stitch to create the pocket size you want (or attach a couple together). I also noticed that American Crafts now has 6x12 page protectors available (that really makes it simple). I also have to say that bringing out my sewing machine and using it on my paper projects (or in adding fabric to my paper projects) has been a door-opening experience. Sewing machines are fairly inexpensive and are a great tool to use in such a variety of projects. The key is having it in a place that is easily accessible.


I noticed on some of the pages there are tabs sticking out at the top. I was wondering if these marked months in your album or if they were just design pieces of various layouts?
Posted by: Stephanie

Those are design elements. It's fun to have little bits of this and that peeking out the top.


My only question is since you like some chronological order in your albums how will you then fill in your empty spots? Perhaps with pictures from last year that didn't get into a LO or new current ones?
Posted by: Carey

Good question about the empty spots (most of those were behind divided page protectors). My plan is to go through the album + make a list of the sizes that are open and have that list above my desk. When I want to scrapbook something from that time period I will make something that will fit into those spaces.


Question: where do you keep all the mini/smaller sized albums you make? Are they out on display also?
Posted by: Cristina

I like the keep them out in the open - usually in a basket in the living room or dining room. I want them to be easily available for Simon or others to look through.



I'm just starting my school days Becky Higgins albums and they are three-ring, a new thing for me. So, on the sewing, you are just stitching with no thread? What do you set the stitch length to?
Posted by: Maggie

I am using thread. If I am stitching on the page protector my goal is to make a new pocket - the stitching is what creates the pocket so you definitely need the thread. I don't know much about sewing - not sure what the stitch length is - I just set it to a straight stitch and adjust so that it is fairly tight. When stitching on the page protectors I do push the plastic along as I am stitching so that it does not stick and jam.


Couple questions, specifically about using the sewing machine. What kind of thread do you use? Any special needle? Or any specific sewing directions, like dropping the feed dogs, or tension adjustment? I've been wondering for use on page protectors, but also on paper. Any hints would be appreciated! Thanks so much!!
Posted by: karoline

I have no specific sewing instructions. So much of what I do is just trial and error. I do a lot of muttering and talking to myself: "Let's see what happens if I stick this thing through the sewing machine?"




Wondering what, if anything, you put in the
window on the front of the album? I use these same albums and have yet
to come up with anything I really like.

Posted by: Samantha VanArnhem

I decided to go with metal-rimmed circle tags. Each tag includes the title (usually initials around here) and date. I removed the metal tag (you can get them with string as well) and adhered them to the album with foam dots.


What are your thoughts on longevity of canvas
albums over leather? I started with canvas albums back in 2002 and had
to switch them out later...granted they were in the humidity of Japan
where we had no A/C which would certainly do it. Just throwing the
question out there...

Posted by: Anna Aspnes

question Anna. I am not sure since I have only had canvas albums so
far. One thing I try to keep in perspective: I know that I will likely
change things up again in the future.


I am considering making the switch to the AC 3-ring albums and was wondering - do you like the way they stand on the shelf? They seem like would be sturdy and not want to tip to one side, which my current albums do.
Posted by: Lisa Dickinson

They stand up really nice. I especially like them now that they are labeled.



Do you try to do the pages as you take the photos or do you wait until you have time to do several pages? My husband and I are taking my grandson on a 2,000 mile driving trip this summer and I plan to take my computer, printer and scrapbook supplies to do a scrapbook, for him to have, along the way (we'll be in a motorhome). I thought I'd have my grandson do the journaling. I'm going to try to do most of it digitally. I have PE. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself with us.
Posted by: Sue B

I do both.

Some of my favorite albums are ones I have created while traveling. There is nothing quite like documenting an experience as you are living it - especially when you are traveling.

Not all trips are great for documenting on the go. Some trips, like our recent spring break, are just for relaxing. We took a bunch of photos but I found that I didn't really have anything to say except how happy we all were to do nothing. On other trips (for me this is especially true when traveling overseas) I feel compelled to write as I go.

