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One Little Word 2012 | The Reading Of The Words

I'm so excited to have Liz Lamoreux join me again this year for a reading of the words. You can hear her read the 2011 list here.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Click here to listen to the reading of the words.

Liz is a dear friend, a wonderful retreat leader, and a jewelry designer. Check out her beautiful collection of soul mantras and other stories in her etsy shop. She made a new one for me this year (I like the locket style) that I'm adding to my necklace from last year.

Registration is still open for One Little Word (and will remain open throughout the year). The simple premise is to make your word more visible for you throughout the year with a single, focused creative prompt at the beginning of each month. Joining up is not a huge time commitment over the course of the year and you don't have to be into scrapbooking to participate.

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34 thoughts

  1. Anya says…

    Thank you so much for sharing! Her tone of voice is just perfect for that long list of inspiration. I really enjoyed it.

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  2. Janet White says…

    What a powerful list. Thank you, Liz, for giving them life in your voice. Thank you, Ali, for gathering them together. Great way to start the day!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Ginger Watson says…

    This post today from Father Richard Rohr seemed like it was written for you because of its amazing use of the word "up" :


    Unless you let the truth of life teach you on its own terms, unless you develop some concrete practices for recognizing and overcoming your dualistic mind, you will remain in the first half of life forever—as most humanity has up to now. In the first half of life, you cannot work with the imperfect, nor can you accept the magic sense of life, which finally means that you cannot love anything or anyone at any depth. Nothing is going to change in history as long as most people are merely dualistic, either-or thinkers. Such splitting and denying leaves us at the level of mere information.

    Whole people see and create wholeness wherever they go; split people see and create splits in everything and everybody. We are meant to see in wholes and no longer just in parts. Yet we get to the whole by falling down into the messy parts—so many times, in fact, that we long and thirst for the wholeness and fullness of all things, including ourselves. I promise you this unified field is the only and lasting meaning of up.

    Adapted from Falling Upward: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life,
    pp. 150-151

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Kasha Gage says…


      Thank you for sharing that excerpt! Like so many of you other amazing women out there, 2011 was a difficult year. Reading the words,
      "Yet we get to the whole by falling down into the messy parts—so many times, in fact, that we long and thirst for the wholeness and fullness of all things, including ourselves," I found a sense of comfort. Like Ali, after last year - I feel that the only way to go from here is UP!

  4. Pidgen says…

    i was too impatient to listen to the whole list last year -- but this year, i listened. and learned. thank you for doing this again!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. michele says…

    "Venture" didn't make the list....that is my word this year. Venture beyond what is comfortable...take some risks.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Louise says…

    Thank you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Wendy O. says…

    I love Liz's voice. So peaceful!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. jenn shurkus says…

    i love it ali ;) thank you for sharing!!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Omprakash says…

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  9. Lourdes says…

    I really like how you can hear the laughter/joy in her voice when she reads "bathroom".

    My word believe is already on the list and just 4 days into the new year it has already come through for me with the most interesting phone call yesterday.

    Thanks for the this reading! I enjoyed it.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Amanda says…

    For the past couple of years I've read blogs of people who have chosen one little word. I really liked the concept but couldn't see myself doing it. But lately, I find myself focusing on certain words to get me through. I tried choosing one word but wasn't able to choose just one. 2012 is a year where I need two words: hope and joy. I wrote about them here:

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Immi says…

    Loved listening to the list. Thanks!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Trina says…

    Hey Ali--was wondering if your readers are able to go back & see some of your original blog posts from when you first started? If so, how? Thanks!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      When I updated the site (and moved from Typepad to Wordpress) all the older posts were put into categories. There's currently not a way to go back and read all the posts in order from the beginning. If there's a particular topic that interests you I'd click on the categories (look to the left of the page near the top for the pull-down menu). The "blog" has it's own set of categories as does the "projects blog."

  13. Chris H says…

    One Little Word..Thank you Ali for your guidance, inspiration, motivation. This concept gives me guidance.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Brenda Brown says…

    Hi Ali, I was thinking about your word 'up' and thought of 'Ali up' as a play on words for the basketball term 'alley oop'. It says to me to look up And jump. Just in case you find yourself down. Maybe it will lift you. Cheers, Brenda

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Gabriella says…

    What an absolutely perfect word choice. Never even thought of it but fitting it could be for so many people--"UP." Great idea.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Choosing my WORD for 2012 | Ann-Margaret's Visions says…

    [...] decide soon.  I think I have until February 1st to make it concrete…if going along with Ali Edwards fun site.  Good, a little more time…because right now I’m still a little divided as to [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Lisa R says…

    This was really neat, Ali. Thanks for posting this.
    Also, my daughter and I were watching Uptown Girls and at the end they said something that really resonated with me:
    "Every story has an ending. But in life, every ending is just a new beginning".

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Bev says…

    By Word for this Year is Hope

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Becky P. says…

    I enjoyed this and couldn't wait to hear my word :) Thank you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Shelly VanWormer says…

    Ali, I thought you might enjoy this post about what she does with her OLW.

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Clarice says…

    I really love "The reading of the words"!
    I accessed the post of the last year to hear Liz reading my Portuguese word (conviver) and I loved her laughing after reading the word. These words are music to the ears!

    Thanks, Ali and Liz!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Samber says…

    Ali. I love the way your mind works. My word for 2012 is 'cheer'. Read about it here:

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Michelle says…
    Reply 0 Replies
  24. 2012 My One Word « Bab's Blog says…

    [...] Ali Edwards is sort of a scrapbooking rock star.  I’ve learned alot about journaling, art and seeing my world, just a little differently from her. [...]

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. My “one little word” for 2012 « « Utah Mama Utah Mama says…

    [...] more preferred way to approach New Year’s Resolutions is a tradition I found on Ali Edwards a few years ago. Instead of (or alongside) New Year’s Resolutions, I select a word. “One [...]

    Reply 0 Replies

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