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Rounded Or Square?

I haven't had a ton of time to catch up (no guilt about this) on Project Life® recently but I did print out a bunch of photos from some of our adventures last week. I've been trying to print them out at the same time as I edit the photos for my blog posts - you know, that whole "one touch" thing (vs. doing one thing now and then having to come back to them all over again to print).

Which brought me to this thought: all along I've been rounding the corners. I like the look of rounded corners. 

But I might be tired or rounding them. I'm thinking about not caring about that anymore (or doing it sometimes and not other times) and wondering if I can be cool with a mix of rounded cards and square photos and REALLY who cares if they are rounded or not or a mix. 

So today's question to you: square, rounded, or a mix? 

Hope you have an awesome weekend. I'm super excited that the Story Stamps™ will start shipping next week and I can't wait to start telling stories with many of you in the member community. 

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146 thoughts

  1. mtercha says…

    Sometimes I round them (manually, I don't have a punch), but I'm only doing layouts. I like both, but if I have more then 1photo in a layout they are all rounded or all left alone. Have a nice weekend. Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. mariangeles_spain says…

    Square :)

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  3. klamb67 says…

    I tend to do a mix. Having a mix on one side of the page doesn't bother me, however when I use a rounded card on one side of a pocket and then slip in a photo or card with square edges on the back side of the pocket, that does bother me. Then I do contemplate rounding the square edges.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. bytesprite says…

    I mix it up. It depends on the cards I used on the previous page. I use a combo of the Studio Calico and Becky Higgins Card kits and some are rounded and some are squared. I focus more on the card message and design when making my page. So if I used a rounded in the pocket on the previous page, then I round of the card in that pocket on the next. I end up with the mix. I like the contrast really.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Karen514 says…

    Rounded; a mix on one page does bother me, but I'm not sure why. I contemplate a mix page by page sometimes, but always end up rounding them.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. 2GenMom says…

    I mix it up in the album but never on the same layout.

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  7. TaraMcK says…

    I used to round everything now I do a mix of both. I prefer the straight edges to round now but doesnt matter I just go with what I have and mix it all in.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. scrapfin1 says…

    I always use rounded, I just like the look better.

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  9. kristigsb says…

    I use Becky Higgins cards so they're all rounded. My pictures are square. It doesn't bother me at all. My purpose is to get the stories written and the pages done. My kids & husband have never complained about the different corners of course and it's just faster that way.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. blueyedscrapper says…

    For my PL pages, I prefer rounded edges; for my layouts, usually square, although I have rounded my corners.....I just prefer the rounded edges, it makes them softer, I guess.

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  11. lkfisher says…

    Rounded them for the past 4 years and just decided it doesn't really matter and it takes extra time. So square!

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  12. suzq910 says…

    I round everything except when I have a photo that takes up more than one pocket, I do not round the inner corners which would be in the interior of the photo. I just really really like the look of the rounded corners!

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  13. nensiedepensie says…

    I use pocket page protectors also for 'regular' scrapbook layouts. For that, I keep them square. If it's rounded, it's PL.

    That is, for now. I could very well be tired of rounding those corners soon too.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. postitnotes says…

    I like both - I'm with you in that I get sick of using my punch sometimes to round out the corners. No worries, I just move on...

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. irenespie says…

    I mix everything up. For me it's all about your phrase: embrace imperfection. Some cards are rounded and some square. I leave them as they are. Only The front and back in one pocket stay the same. Bye Irene

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. littlelamm says…

    I mix it up. I don't round my photo corners. But I will round some cards. I have no rhyme or reason.

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  17. Inkfanatic says…

    I used to round picture corners, to match my PL cards...and one day realized I felt annoyed at doing it. I guess I found it a tedious task that I was holding myself to, for consistency's sake, in a year long album.
    Since then, I've embraced the mix! And I'm completely happy with it! I think I actually like the variety. It doesn't bother me, nor do I even notice anymore, when I happen to use a square pic behind a rounded card (same pocket). 'Going with the flow' and lovin' it!

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  18. FChopp says…

    I love rounded but find myself doing a mix of both, depends on the picture or journal card and whether it lends itself to rounding.

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. baersgarten says…

    first PL year (2011) was all square. 2012 was mixed. 2013 and 2014 rounded. I am no help at all LOL

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  20. Maxpuppy says…

    When I began PL in 2011, all corners were rounded. Last year I left them the corners square and this year they are a mix of the two.

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  21. meegs says…

    Rounded! I love the look of rounded corners. I'll admit that I like the look of the square corners on others' pages, and I keep thinking I should try a mix..... and then I end up rounding everything. I do sometimes leave one or two of the corners square-- either to match something else on the page or if there is a word too close to the corner or something, and I really like that look.

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. laura_g_ says…

    I do both and it looks great! I often wondered why the Project Life cards were rounded and some people take the time to round their pics...this is supposed to be a QUICK way to get the pictures in an album...
    BTW, when will we be seeing some December Daily plans? :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. AWilliams says…

    I have a mix of rounded and square corners. I just started adding a border to my prints and love the clean lines but when you round those corners the photograph looks funny. So if I am adding a border I leave them square.

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  24. flibbertigibbet says…

    You are so funny, Ali. When I first start PL (a mere three months ago) I was adamant about NOT having rounded corners. To me, rounded corners isolated the elements from each other rather than unifying as a connected design. Recently though, I couldn't resist some of the cards with rounded corners and have since changed my tune. In the grand scheme of things, does it really matter if the corners are rounded or not or *gasp* a mix? I think not.

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  25. Joelaw says…

    Square. I don't understand why BH has to round the corners. I think square would be better - then if you like them rounded you can round it! I don't mind the rounded mixed with my square but I don't like not being given the option. I mostly like the square look and I like that it fills in the entire space of the pocket.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. JoTeves says…

      This is what I think too. If cards are left unrounded people have a choice. Personally, I prefer square.

    2. saubry718 says…

      I absolutely agree. I prefer to have the option. :-/

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