You may want to consider a hybrid album where you are combining digital and traditional scrapbooking - there are so many cool pieces of paper you can pick up along the way. Brochures, receipts, newspapers, etc make great backgrounds and really ground your project in the places you are experiencing.

I love the idea of including your grandson in the process. Your album will be that much richer by including different perspectives (especially across generations).


I'm wondering what the Heidi Swap clock is between the pages - is this a layout with photos/content only on the bottom half?
Posted by: Molly

Yep. It is actually a three-page layout. The front and back (page one + two) cardstock sandwich the clock (I love the transparent nature). The third page is just a 12x12. This is an example where I stitched near the binding of two page protectors to keep them together in the album.


Am wondering what you do with scraps? Do you have techniques that revolve around using them up or do you usually just toss?
Posted by: young c-m

They go into a box below my table and I reach down and grab pieces as I go. I toss really small ones and keep ones I can use with my punches.


Are you sorting your pictures using Stacy's 4 categories. I started trying to sort my pictures using the 4 categories and got totally overwhelmed. I still have some pictures from my son's first year that are not scrapped yet and he is five. Also, I have lots of pictures that need to be scrapped. Do you use the photo albums to store your pictures like in LOM approach?
Posted by: Jessica S

I've been thinking about this a bunch lately, thinking about what makes the most sense for the way I work and what makes sense for our family down the road (and our limited storage here in our house). Right now I am not sorting into the 4 categories. Mainly because I have not printed out all my photos - that may be the next project I tackle because I think that I really do want to print them all out.

I have the category drawers and have begun storing photos in there as I come across them (bot not really into any categories just yet).

I also use some photo storage albums for trips and events that include a lot of photos (and I have already scrapbooked the story): our honeymoon, my brother's wedding, my trips to Japan and Australia.

And speaking of Library of Memories and Photo Freedom, Stacy has been doing some Q&A on her blog this week that is totally worth checking out.


I think I remember you posting that you had read Stacy Julian's new Photo Freedom book, which basically outlines her Library of Memories class. I'm currently taking it on her BPS site. Good stuff. I am excited to break free from the pressure to scrap chronologically. (I just finished 2005, so perfect transition time.) Love her idea of storage binders to "see" the photos to scrap and the category drawers to make connections between photos over time. But I noticed that you recently pulled all your completed layouts and were putting them in albums by year and approx date w/in the year. I was thinking of doing the same for the final step of LOM, instead of filing in category albums. Just wondered your thoughts on that. Free to scrap non-chronologically, but add to yearly albums.
Posted by: Amy

I will most likely always be a non-chronological scrapbooker. I am much happier to scrap as I go and tell the stories I am inspired by at the moment rather than being bound to making sure I finish one story before I move on to the next based on the calendar.

That said, the way I have set up my albums, the way that makes sense to me right now, is to have Simon's story told chronologically. I like that I can pull out 2003 and see where and when and what he was doing at that time. Maybe this works best for me because he is an only child?

I have additional theme albums for layouts about (1) me, (2) about Chris and I and our story, and (3) one about my siblings/parents/extended family. These are not in chronological order.



So here is my question for you Ali. I have been learning from you for some time. Over the years, so much product has evolved. What lines of product do you prefer? Where do you order from? As I look through this blog I love how your photos "pop" and your paper is subtle, yet crafty, creative and eye catching...not too bold. Can you point us in the direction of where you find the "right" paper?
Posted by: Lynette

Lately I have really been keeping things simple. Cardstock + photos and a few embellishments.

Online I order from, Two Peas in a Bucket, and Dots-n-Details. Dots-n-Details is a newer online store that tends to have things that the other two don't. I also really like the clean design of their site.

I pick up a lot of stuff when I travel to scrapbook stores. I always find things that I have never seen before.
Over the years I have gotten pickier. I gravitate towards things that are classic or more generic: themes such as memories, time, family, everyday life, numbers, etc. All those themes can be used to tell really any type of story.
If you were to come into my office you would see a lot of things from 7gypsies, Scenic Route, Heidi Swapp, K&Company, my five colors of cardstock (white, black, cream, kraft, + red), a bunch of stamps (most with either words or squares/circles), as well as lots of basic office supplies (tabs, circle tags, etc).


