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Week In The Life : Wednesday


The morning begins with the perfect yellow breakfast blanket, bagel, & OJ.


Sometimes the dishes remain from the night before.


Often he needs his "crazy hair" sprayed with water and brushed before he heads off to school. Dad is good at this but Simon never likes it.


If she is up she loves to be up on the couch to see him off to school.


Her current carry-around & snuggly loves.


Sometimes he takes care of those morning-after dishes. Lily is never far if someone is doing just about anything in the kitchen.


She was helping me again today.


She plays. Takes them out & puts them back in & sneaks them into her mouth. Sometimes a mark is made in the coloring book.


Laundry. Again.


Up from her one and only nap of the day. Just about an hour.


Sometimes he works from home too. Anna likes to help campaign.


Lunch for her.


Lunch for me.


Back from school. Lego time. Anna and I spent some time in his room today - her pulling things out and me working on organizing the legos. Current organization idea is by color in small plastic drawers (smaller than the ones he is kneeling next too - those there will be for bigger pieces). When something comes up with our childcare I often end up organizing toys, going through clothes, etc.




Love this too.


They play. They chase. They giggle and screech.


She pokes.


Heading to a late afternoon & dinner meeting.


Dinner @ 5pm. We are early eaters.


Baked potato, cheese, & broccoli.


After her bath. She's in bed most nights by 6:30pm.


Watching the popcorn pop.


Wednesday was a challenging day for me.

I think I usually have a harder time on Wednesdays with this project. The initial excitement has started to ware off and I have to constantly remind myself to grab the camera.

On top of that our babysitter unable to make it today (jury duty) - making it two days so far this week that I have been "not working" in my official professional capacity...instead "working" in my Mama capacity.

Know that my life is full of ups and downs and ins and outs and grumpiness and dirty diapers and laundry and dishes and whining and spills (and laughter and goodness and more blessings than I can count). The realities of being a work-at-home parent and working out the balancing act of kids and work and childcare and expectations with a working spouse can definitely be a challenge. This is all part of my everyday life. 

As I was ending my day I came across this quote from Emerson:

Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.

HA! Seriously. I needed a big time attitude adjustment.

So Hello Thursday! I am welcoming you with open arms and a "spirit too high to be encumbered."


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170 thoughts

  1. radish says…

    If nothing else this is a exercise on the timer. I have gotten some hilarious photos. Everywhere I go, I tell people about this project. I am treating it like a world class project and tell them so. People stare back at me and nod their heads in agreement. Yes, this is something you should be doing. All except for the woman who said, "who is thing project for?"

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Angela Chong says…

    Love that yellow blanket breakfast picture. LOL! Kids!

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  3. Marta says…

    I really wish I had done this - I have wanted to do this for a long time but never have taken the time. I am thinking I will start my "week" in May. I have really been enjoying watching your progress and photos. Thanks for the inspiration!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Rachelle S. says…

    I have that Emerson quote printed to my computer screen! I think I got it from Rebecca Sower's blog ions ago~ love it! : ) Totally understand the working parent thing... it's tough. Happy thursday!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Nita says…

    Something (or some things) about this post really touched me. Perhaps it's realizing I'm not the only one to have last night's dishes still in the sink. Or maybe that we all have tough days. And it was certainly that quote. Thanks for reminding me that life is in the ordinary.

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  6. Ann says…

    Ali-thank you so much for inspiring us all to do this! I learned how to use the self timer on my SLR and used it once yesterday before heading to work! I've got to say that my job as a pediatric OT doesn't leave me many photo opportunities during the day (at work there are privacy issues-I captured the time clock, my desk with a stack of charts, and the fact that I forgot to change out of my slippers and into shoes when I went to work!). I had to give my hubby and 13 y/o a photo assignment yesterday to document the orthodontic appt they went to. But I did get some photos of my stops after work! Planning on taking my camera back to work on Friday and capturing us therapists at eating lunch in the cafeteria, a treatment room with all the fun suspended equipment up for a treatment and I think I might ask one of my parents if I could have a picture of her son and I doing treatment.
    BTW---I am loving your quotes!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Ann says…

    Ohhhhh and I REALLY LOVE that photo of her watching the bus...what a story it tells!

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  8. Liz says…

    Thanks so much for the inspiration. You are extremely talented and I look forward to continue learning from you.

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  9. TracieClaiborne says…

    Your husband is so handsome. I love seeing a peek into your life. I want to do this next week, I'm just watching your progress and taking it all in. Thanks for taking the time to share all this!

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  10. Stacy says…

    I'm a quote collector. This one is a keeper! Love that you keep it real, Ali. You still managed to capture some great memories even if your day was less than stellar. My favorites today: Dishes in the sink from the night before (that happens here quite often)...Popping popcorn the old-fashioned way (we do this too)...Buzz Lightyear in Simon's room (My ds is almost a teen and still has the same toy in his room). You know, when I first read about this project of yours I thought it was neat, but not for me. I'm now rethinking things. This 'Week-in-the-Life documenting is a really wonderful thing. Happy Thursday!