So I do have a funny question. I have been loving how you and Becky Higgins have all your albums in the same kind of album. Love that. But my issue is that I would like to convert from a Creative Memories album to a normal 12 by 12. I cannot figure out how to what year do I start. I wish I could just cut off the tabs and slide them in a sheet protector. But my friends think I am crazy to try that. Hah! Also, I have friends who had their albums with normal top-loading sheet protectors who recently converted to side-loading sheet protectors. They didn't like having all that dust at the top of their albums. Have you found this to be a problem?
Posted by: Margaret

I have not found dust to be a problem yet (that could come in the future).

How many Creative Memories albums do you have right now? If I had a bunch of albums that were set in their inherent structural design I would just leave them + start with new albums going forward (or at whatever point you are in the process of telling your story).

Has anyone out there taken their layouts out of CM albums and care to comment on their experience? What did you do?


What kind of printer do you use for all of your photos? I'm shopping for one and would love some recommendations.
Posted by: Valerie

Right now I am using a HP Photosmart 8750.


Any suggestions for how I can create a digital scrapbook for my students' school year? (I have 20 fourth graders.) I don't mind putting in some time, but since I have so many photos of them all, this "yearbook" project might take too much time to do by hand.
Posted by: Stacey from Two Writing Teachers

I would try a photo book service such as Shutterfly. There are many templates available through their site and the quality of the books is really nice.  The process is really easy: upload photos, choose template, drag + drop into the album, add text if you want, and order.



I scrapbook not only as a creative outlet for myself but for the joy I see in the faces of my children when they see the moments of our life on paper. I would love to hear some of your thoughts of how Simon feels about seeing himself in these marvelous books. Does it do wonders for his self-esteem? You have such a fantastic grasp on scrapbooking as art + life and am thinking about that philosophy and how it translates to the ones we love.
Posted by: cori

Simon definitely enjoys the books. What he loves the most are the photos. That is what he really wants to see and what he talks about as he goes through the albums.

Does it help his self-esteem? I am not sure. He has seen photos of himself and has been taking photos with our cameras from a really early age. It is a normal part of his life. Our house if full of photos on the walls - I like living with them out in the open as a continual celebration of memories + time.

Most of the time he is really just interested in being a kid: playing outside + swimming are high on his list of things to do.

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82 thoughts

  1. Michelle B says…

    I have to leave a comment on the CM albums and converting them. I am doing just that! I have found that the CM pages DO fit into the American Crafts 12x12 page protectors. You just have to bend those little staple things in. Fold them in. It does take a little bit of work to squeeze them in to the AC page protectors. But very do-able. Perhaps I can post some pictures on my blog.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. debby says…

    You have become my hero. I love your journaling and tips and encouragment. I loved your organizational projects and the article in CK...I'm currently redoing my studio and you have some wonderful ideas I lifted. You marveled me with your project organizing your pages in getting them into books. I started doing this two days ago inspired by your orginal post. Coming here just added fuel to the fire. Great great great!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Kristen says…

    Great posts, today!!! I just wanted to recommend another type of page protector for the divided pages with many different configurations. Try looking for Ultra-Pro page protectors at hobby or sports memorabilia stores. They are designed for baseball cards and other types of memorabilia (so they are acid-free and archival) and come in many great size combos. Two pages of options are shown here...
    Ironically, I believe Ultra-Pro owns 7 Gypsies, so they should try to market these great page protectors directly to the scrapbooking crowd...