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  11. Yolanda says…

    Just this morning I stared at my sink of unwashed dishes with my camera in hand. And I didn’t take a picture of it. I was embarrassed. I was feeling small. I was thinking about all the things I don’t manage to get done every day. I was telling myself how ridiculous my WITL album was going to look with all my imperfections—clutter, lazy housekeeping, a tendency toward agoraphobia—and then I come here and see you laying it all out on the table. Not just in the privacy of your family album, but for the public to see. And the lessons for me are many. Thank you for all the teaching you do, in action and by example.

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  12. Kelly says…
    04/22/2010 are such an inspiration! I am always wow-ed by your authenticity...your willingness to share so much of yourself with us...your fans!!! Thanks!

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  13. Wendi says…

    Every day this week I look forward to your pictures and your entries. You are so real and I love to see that. I so want to do this project as it is so insightful. Thank you for your website, for keeping it real and for letting us see into your life. As stay at home, work at home Moms it is never easy, but it is so worth it to be able to be there with our children while they are still young. So I totally love your quote from Emerson. I think that I need to copy that and post it somewhere. Know that you are not alone on these days, we are there with you in the trenches, dealing with the daily, and glad to know that others are doing it to. Who ever came up with the idea that Moms who are at home sit around all day in perfectly manicured homes watching TV and eating Bon Bons????? Have a beautiful day. :) Blessings

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  14. jodi says…

    I can feel "your day!"
    Please tell what little Anna is having for lunch (I am always looking for suggestions for my 10 month old now that she's into real food - no more baby food!)
    And where did you get that shower curtain - love it!

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  15. chantal says…

    Love the way you make this project. I think I will do that once.
    Simon looks realy like a little Chris by the way.

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  16. Baggsy says…

    Thank you for sharing the picture of all the dishes from the night before! My kitchen was the same this morning and I didn't want to photograph it.
    When I saw your picture it reminded me to capture ALL the little things that make our homes what they are. Not just the pretty, tidy bits but the stuff that says "five people live here and sometimes life IS messy" I feel some journaling about my constant struggle to deal with the mess coming on!
    Thanks for the inspiring project. I've captured so many fleeting moments in our everyday that I would surely have forgotten had I not been looking for them.

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  17. wendy says…

    Was going strong but I have been deflated by a husband that is cringing every time he see me with the camera out. So now I find I am only taking photos when he's not around. So envious of all those with husbands that are joining in and actually taking some photos. Anyone else having this issue? I'm also doing Project Life and that's what started it. He's tired of me always grabbing the camera and now the kids are following suit and complaining as well. Almost ready to give up.

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  18. jung a says…

    hey ali!
    i am loving your WITLO photos and posts. i have decided to do just a day in the life of today (one of our last few as a family of 3), and saving my WITLO for when we bring a new baby home in July. I was trying to remember what our few weeks were like as new parents 4 years ago when we brought our daughter home, and sad to say...i really don't remember much. so, i'm hoping i won't be too tired, and i'll be able to document our first few days as a family of 4.
    thanks for the inspiration!

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  19. Amy says…

    I love that you had dishes in your sink from the night before. I still haven't decided to do a week in a life yet. Still trying to be brave enough to get it accomplished. Have a great Thursday.

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  20. Amy says…

    I hear you on the work from home/daycare situation. I am in a similar situation but not the same working profession. Not always easy to balance everything.

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  21. fatspagetti says…

    You always make me look at ordinary life in such a nice way. Thanks.

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  22. Jana says…

    I'm really turning on the photos today - after 2 days at work at OSU doing a couple of consumer panels. Took a few pics of my job there - using the self timer + of some of my fav student co-workers, but today I'm trying to capture our real routine, since I usually work from home & so does my husband. Too much on the to-do list today to get ready for an upcoming art show in Charbonneau Saturday, but am hoping to remember to stop & capture some of the prep. Really looking forward to documenting the art show though! So fun to be participating and love seeing your photos from each day this week too! Thanks for sharing and thanks for the terrific quotes too - fun to see how you're using them.

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  23. Erin says…

    That's funny Julia, because my grocery store made me put my camera away. No photos allowed inside!
    I just blogged today about the progress I've made so far. Just over 200 pictures and lots of stuff saved for the baseball card page protectors. What a fabulous project this is. Thank you, Ali!

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  24. Elke from Germany says…

    Thank you for all thoose nice photos! I love your Photos, Ali!!!

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  25. Steffani says…

    I LOVE, LOVE the picture of Anna lookig out the window at the bus!

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