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Melissa Rydjeski says…

    Such inspiration! I would really like to know where I can find the page protector for the "And so we watch" page (four photos with lots of rub-ons all over the page and some room in the very middle of the page--I think you put buttons there). I looked at all the links you posted for the different page protectors and could not find it. I'd love it if you could let me know. Thanks!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Susan says…

    Ali, you just rock it out. Thank you so much for such a wonderful blog. You inspire me so much!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Barbara says…

    I have several CM projects and still like them for certain projects. Although I like the unity of your project I have decided just to add AC albums. It is nice to have both available. Note that CM have begun having "true" 12x12 pages.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Lisa Westphal says…

    Thank you so much for all of the time and sincere effort you put into your blog. I look forward to reading it as much as possible. Your passion for this crazy 'hobby' inspires me immensely. Thanks!
    ***P.S. I have been wondering what to do with my old CM albums now that I've upgraded to the AC. . .I'm glad that the topic came up in your blog. . .and even more glad that soooo many people have responded to it, giving me lots of ideas on how to proceed. : ) Thanks. You are awesome!!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Maegan says…

    I had to laugh when I read the comment/question about converting Creative Memories layouts/albums to standard 12x12 pages. I am taking Stacy's LOM class right now and am in the process of hacking up my CM pages to include in my LOM (that way my albums all coordinate.) I am simply cutting off the staple side of each page and inserting them into a 12x12 page protector. Easy peasy. Some people might cringe at that, but it was the most straight forward way of including the layouts in my album.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Stacey from Two Writing Teachers says…

    Thanks for taking the time to respond to our questions!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Angie - Australia says…

    Thank you for such an inspirational post and great material! Very helpful in my journey to change over to AC from CM
    Love your work :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Kristin - Switzerland says…

    Thank you so much Ali for taking the time to share all this informtion. I really enjoy reading your blog and learn so much from you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Victoria says…

    Thanks so much, Ali, for all your work.
    Regarding CM albums, I still find them best for not bunching at the post- holder bit of other albums. I don't like the space of D rings!
    In response to D'Nese - shall I keep going if it's only me looking at my albums? I struggle with this too, especially knowing my only child will not be a birth mother. I have to have faith that someone will be interested. And I like looking back at blessings and adventures, and so that is why I keep going. Take heart, be brave.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Artful Yogi says…

    also to D'Nese
    Sit down and show your child a book or two. Find friends who appreciate what you create. I bring my books to my local scrapook store to share with others who "get it." It is sometimes discouraging when fanily members rifle through albums in one minute or opt to not peruse the album at all. Or you may attempt to create layouts that family members would find interest in. My husband's friends are fascinated with two layouts I created with all of my husbands cars ever owned, and all of the bands he has played in--starting with his one man band at age 3.
    Then you could create a layout about why you create--even if this layout is soley for yourself.
    Thanks again to Ali for so much inspiration.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Debbie says…

    Great post. I'm taking Stacy's class and did this early in May (my son was making his First Communion on 5/3 and my goal was to have it done by then). I didn't donate the old books -they were cheapos from Walmart. I did pull out the page protectors and made a Memorobilia notebook from those and kept the screws as well as I can always use them for mini books. I'm amazed at HOW many layouts you have. I was really into the mini book thing for a while so I have FIVE baskets (and two are the large, large ones) filled with mini books. Since I moved everything into Things We Do, All About Us, People We Love, Places We Go and three albums that are specifically for each child, I am scrapping so much more and all 12 x 12.
    Thanks for sharing what you did and answering questions. Great ideas. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Mary says…

    I just want to leave a comment to say how helpful I find these types of posts. There is so much great content; this is information I can really use. You have put so much time into this - I can tell by all the feedback that it's very much appreciated!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. iowajewel says…

    this is for D'Nese and her question for other scrappers, "would you continue to scrapbook if no one else was interested in your books?
    "yes, 100% yes! i scrapbook for me first, others 2nd. my daughter is the only one who ever asks to look at my books, others will look if i open one and put it in front of them! thats ok, i need to tell my story, that is what is important to me. i get great joy and satisfaction when i have finished a page. someday when i am gone, others (like my husband and future grandkids) will look at my books and learn things about me that they never knew and that will be enough for me. i will live on through my pages. that is one reason that journaling is so important to me. hope this helps, julie

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Melissa says…

    Ali, I have to say this is amazing. I would have questions come up while reading and I have to say you answered them all. I switched to AC Albums and love them hands down. Now I just need to fill them all :)
    Thank you so much!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Linn says…

    Thanks for showing the current stage of the process. I love how you put the circle tags on the side but didn't use string to hang them. It looks so clean and modern (am I surprised?) It's looking great.
    I did the same shortly after you started and have mine sorted in black AC albums (figured these would be the easiest to color match later if they ever get discontinued!) with a modified Library of Memories system. I have Things We Do, which is pretty much everything except random pages (sort of chronological) of People We Love (including a whole separate album for cousins), and Places We Go (being only long trips of a day or more that aren't in mini albums). While sorting my old pages I realized I'd like a whole separate album for things we do a lot (beach, Angel's games, Disneyland) so that I can see our story at each of these places over time. Each of my boys has 4 albums from 0-2, at which point their individual pages are in the the family album. I have a very small pile of pages showing our personality traits and relationships, which I'm going to put in a Who We Are album (instead of All About Us). Sorting this way definitely showed me what type of pages I'm lacking. I'm focusing more on personality and relationship pages now that I know I don't have many of them!
    Thanks for all the great Q&A.

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Irene says…

    WOW, Ali I am so impressed by the line up of your albums. And thanks for the Q&A. I had lots of questions, but now they are all answered.

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Trina says…

    RE: CM albums: I would love all my albums to coordinate. But they don't. I have used CM for years and love them. I will start buying the TRUE 12x12 when I finally use up my old ones. But I also have some other albums I want to use. When/if I decide to convert to a different type of album I woudl never cut up my CM albums...there is SOOOO much money invested in that. I will just pick a good ending point in our lives and start the new albums with that. For example: end of a season or event.
    I love the AC binder albums too and wouldn't mind trying one of them soon. But I like the side-loading feature of CM.

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Monica says…

    What an absolutely amazing much great info!
    In regards to the question about CM albums, I started transferring mine out a year or so ago to post-bound albums after much research and was really never happy with the quality or how they even looked on the shelves. I just don't understand not having a spine. LOL I've just recently decided to switch back to CM true-fit albums and absolutely love them. I keep saying it's like coming home again and I'm so happy with that decision.
    Scrapping non-chronilogically was so freeing for me and I continue to do this. But I still file in date order (one year per album) so the CM albums work beautifully for me.
    I love how you label your albums...would love to know how some people are labeling their CM ones. Will need to work on that process. Yours look great on your shelves!
    Thanks for the continued inspiration!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Olivia says…

    Ali, that was really lovely of you to answer all those questions. Thank you for what you bring to the scrapbooking community and for sharing your life like you do. I really enjoy sitting at the computer at breakfast with my COFFEE and checking in on your blog. Helps me wake up happy!!!! Bless You Ali.

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Michelle Jacquemet says…

    Wow, I really enjoyed reading through that Q&A!
    I did have my layouts in creative memories albums until two or so months ago. I read about the American Crafts albums here on your blog and decided that I wanted to make the switch. It wasn't easy, but well worth the effort. I only had one album though. The hardest part was dealing with the pages being adhered to the album and that they were missing 1/4".

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Traci Smith says…

    Wow Ali! You have given us a lot of information and links here! Thanks for the time you put into this. It must have taken you just as long to answer these posts as it did to organize your albums! Much appreciated and I will walk away with lots of ideas!

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  25. dr berry says…

    Great questions- great answers!! Thanks for ALL the info.
    I started with Creative Memories too. Instead of attempting to to switch all my albums I did what you suggested. I finished my last CM album then started with another type.
    FYI- Creative Memories has now gone to a true 12X12 size albums & papers. They have some really cool new goodies. You should check'm out.
    No- I'm not a consultant, but I did sleep in my own bed last night. hee hee

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